Summary: | Carolina Andújar is a Colombian writer who has published two gothic novels in the literary field: Vampyr (2009) and Vajda Príncipe Inmortal [Vajda Immortal Prince] (2012). In 2014 she published her third novel of
this same literary genre, called Pie de Bruja [Witch ́s foot]. In this article we would like to show how in this latest literary work (in line with other two literary pieces mentioned) we can describe a typical melodrama which uses different stereotypes. For this purpose, we take into account four moments. Firstly, we offer a summary of the literary piece, necessary for understanding the consequent analysis. In the second place, we contextualize the figure of the vampire in the Western world, Latin America and Colombia; we situate Pie de Bruja in this framework and describe how this Andujarian novel continues the proposal declared by the author from the very beginning. Thirdly, taking into account some of the features of melodrama and the soap opera, we examine to what point Pie de Bruja embraces tradition. Finally, we offer conclusions.