Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 196
- educación 153
- Ciencias Sociales 108
- education 99
- Colombia 92
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 68
- Educación 64
- Education 57
- aprendizaje 56
- enseñanza 51
- pedagogía 50
- educação 49
- investigación 43
- learning 41
- SB317.5-319.864 40
- Fruits 38
- historia 37
- derechos humanos 36
- Agricultura 35
- teaching 35
- territorio 35
- Agriculture 34
- Frutas 34
- pedagogy 34
- geografía 33
- filosofía 32
- human rights 32
- identidad 32
- escuela 31
- History of Latin American Education Journal 30
Behavior of money demand in Colombia during the period 2000: I-2010: IV
Published 2013“…Comportamiento de la demanda de dinero en Colombia durante el periodo 2000: I-2010: IV…”
Online -
Published 2014“…En la década de los años setenta del siglo XIX, se fundaron doce escuelas normales de institutores en Colombia, así: una de carácter central, encargada de formar a los maestros para las demás escuelas normales del país, diez de carácter nacional en cada una de las capitales de los Estados Federados e incluso una más para el Estado de Bolívar con sede en Barranquilla. …”
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Legislation and social imaginary in the hierarchy and the wages of the educators of primary in Colombia. 1952-1994
Published 2014“…Legislación e imaginarios sociales en el escalafón y los salarios de los educadores de primaria en Colombia. 1952-19941…”
Online -
Dominancia Fiscal Versus Dominancia Monetaria: Evidencia para Colombia, 1990-2007
Published 2008“…In this paper, we assess the presence of this kind of regime in Colombia, for the period 1990 to 2007, through the use of a vector autoregressive model which takes as a theoretical foundation the intertemporal government budget constraint. …”
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Economic growth in Colombia: an empirical approximation founded in human capital (1960-2009)
Published 2014“…Crecimiento económico en Colombia: una aproximación empírica fundamentada en la perspectiva capital humano (1960-2009)…”
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Gender and Teaching: Focus on the professional development of teachers in rural areas of Brazil and Colombia
Published 2015“…Gênero e docência: olhares sobre a formação de professoras rurais no Brasil e na Colômbia…”
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Women Education in Colombia at the end of the nineteenth century: Santander and the Educational Project of the Regeneration
Published 2015“…La Educación de las mujeres en Colombia a finales del siglo XI: Santander y el Proyecto Educativo de la Regeneración…”
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Salmonella Enteritidis en huevos de gallina comercializados en Tunja (Colombia)
Published 2015“…Introducción: La detección de Salmonella sp se encuentra incluida dentro del programa de vigilancia epidemiológica en Colombia debido a su importancia en salud pública, siendo uno de los microorganismos más frecuentemente relacionados con enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos (ETA). …”
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A model of bussiness research skill s from university, company and state in colombia
Published 2015“…Modelo de competencias investigativas empresariales desde la universidad, empresa y estado en Colombia…”
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Business across borders between Colombia and Venezuela: from trade to social conflic
Published 2015“…Los negocios en la frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela del intercambio comercial a un conflicto social…”
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Phylogenetic analysis of rabies virus in mammals reported in Colombia between 1994 and 2008
Published 2014“…Análisis filogenético del virus de la rabia en mamíferos reportados en Colombia entre 1994 y 2008…”
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Chemical particulate matter PM10 in the atmosphere of Riohacha - La Guajira Colombia
Published 2017“…Caracterización Quimica de material particulado fraciión respirable pm 10 en la atmósfera de Rioacha la Guajira Colombia…”
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Assessment of the sustainability of family farmers agroecosystems in the watershed of Cormechoque river (Boyaca — Colombia)
Published 2016“…The research determines the sustainability level of farmers families agroecosystems in the watersheds of river Cormechoque in Boyaca (Colombia). The objective was to analyze and evaluate peasant agricultural practices and their effect on the productive, environmental and financial performance of such agroecosystems, The "Frameworl for assessing management systems of natural resources incorporating sustainability indicators" (MESMIS) was utilized from the biotic, technological and socio-economic components characterization, through six evaluation criteria and fifteen sustainability indicators, rated on a scale from 1 to 5.The results show that there are differences between the biological composition, technological and socioeconomic aspects in agroecosystems evaluated, due to differences in agricultural practices and management of environmental supply. …”
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Toxocara canis eggs determination in Duitama (Colombia) three public parks soil
Published 2016Online -
Identification of the main active ingredients of agrochemicals used around the Lake of Tota, Colombia
Published 2016“…This paper presents a descriptive study aimed at identifying the main active ingredients, frequency of use, and the processes employed in the application of the agrochemicals most used around the Lake of Tota, which is considered the most important freshwater ecosystem in Colombia. A key source for this study is a survey to farmers, which sampling frame was established from a Geographical Institute Agustin Codazzi (IGAC) digital map, considering only the plots with some agricultural activity and runoff into the lake. …”
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Hegemonía en Colombia: caracterización y alternativas frente al poder global
Published 2016“…Se reflexiona sobre ellugar de Colombia en el mundo globalizado y local, de manera crítica y a lavez reivindicativa. …”
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Artistic and Cultural Afro-Colombian Manifestations. An Approximation to the Case of Girardota (Antioquia, Colombia)
Published 2017Subjects: “…Girardota – Antioquia (Colombia)…”
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Impunidad de la violación de los derechos humanos en Colombia
Published 2016“…La Constitución Política de Colombia contiene varios artículos queconsagran los derechos humanos, así como los mecanismos deprotección de los mismos, tal es el caso del habeas corpus, lasacciones de amparo y las de cumplimiento, igualmente reconoce laprimacía del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos sobrelos constituidos en la Carta. …”