Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Kalman filter 3
- filtro de Kalman
- Curva de Phillips 1
- NAIRU) 1
- NAIRU. (Phillips curve 1
- business cycles 1
- ciclos económicos 1
- componentes principales 1
- e-health 1
- e-salud 1
- economía regional 1
- indicador líder 1
- inertial sensors 1
- leading indicator 1
- principal components 1
- regional economy 1
- rehabilitación de miembro superior 1
- sensores inerciales 1
- telerehabilitación 1
- telerehabilitation 1
- upper limb rehabilitation 1
Advanced global indicator of short and long term for the economy of Cauca 1960-2014
Published 2016Online