Summary: | The book IMAGINARIOS ESCOLARES SOBRE EL BICENTENARIO DE LA INDEPENDENCIA AMERICANA (School imaginaries on the bicentennial of the American independence) in the Normal Schools of the Cundiboyacense region (2009-2019) is the result of the research project “School Imaginaries on the bicentennial of American independence, in Normal Schools, Cundiboyacense region (2019)”. To honor the tradition, it must be said that the references in this work date back to 1992, regarding the ancestral imaginaries on the encounter between two worlds. A second moment is dedicated to the theme of the bicentennials of independence (2009-2019) in the Cundiboyacense region of Colombia.
The book is structured in two parts; first, Lina Parra, Miryam Báez and Carmen Elvira Semanate analyze the context of education policies that have influenced the Normal Schools. Marlén Rátiva Velandia reviews the socio-cultural educational environment of the Cundiboyacense region and presents the Normal Schools as centres for teacher training. Nubia Yaneth Gómez, Diana Elvira Soto, Alba Lorena Ballesteros and Sandra Liliana Bernal address the issue of education for the Colombianrural population. Fredy Yesid Mesa and Diana Carolina Pulido offer a characterization of the Higher Normal Schools.
The second part of the book refers specifically to the imaginaries on the independence and the teaching processes. José Pascual Mora García, José del Carmen Correa Alfonso and Diego Eduardo Naranjo Patiño concentrate their efforts on the presentation of the “Social Imaginaries on the Bicentennial. A look at the contributions of the research groups HISULA-ILAC, 2018-2020”. For their part, Claudia Figueroa and Marlén Rativa Velandia focus on the teaching-learning methodologies of Normal Schools that will influence the shaping of social imaginaries. The book comes to an end with the work on “The school imaginary in the framework of the American independence, Cundiboyacense region (2009-2019)” by Diana Elvira Soto, NubiaGómez, Justo Cuño Bonito, José Molina and Pablo Bacca.
The research correlates, in a comparative way, the results of the workshops and surveys applied in the years 2009 and 2019. This great effort is a work of book synthesis, in which the texts of the publishers that, in the year 2019, were monopolized by the Santillana publishing house, whose influence extends throughout Latin America. However, in 2019, the greatest impact on the bicentennial subject in public schools was evidenced in Internet searches in urban schools and, of course, television played an important role as the main means of communication that reaches all sectors of the population and affects the behavior and shapes social imaginaries.