Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 196
- educación 153
- Ciencias Sociales 108
- education 99
- Colombia 92
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 68
- Educación 64
- Education 57
- aprendizaje 56
- enseñanza 51
- pedagogía 50
- educação 49
- investigación 43
- learning 41
- SB317.5-319.864 40
- Fruits 38
- historia 37
- derechos humanos 36
- Agricultura 35
- teaching 35
- territorio 35
- Agriculture 34
- Frutas 34
- pedagogy 34
- geografía 33
- filosofía 32
- human rights 32
- identidad 32
- escuela 31
- History of Latin American Education Journal 30
Published 2014“…Es así como se cuenta con artículos de la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano y de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá, junto con trabajos de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, con lo cual cabe resaltar la confianza que nuestra revista continúa despertando en investigadores de la comunidad académica nacional. …”
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Maternity and breastfeeding through the discourse of the medical community in Barranquilla in first half of the 20th century
Published 2021“…It is shown, firstly, that the mother played an important role in society, as she was viewed as the axis of the transformation and progress of Colombia, and, secondly, how an attempt was made to transform the practices around breastfeeding through medical discourses. …”
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Published 2021“…The Colombian Society of Horticultural Sciences (SCCH) and the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) as editors of the Colombian Journal of Horticultural Sciences wish to extend our special greetings to our authors and readers in these moments when the world is undergoing a difficulty of great proportions, which has been affecting the work of the world community and neither science nor technology has been able to remain outside the effects of the well-known COVID19 pandemic. …”
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An Orphan Generation
Published 2022“…On October 11, in my capacity as president of the State University System, I participated in the "XIII International Congress on the History of Latin American Education".XIII International Congress History of Latin American Education"; event organized by the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in the conference of master Boaventura de Sousa Santos. …”
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Oraliterature from the south of Tolima as border literature: beyond epistemic coloniality
Published 2023“…Free conversations are held with men and women from peasant communities in two municipalities in the south of Tolima (Colombia), which yield twenty five stories. The discovery of the characteristics and themes of the stories accounts for their innovative, counter-hegemonic, community and resistance character, revealing an aesthetic and art different from the literary canon. …”
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Management of Colombian hotel companies' websites: an empirical approach
Published 2023“…The article examines hotel companies' Website management in Cúcuta, Colombia. The methodology is quantitative with descriptive design. …”
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Water Stress in potato, corn and pea crops
Published 2023“… The evapotranspiration of potato, corn and pea crops in the central region of Boyaca ́ (Colombia) is analyzed under standard conditions and under hydric stress to determine water requirements and optimal planting calendars according to water balances. …”
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Hidden Factors Behind Memory Strategies
Published 2013“…AbstractThis study explores how learning strategies used by a student in a Sociolinguistics class at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Uptc) influenced memory. In order to achieve this objective,a descriptive and interpretative research was developed. …”
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Información para Autores
Published 2012“…CIENCIA EN DESARROLLO, revista editada por el Centro de Investigaciones y Extensión de La Facultad de Ciencias(CIEC) de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC, busca contribuir con la difusión de los nuevos conocimientos científicos y desarrollos tecnológicos que se producen en el campo de Las ciencias básicas, dirigido a estudiantes, docentes e investigadores, en Las áreas de matemáticas, física, química y biología, como resultado de Losprocesos investigativos que Llevan a cabo los docentes y estudiantes.…”
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Instrucciones para los Autores
Published 2012“…CIENCIA EN DESARROLLO, revista editada por el Centro deInvestigaciones y Extensión de La Facultad de Ciencias (CIEC)de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC, busca contribuir con la difusión de los nuevos conocimientos científicos y desarrollos tecnológicos que seproducen en el campo de las ciencias básicas, está dirigida a estudiantes, docentes e investigadores, en las áreas de matemáticas, física, química y biología como resultado delos procesos investigativos que llevan a cabo los docentes y estudiantes. …”
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La alianza del fique
Published 2016“…Estádirigido a diferentes audiencias como la universidad, la gobernación deBoyacá y los productores de fique en Colombia.El objetivo esencial espropiciar diálogos con organismos de interés entorno a retos productivos, ecológicos y sociales en el agro colombiano.Este documento contiene datos sobre oferta y demanda, con detallesparticulares de los departamentos productores de fibra.…”
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Sucre, pionero del derecho internacional humanitario durante la gesta de emancipación grancolombiana Génesis y antecedente
Published 2016“…El presente texto llama la atención del lector y, en sus líneas, busca destacar laimportancia jurídica y política que representa, en el corpus del Derecho InternacionalHumanitario (DIH), en la actualidad, el contenido de derecho forjado por los prócereslibertarios durante la guerra de independencia de las repúblicas que conformaron laGran Colombia, cuyo contenido estuvo orientado a la humanización y civilizaciónde la barbarie de la guerra, bajo la égida del respeto a la condición de la personahumana.…”
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Positioning system of a torch used in thermal spray coatings applications
Published 2016“…The design has been done with parameters obtained in the laboratory of materials of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, and the information determined from the evaluation of the device, allows to control the main process variables as the projection distance, flow powder, torch speed and rotation speed of the sample holder; this has been seen in coatings made in application tests zirconia / nickel on a carbon steel substrate and analyzed with Scanning Electron Microscopy - SEM.…”
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Identification of non-fatal injuries in the cartography of the municipality of pasto with the clustering technique
Published 2017“…This paper presents one of the results of the research project that aims to detect patterns of violent and georeferenced events based on information stored in the Crime Observatory of the Municipality of Pasto (Colombia) with data mining techniques. In order to georeference each event and process it geographically, a geocoder of urban addresses of the municipality of Pasto was built, using a free software. …”
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Racionalidad utilitarista y emancipación: Bentham, Mill y Miranda
Published 2012“…Siguiendo una perspectiva a la vez histórica yfilosófica, el estudio examina determinados contenidos ideológicos (eurocentrismo y mercantilismo)que intervienen en el proyecto de fundación de la nacionalidad, elaborado por la nueva élite criolla.Palabras clave: benthamismo, utilitarismo, filosofía, independencia, Colombia, siglo XVIII.…”
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Análisis descriptivo de los resultados de las pruebas Sabre Pro en la UPTC del periodo 2012-2015
Published 2017“…This document relates a descriptive analysis of the results obtained in the Saber Pro tests, in relation to generic competences of students of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) who presented the test in the period 2012 to 2015. …”
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Right to work of displaced women of Facatativá
Published 2015“…The problem of the forced displacement in Colombia has taken importance over time due to the different struggles of their direct actors. …”
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Population change and socio-economic dynamics of the municipalities of Boyaca
Published 2018“…To analyze the above information, the population censuses of DANE of the years indicated for Colombia was taken into account. The paper concludes by pointing out that the processes of regional economic development are the main generators of the change and population dynamics, experienced by the municipalities of the department, showing that the municipalities with the worst socioeconomic conditions tend to be expelling the population; while those who present better conditions are becoming attractive or receptive axes of population, which poses to the big cities to solve problems of urban planning and the territorial reordering.…”
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Published 2018“…Enletawa Journal is an academic publication of the Masters in Language Teaching at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. The Journal provides a means of dissemination of academic research, pedagogical innovation, and theoretical discussion articles. …”
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Enletawa Journal 10.1.pdf
Published 2018“…Enletawa Journal is an academic publication of the Masters in Language Teaching at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. The Journal provides a means of dissemination of academic research, pedagogical innovation, and theoretical discussion articles. …”