Morphological Characterization of Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Moran in the Province of Lengupá / Morphological Characterization of Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Moran in the Province of Lengupá

AbstractThe yellow pitahaya, Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Moran, is considered an exotic fruit and is an essential product for the horticulture sector with significant demand mainly due to its flavor, appearance, quality, and nutrapharmaceutical properties. In addition, it has mark...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Morillo Coronado, Ana Cruz
Format: Online
Published: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia 2016
Online Access:
Summary:AbstractThe yellow pitahaya, Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Moran, is considered an exotic fruit and is an essential product for the horticulture sector with significant demand mainly due to its flavor, appearance, quality, and nutrapharmaceutical properties. In addition, it has marketing potential, both domestically and internationally. Boyacá has pioneered the domestic production of pitahaya, which is why the present study aimed to identify the genetic variability that exists in the municipalities that produce it in the province of Lengupá with a morphological characterization of 25 materials using 27 descriptors, of which 18 were quantitative and 9 were qualitative, for the phylloclades and fruits. A principal components analysis was used to determine the principal morphological characteristics that allowed for differentiation of the materials: rib width (RW),  height of the undulations between successive areolas in a rib (UH), fruit length (FL), fruit width (FWI), length of the longest apex bract (LAB), equatorial bract length (LEB), fruit weight (FW), peel weight (PW), pulp/peel ratio (PPR), soluble solids (SS), fruit shape (FS). The heirarchical cluster analysis resulted in four groups that corresponded to where the materials were collected. The genetic diversity of these materials was higher than that reported in other studies of the yellow pitahaya in this country, but it is necessay to create alternatives for increasing this diversity and effeciaently using it in conservation and breeding programs.  ResumenLa pitahaya amarilla, Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Moran, es un frutal exótico, con un interesante potencial de mercado tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar la variabilidad genética existente en los municipios productores de la provincia de Lengupá, para lo cual se realizó la caracterización morfológica en 25 materiales genéticos, usando 27 descriptores de los cuales 18 eran caracteres cuantitativos y 9 cualitativos para filocladodios y frutos. El análisis de componentes principales determinó que los principales caracteres morfológicos discriminantes de variabilidad son: ancho de las costillas (ANC), altura de las ondulaciones entre aréolas sucesivas en una costilla (ALON), largo defruto (LFR), ancho del fruto (AFR9, longitud de la bráctea más larga del ápice (LBA), longitud de brácteas ecuatoriales (LBE), peso del fruto (PFR), peso de la cáscara (PCA), relación cáscara/pulpa RCP, sólidos  solubles SS, forma del fruto (FFR). El análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos permitió la formación de cuatro grupos de acuerdo con el sitio donde fueron colectados los materiales genéticos. Existe diversidad genética en la pitahaya amarilla la cual debe ser utilizada en programas de mejoramiento genético