Summary: | This paper aims to reconstruct thehis- torical process of the semester-creditregi- me attmept in the Venezuelansubsystem ofSecondaryEducationbetween1976and 1986 within the framework of theEdu- cational Reform. Here are alsorevealed unknown or little documentedelements related to the developmentalist theoryofeducation and its effective applicationin the Latin American region. Byadapting the method of Social History assynthe- sis history, total history, a wide reviewofdocumentary and bibliographicalsourceswas carried out with the purpose ofdes- cribing the historical process ofeducatio- nal reform; analyzing the process ofplan- ning, implemantation, developmentand cancellation of the semester-creditsche- me attempt within the framework ofthis reform. The relationship betweenEdu- cation and Development in thecontem- porary history of Venezuela wasfinallyassessed and it was possible toconcludethat the semester-credit systemattempt,despite its advantages, led tocomplicate the school administration because ofits regionalist and decentralized nature,and precisely for this reason, it wascanceledby the national administration in thelate eighties of the twentiethcentury.