Summary: | This book is written based on the experience that the authors have gathered during their professional practice, both in the formulation and direction of public investment projects, and in the academic exercise of teaching in the classroom.
The book takes the reader, step by step through the process of formulating a public investment project; from problem identification to evaluation; integrating the criteria that the National Planning Department - DNP proposes for its processes, with the techniques that the Project Management Institute - PMI recommends for the definition of scope, time and cost.
In the first chapter, the concepts of projects and their different phases are analyzed, comparing those determined by the DNP with those established by the PMI. In this way, the reader is provided with the necessary theoretical elements to start theformulation process.
The second chapter develops in two parts the proposed process to formulate a public investment project. It begins by taking a preliminary diagnosis as a starting point, which the formulating team must carry out, before addressing the situation it wants to resolve. From this point, the authors use the logical framework methodology to guide the analysis of stakeholders and problems, together with identification of objectives, the selection of solution alternatives, definition of indicators, ending with the identification of assumptions and risks.
In the second part of chapter two, the authors use the PMI techniques to prepare the solution alternative. They start with the Work Breakdown Structure and from this determine the scope, schedule and execution costs. Finally, supported by the methods proposed by the DNP, the book provides the reader with mechanisms to estimate income and benefits, prepare cash flow and calculate useful profitability indicators for financial evaluation.
The book closes with the conclusions of the authors and a series of recommendations that are made to the reader to carry out a successful formulation process.