Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 196
- educación 153
- Ciencias Sociales 108
- education 99
- Colombia 92
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 68
- Educación 64
- Education 57
- aprendizaje 56
- enseñanza 51
- pedagogía 50
- educação 49
- investigación 43
- learning 41
- SB317.5-319.864 40
- Fruits 38
- historia 37
- derechos humanos 36
- Agricultura 35
- teaching 35
- territorio 35
- Agriculture 34
- Frutas 34
- pedagogy 34
- geografía 33
- filosofía 32
- human rights 32
- identidad 32
- escuela 31
- History of Latin American Education Journal 30
Business Intelligence Applied to Corn Productivity
Published 2020“…The following research was developed in the town of Tasco, Boyacá, with information retrieved from Colombia’s open data webpage on agricultural evaluation from 2011 to 2017. …”
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Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions for the Social Appropriation of Knowledge
Published 2021“…The purpose of this article is to reflect on the management of knowledge in Higher Education Institutions in Colombia IES for the social appropriation of knowledge, through research activities for the transfer of information and knowledge in an area of knowledge. …”
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Arguments and inference in reading: an intervention proposal at an elementary school
Published 2021“…One answer for fifth grade students at the Institución Educativa Saza de Gámeza, Boyacá, Colombia, Sede la Capilla, is through the design of flexible learning guides based on a classroom project that favors the processes of inferential reading and argumentative criticism. …”
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“Mercados de violencia” y guerra civil en América Latina en los 90
Published 2002“…La forma como los mercados ilegales de armas de las guerras centroamericanas se articularon con las guerras andinas y el papel que el auge del narcotráfico tuvo como combustible en la economías de guerra de Perú y Colombia. El concepto central que se intenta desarrollar es el de mercados de violencia, aplicación de la antropología económica, surgida en elestudio de las guerras africanas.…”
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Effectiveness of the participation of the victims of the armed conflict in the design, execution and control of public policies.
Published 2021“…In order to develop this article, the starting point was its contextualisation as it concerns the participation of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia in the Public Policy (Law 1448 of 2011), which is why it was approached from a universal and general perspective of public policies, observing with special care their definition, structure, phases, intervening parties and opponents, as well as their sequential model, in order to - in this way - demonstrate the participation that must exist on the part of the population at which they are aimed, emphasising the key role of the ruling elites and determining what differentiates them from the dominant ones. …”
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Published 2021“…In this volume, we share stories from diverse corners of Colombia. Thanks to the many teachers who care about their students and who work tirelessly to make publishing happen. …”
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Political decentralization and taxes in the 1991 Charter
Published 2021“…These can be previously determined by law, which would be the most genuine form of political decentralization; However, in Colombia, by constitutional provision of 1886 to date, the tax competition between the Nation and the territorial entities has been decided in favor of the former. …”
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Social Historical Analysis of Legal Clinics. Balance of the UPTC Legal Clinic in the Labour Area 2018-2019
Published 2021“…From the above, it was established as the main research objective to make a detailed and truthful study based on concrete and real information of the effectiveness of the legal clinic Armando Suescún Monroy from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, in regard to access to justice, particularly in the area of labour law, because it is of public interest and vital importance for vulnerable populations within the framework of their competence. …”
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Teaching beliefs about teaching writting with the support of TIC
Published 2022“…The article is associated with the doctoral research "Teachers' beliefs about the teaching of writing with ICT support in basic education in Colombia, in the Port District of Turbo". The study is developed under the qualitative approach, interpretative paradigm. …”
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Caracterización de la resistencia de la subrasante con la información del deflectómetro de impacto
Published 2011“…Este documento es producto del proyecto de investigación titulado Caracterización de laresistencia de la subrasante con la información del deflectómetro de impacto, registrado en la Dirección de Investigaciones de la Uptc con el código SGI-759,que realizó el autor en la Escuela de Transporte y Vías, Facultad de Ingeniería, de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, en el Grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo en Infraestructura Vial –Grinfravial–.…”
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Editorial. Tema Libre
Published 2022“…El lector encontrará en este número temas relacionados con guerras: la guerra contra el Paraguay, reflexiones sobre la guerra civil Española, la participación de comerciantes extranjeros en las guerras nacionales; asimismo temáticas como: la inquisición en Brasil, reconocimiento de la población libre en el marco de las reformas borbónicas, la formación de las parteras en Brasil, la actividad deportiva y la mujer moderna en Panamá; algunas reflexiones sobre la Unión Republicana en Colombia y la falsedad en las noticias periodísticas para responder a intereses políticos de manipular la opinión pública, como se describirá más adelante. …”
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Normal Schools in Latin America
Published 2022“…This issue includes reflections from Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. …”
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Published 2022“…En primer lugar, la Revista Ingeniería, Investigación y Desarrollo agradece a sus lectores que, a su vez, se convierten endifusores del conocimiento gestado, no solo en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, sino también enlas Instituciones de Educación Superior Nacionales e Internacionales su contribución en el crecimiento del conocimientocientífico. …”
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From the investigative pedagogical practice of deepening to the training of future licensed FESAD.
Published 2022“…This research article shows an analysis of the Pedagogical and Investigative Practice of Deepening (PPIP), carried out in the first semester of 2019, in the Bachelor of Basic Education with an emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish Language, Faculty of Distance Studies of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, in order to characterize the practice process of teachers in training. …”
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Applying Predictive Data Mining to Discover Factors Associated to the Language Skill Performance from Elementary School Students
Published 2022“…The findings of this research serve as quality information for the decision-making at the Ministry of National Education (MEN) and the secretaries of education, and for the directors of elementary educational institutions to define improvement plans that result in the quality of elementary school education in Colombia.…”
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N5.La Estrecha Relación entre Literatura- Filosofía e Historia
Published 2022“…No solo por la importancia nacional de la Academia de Historia de Boyacá , y por el prestigio intelectual de quienes la forman , sino por la presencia de la Universidad , que es el corazón y el pensa miento de Boyacá , irradiado hacia los cuatro puntos cardinales de Colombia .…”
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Microwave-assisted hydrodistillation of essential oil of Cúrcuma longa (rhizomes): response surface optimization
Published 2023“…Framed in the high biochemical value of this family, this research focused on the optimization of extracting essential oils method from Curcuma longa dry rhizomes collected in the Department of Quindío (Colombia), using microwave-assisted hydrodistillation and evaluating variables optimized by response surfaces. …”
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Uso de la teledetección para el estudio de la vegetación de sabana
Published 2011“…Finalmente se presentan trabajos realizados para las sabanas de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia.…”
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BPM Methodology Applied in Construction Projects: A Reflection
Published 2023“…The Business Process Management (BPM) methodology is emerging as an essential management philosophy in the optimization of business processes, demonstrating its relevance in the construction sector. In Colombia, where managing construction projects requires a more strategic approach, implementing BPM presents a valuable opportunity to improve efficiency and agility at all stages, from planning to after-sales. …”
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Cambios espaciales y su influencia en la configuración territorial de Aguazul y Tauramena 1974–2005
Published 2011“…El estudio aborda los principales cambios espaciales que influyen en la configuración territorial de los municipios de Aguazul y Tauramena (Casanare, Colombia) entre 1974y 2005. Se trata de un trabajo descriptivo de perspectiva temporal, que aborda los cambios visibles y los factores económicos, demográficos y sociales que influyeron en ellos. …”