Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Auxin 4
- Auxina
- Almacenamiento 1
- Alta dilución 1
- Blackberry 1
- Crop fruits 1
- Cultivo de frutas 1
- Domesticación 1
- Domestication 1
- Enraizamiento 1
- Erva-de-touro 1
- Fruits 1
- Frutales 1
- Growth regulators 1
- High dilution 1
- Hormona vegetal 1
- Medicinal plant 1
- Medicinal plants 1
- Mora 1
- Planta medicional 1
- Plantas medicinales 1
- Poscosecha 1
- Postharvest 1
- Reguladores de crecimiento 1
- Rooting 1
- Rubus sp 1
- SB119-124 1
- SB128 1
- SB183-317 1
- Spondias cytherea 1
Use of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in postharvest of cajá-manga (Spondias dulcis)
Published 2020Online -