Summary: | This study evaluated the physical attributes of Humic Cambisol cultivated with onion in a no-tillage system (NTSV) and conventional tillage system (CTS), as compared to a secondary forest. The treatments consisted of the use of cover crops, alone and intercropped in an agroecological onion NTSV for six years, in randomized blocks with five replications: spontaneous vegetation, 100% oats; 100% rye; 100% wild radish; intercropping of wild radish (14%) and rye (86%); and intercropping of wild radish (14%) and oats (86%). We also evaluated an onion cultivation area under CTS for ±38 years and a forest area (secondary forest for ±31 years). Undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-5, 05-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm, and the soil density, total porosity, macro and micropores, mean geometric diameter and mean weighted diameter of aggregates, and volumetric moisture were evaluated. The NTSV increased the aggregation indices, total porosity and volumetric moisture in comparison to the CTS and the aggregation indices in relation to the forest area. Alone and intercropped wild radish with oats and rye improved the soil physical attributes as compared to the CTS.