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- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 6
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- medio ambiente 4
- pandemia 4
Promoting the Linguistic Awareness of Teachers in Training. Case Study
Published 2019“…To evaluate our objective we will present an outline of the structure of our materials in terms of contents and activities and the results of the analysis of one of the activities carried out by the students; the one we consider most significant to demonstrate that we have fostered the linguistic awareness of our students. …”
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Condición física funcional y frecuencia de ejecución de actividad física en el adulto mayor de la Caja de Compensacion Familiar- Compensar
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Language learning strategies: a study of learners perceptions
Published 2015“…Datawas collected through interviews, observation and a survey, the findings showed that students had a preference for the activities that involved visual aids and group work, as well as the common use of thememory strategies, especiallywhen they were evaluated.…”
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Anthropotechniques and Homo Ludens Dimension in Higher Education in Colombia 1935-1992
Published 2017“…To do so, emphasis will be placed on the anthropotechnics notion methodological applications in order to illustrate how active training exercises involved production techniques of themselves – psychoanthropotechniques – and of others – social anthropotechniques – in the shaping of a pragmatic ethics at the university level. …”
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La música, aporte innovador para la educación básica
Published 2019“…The present paper is focused on some activities developed by the musical program of the “Licenciatura en Educación Básica” which belongs to the Faculty of Distance Learning at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia regarding the methodology, cross curricular subjects and outreach activities. …”
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La convivencia escolar a través de la danza
Published 2019“…Therefore we had to look for the experience´s level of coexistence between the students through a screening test, that made possible the de- sign of a program of activities that we evaluated by the means of another test. …”
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Spondias tuberosa trees grown in tropical, wet environments are more susceptible to drought than those grown in arid environments
Published 2016“…Our results showed that umbu plants can adjust their antioxidant activity during the dry season as a defensive strategy against the deleterious effects of water stress. …”
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Inhibition of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in yam crops at the Colombian Caribbean using essential oils of Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale
Published 2021“…In the present study, we evaluate in vitro the inhibitory activity of essential oils of Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale against Colletotrichum sp. obtained from yam crops (Toluviejo, Sucre, Colombia). …”
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Effect of biostimulants on dry matter accumulation and gas exchange in plantain plants (Musa AAB)
Published 2019“…The plants treated with Bs had the greatest DM accumulation at the end of the study and a constant, high photosynthetic activity. All the while Bs, Ba and Si managed to stimulate greater early photosynthetic activity. …”
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Perspective of Labor Regulation of Sex Work in Colombia
Published 2019“…Among other aspects is that, Colombian labor law does not have enough elements to regulate the activity. International labor and human rights law is protectionist in a regulation of sex work. …”
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Technological Progress and Economic Inequalities: An Empirical Approach for Colombia (1974-2015)
Published 2022“…However, the incorporation of technological progress is not homogeneous among the different branches of economic activity; therefore, their productivity gains are unequally distributed. …”
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Ethnomathematics for the strengthening of basic operations in piapocos indigenous children.
Published 2022“…Based on the data presented, on the information collected and the stories told by the grandparents and indigenous Piapoco scholars, the great need to generate activities through a didactic sequence that was contextualized to their environment, reality and traditions was evident; because they, in their worldview, traditions and culture, are immersed in basic operations during their daily activities, however, it is essential to enhance these processes from reality.…”
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Implementing tasks that stimulate critical thinking in EFL classrooms
Published 2013“…This article of reflection introduces the insights drawn from a didactic activity implemented in two EFL classrooms at the Uptc (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia) in Tunja, by twoteachers belonging to the IIDI (Instituto Internacional de Idiomas). …”
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The use of technological tools in fish production: a systematic literature review
Published 2017“…Traditionally, the processes inherent to this activity, such as fish feeding, marking, reproductive behavior and parental care are done manually; however, in recent years, some fish farmers have incorporated technological tools in process automation. …”
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The Use of Video Games as a Teaching Tool to Improve Teaching-Learning: State of the Art Review
Published 2017“…Thus, video games have evolved from distractive activities, to more valuable tools. These tools can play a leading role in education-related processes, for example, supporting teaching tasks. …”
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Galapa: Your History, my Present, our Future; Cultural Heritage as Pedagogical Strategy Available to All
Published 2017“…The text describes the experience thanks to which spaces such as the museum and the library were used as contact zones, so that different group could talk about the everyday activities that are now considered as their cultural heritage. …”
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Design of a computerized educational material for teaching of oscillations and waves, from students learning style
Published 2018“…The proposed material includes a main menu with six themes, which incorporate activities and information related to the natural sciences subject, emphasizing on oscillations and waves topics.…”
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Evaluación del impacto del uso de agroquímicos sobre el lago de Tota mediante simulación matemática
Published 2021“…From this information, the calculations for determining the maximumdischarges in the lake of the active ingredients of agrochemicals analyzed are performed, as setout in the model. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Actividad física musicalizada para mejorar la capacidad aeróbica en el adulto mayor de Indeportes Boyacá
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Efectos de un programa de acondicionamiento físico y la condición física en el adulto mayor del municipio de Saboyá y su relación con la calidad de vida
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría