Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- hematita 2
- hematite
- X ray diffraction 1
- anticorrosive pigment 1
- calentamiento 1
- difracción de rayos X 1
- espectroscopia Mössbauer 1
- fases de hierro 1
- heating 1
- iron oxides 1
- mineralogy 1
- mineralogía 1
- phases of iron 1
- pigmento anticorrosivo 1
- residuo siderúrgico 1
- spectroscopy mössbauer 1
- steel industry waste 1
- thermal treatment 1
- tratamiento térmico 1
- óxidos de hierro 1
Evolution of magnetic phases located in Boyacá clays subject to high temperatures
Published 2016Online -