Summary: | The book Derechos humanos y TIC: herramientas para la construcción de aprendizajes de paz, which bears the same name as the project carried out by the Virtual Educational Environments Research Group (AVE) and the Knowledge Management and Technology for University Development Cooperation Group (E-CUD), analyses the educational software that contribute as tools for peace building and peaceful conflict resolution, and presents an experience in an English classroom with the development of the same theme. This work is one of the results of the research project of the AVE Research Group of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, in cooperation with the Grupo Gestión y Tecnología del Conocimiento para la Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo (E-CUD) of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. Its aim is to analyse issues that contribute to the construction of peace, although it is important to make it clear that peace is not built by decree nor does it obey a task that must be fulfilled, since the initial requirement for talking about peace is to start from the context and, in the case of the project in question, it must be borne in mind that peace cannot be learned or resolved with lectures or conferences, but that it is necessary to search for strategies that are integrated with human rights. This is the approach taken in the project and is evident in this book. Educational software as a didactic strategy that contributes to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) makes it possible to make known, through freedom of expression and access to information, the rights enshrined in the Magna Carta of Colombia, which, among other rights, enshrines the right to freely express ideas and opinions, in this case of the different educational communities, as a result of the communicative processes, debates or socialisations that take place in educational institutions. The implementation of ICTs in the Peace Lecture, as mediating tools in the learning processes, makes strategies for peace-building and the reconstruction of historical memory and the armed social conflict visible in these institutions. Now, considering the main objective of the project, which was to provide tools for the construction of peace learning based on human rights and ICTs, it was possible to use ICTs as pedagogical material that allowed educational institutions to develop a proposal for the Peace Lecture and thus make known some achievements, such as the work done on human rights and their role in the post-conflict in Colombia, as a strategy to help counteract situations of violence from the classroom.