Summary: | In this paper we study the immersion of a non-local commutative ring with unity R into a direct productof fields. In the product of quotient fields defined by the maximal ideals of R. The ring homomorphismϕ from R into direct product of quotient fields is defined by the universal property of the direct product.Let Kerϕ be the kernel of ϕ, then Kerϕ = J (R), with J (R) is the Jacobson radical of the ring R. IfJ (R) = {0}, the ring homomorphism is injective in the infinite case and in the finite case, we will proof ϕis an isomorphism. In addition, we consider R a total ring of fractions with finite number of maximal idealsand will show that the ring homomorphism from R into a direct product of localizations is injective. Evenmore, if R have the form Zn, with n ̸= 0, or R is a finite dimensional K−algebra with field K, we have thatthis ring homomorphism is an isomorphism.