Summary: | Professor Nilce Ariza Barbosa developed a great pedagogical task in favor of the most abandoned communities. The article –from a life history perspective– aims to recreate her life and work, as an integral teacher. Her deeply humanistic educational approaches characterized her as a defender of human rights, especially peace and women's rights. His career demonstrated an articulation between praxis and theory, in the line of Orlando Fals Borda of Participatory Research-Action. The article explores several of his academic contributions on economic and sociological issues, as well as his life experience of struggles that led to contradictions, which he came out with and left his mark. The defense of human rights, education for peace, impeccable ethics and responsibility management were emblems of his exemplary life. Unfortunately, a surprising illness caused his death on August 20, 2020 in the midst of the most virulent pandemic that humanity has suffered in the last century. In memoriam.