Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Kalman filter 1
- Santa Lucia 1
- Santa Lucía 1
- alteración hidrotermal 1
- business cycles 1
- ciclos económicos 1
- componentes principales 1
- economía regional 1
- fases intrusivas 1
- filtro de Kalman 1
- hidrotermal alteration 1
- indicador líder 1
- intruding phases 1
- leading indicator 1
- log 1
- logueo 1
- porphyry 1
- principal components 1
- pórfido 1
- regional economy 1
Advanced global indicator of short and long term for the economy of Cauca 1960-2014
Published 2016“…This paper proposes to build a leading or advanced indicator to the economy of Cauca department, through three alternative methodologies that depart from the traditional methodology based on National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). …”
Online -
Characterization of alteration zones and intrusive phases for the prospectus "stock of Piedra Sentada" (Saint Lucia) Cauca, Colombia
Published 2009“…The Santa Lucia porphyritic stock is located in Cauca department, in the western flank of the central cordillera, specifically in the Santa Lucia rural settlement of La Sierra municipality. …”