Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 196
- educación 153
- Ciencias Sociales 108
- education 99
- Colombia 92
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 68
- Educación 64
- Education 57
- aprendizaje 56
- enseñanza 51
- pedagogía 50
- educação 49
- investigación 43
- learning 41
- SB317.5-319.864 40
- Fruits 38
- historia 37
- derechos humanos 36
- Agricultura 35
- teaching 35
- territorio 35
- Agriculture 34
- Frutas 34
- pedagogy 34
- geografía 33
- filosofía 32
- human rights 32
- identidad 32
- escuela 31
- History of Latin American Education Journal 30
Nicolás Gómez Dávila, escritura y reflexión de un reaccionario
Published 2012“…Se brindará, a manera de conclusión, una serie de perspectivas desde el estudio literario para entender la situación de Gómez Dávila en la Colombia del siglo XX, así como propuestas de lectura que enmarquen y sitúen a la obra en el presente. …”
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Reviews of books and journals
Published 2019“…“La Generación del Movimiento Estudiantil en Colombia”. (1910-1924). Tunja, Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana. …”
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Prácticas docentes de los médicos especialistas en el hospital universitario Clínica San Rafaél
Published 2021“…Se propone la construcción de un modelo pedagógico que explique y fundamente el proceso de formación de residentes médicos en hospitales escuela en Colombia, como punto de partida para el enriquecimiento de esta actividad en el país. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Neurociencia y consumo de tabaco: evidencia científica y aplicaciones
Published 2021“…El objetivo de esta conferencia es presentar los resultados de las investigaciones Psicólogo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Mg. en psicología, Universidad Católica de Colombia; Ph.D. en psicología de la salud, evaluación y tratamiento psicológico, Universidad de Granada recientes en el campo de las neurociencias de las adicciones,especialmente en el consumo de tabaco y sus aplicaciones en prevención e intervención.Palabras clave: neurociencias,psicofisiología, emoción, motivación,tabaco…”
Documento de Conferencia -
Pedagogical content knowledge and teaching of philosophy
Published 2020“…The results of the research project Assessment of the teaching of philosophy in Colombia between practice and experience are presented, based on epistemological problematizations that delimit the object of general didactics and on the encounter with the emerging pedagogical content knowledge [PCK], which raises the need to configure the didactics of philosophy and its conceptualizations. …”
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Contribution to lichen microbiota of the colombian tropical dry forest (montes de maría, sucre)
Published 2020“…All species are new records for the department of Sucre and 22 for Colombia. In this way, we made a contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of the Colombian tropical dry forest.…”
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Adolescence and youths in Tunja
Published 2011“…This research paper examines the policies regarding young people in Colombia, and contrasts them with the actions and realities tracked in the city of Tunja over the last few years. …”
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Published 2011“…Debido a la importancia de la horticultura y al crecimiento de las áreas hortícolas en Colombia, y gracias al esfuerzo de un grupo de investigadores de Universidades, Centros de Investigación y gremios de la producción nacional, se ha creado la Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas (SCCH), con el objetivo fundamental de generar conocimiento en las diferentes áreas y disciplinas de la horticultura y divulgar a través de diferentes medios, los resultados de investigación generados en este importante sector de la producción agrícola nacional.…”
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Changes in the interpersonal relationships of young university students during the pandemic
Published 2021“…This study identified the changes that occurred in friendships, love, family, and working relationships of young university students during the quarantine period in Colombia, due to Covid-19. From a chain sampling, the participation of 194 people was obtained. …”
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Strengthening critical thinking in the mathematics classroom: a pandemic experience.
Published 2022“…Eighteen eleventh grade students from a private educational institution in the municipality of Madrid, Colombia, participated and analyzed the situation generated by covid-19, specifically vaccination and its effect on the family environment. …”
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Relationship between the levels of knowledge and management of production costs of the managers of the Colombian gastronomic sector
Published 2022“…Based on a quantitative study, an instrument on the Likert scale was applied to a group of 21 companies belonging to the gastronomic industry, in San José de Cúcuta, Colombia. The hypotheses were contrasted through an analysis of variance and a Pearson correlation analysis. …”
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The active participation of children from the municipality of Mosquera, Cundinamarca in online spaces during the pandemic.
Published 2022“…The objective of the research was focused on promoting the active participation of children between the ages of 4 and 12 in the municipality of Mosquera-Cundinamarca, Colombia through online spaces, thus making the voices of the group selected for this process visible. …”
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Early flood warning system for the Arauca river based on artificial intelligence techniques
Published 2022“…This article establishes the design of an early warning system for flooding in the Arauca River, in the municipality of Arauca, Colombia. The information corresponding to this study is extracted from the IDEAM and is processed obtaining a model through the variables that intervene such as precipitation, level and flow. …”
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Strategic determinants of market orientation since the pandemic: a scoping review
Published 2023“…A scoping review is presented whose objective is to analyze the strategic determinants of the concept of market orientation from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. 60 specialized articles were taken as reference, published in databases such as Scielo, Dialnet, Scopus and repositories of indexed journals in Colombia, considering the previous theoretical elements exposed at the end of the 20th century. …”
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Soberanía alimentaria: un camino para conseguir la seguridad alimentaria
Published 2004“…Dado que algunos de sus planteamientos cuestionan la forma como se están llevando actualmente los acuerdos comerciales, la importancia de sus propuestas aumenta, pues Colombia está a punto de culminar lasnegociaciones que conducirán a la firma de un tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos.…”
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Published 2014“…La revista Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica, órgano de difusión de la Maestría en Lingüística de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Uptc), llega hoy a su número 23, correspondiente al período enero-junio de 2014. …”
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Women’s social and educational conditions at the end of the Colony and beginning of the Republic.
Published 2014“…Although this proposal was not completely developed, progress was made in actions adopted to achieve this purpose in the early “Gran Colombia”. The educational measures established at this time attempted to make visible social actors thathad been excluded by the educative system during the Colonial period. …”
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Las locuciones adjetivales en cinco diccionarios de la lengua española
Published 2014“…Este aporte investigativo es, ante todo, una reflexión en torno de los estudios léxicos que se han hecho hasta el momento en Colombia. A más de esto, se hace un recorrido teórico-epistemológico sobre tres temas importantes como la fraseología y su objeto de estudio: las unidades fraseológicas, las locuciones adjetivales, así como su manifestación en cinco diccionarios de la lengua española.…”
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The Odyssey of History in Times of Memory: From the Song of the Sirens to the Robe of Penelope
Published 2014“…These historiographical trends are not only useful in articulating memory and history, but also in addressing and projecting the outlook of the victims in the asymmetrical and complex power relations that characterize Colombia.…”
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Accounting research training: from statement to action
Published 2014“…A qualitative analysis of them is developed by contrasting them with Wolgfang Klafki’s didactics theory and the accounting research training backgrounds published in Colombia. It was found that, although from the theoretical formation areas the need of a critical formation is recognized, in the methodological formation areas this idea becomes diluted. …”