Summary: | This article is part of a documentary review of other studies that address the issue of generalities of educational problems in Panama, Colombia and America. For this reason, it is established as an objective to understand, from a theoretical-conceptual framework, supports that generate an idea about the various problems at the educational gap level that are being presented in contexts such as that of the countries in question. The theoretical methods used were the analysis-synthesis, induction, and as a method the documentary and bibliographic review in which secondary data were used. This gave rise to the main constructs established at the structural, methodological and results levels. As results, a sequence of inquiries about the central axis of the article was obtained. In this way, it is concluded that there are shortcomings at the level of policies, plans, programs and projects that give rise to better educational scenarios from the different levels and projected needs in the schools and institutions of the targeted nations. In short, several studies were found in which an approach is made to the quality situation in Colombia, related to the great inequality gap.