Summary: | This article aims to analyze and compare the role played by the State in the planning and conditioning of the territory for the deployment of extractive activities, and the tensions of the implementation of the neo-developmentalist strategy in the global context of neoliberal advance. Are considered as cases of analysis the soybean activity in the province of Chaco, the open-pit metalliferous mining in Catamarca and the development of unconventional hydrocarbons in the province of Neuquén, between 2003 and 2015. Both the regulatory framework and the projects and works carried out for each case and from the different levels of the national, provincial and municipal State are reviewed, and continuities and ruptures are identified in the modality of State intervention, both in its role as mediator of conflicting interests and demands and from the development of the regulatory framework and the execution of infrastructures. Among the results and conclusions, the protagonism of the national State stands out in the processes of territorial conditioning in articulation with the provincial levels, as well as in the construction of the project agenda. In this sense, it was observed that the interventions carried out prioritized the operational needs of the activities analyzed in infrastructure for the development of extractive activities and, to a lesser extent, those of the local communities.