Summary: | The time frame of this research is between 1915, when Luis Enrique Osorio published his first work, and 1930 when he finished La novela semanal [Weekly Novel] as its editor. That is why this paper studies Osorio’s points of view as an author, but also as an editor during this period. The theory of the cultural transfer by Michel Espagne and Juan Zapata –and the concept of “staging by the author” coined by Jérôme Meizoz are applied here to recognize the ways Osorio considered to build his position as an author and as an editor in Colombia. This study contributes also to appreciate Osorio’s insertion in the Colombian cultural stage in the first half of the XX century. The result shows up the failure by Osorio to set a right position up as a prestigious author and editor as he wanted –no matter his juvenile cultural network mobility, his participation in national an foreign recognized cultural printed journals, and his relationship with important Latin-American authors-editors-and scholars.