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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 31
- Colombia 30
- Ciencias Sociales 13
- education 13
- educación 10
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 9
- Colombie 8
- Derechos humanos 8
- human rights 7
- violence 7
- Horticultura 6
- Human rights 6
- educação 6
- escuela 6
- learning 6
- school 6
- Colômbia 5
- History of Latin American Education Journal 5
- Horticulture 5
- Productividad 5
- Productivity 5
- derechos humanos 5
- enseñanza 5
- escola 5
- historia 5
- paz 5
- peace 5
- política 5
- teaching 5
- Educación 4
Fruit growth and fruit drop in banana passion fruit plants (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima)
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Efecto ciclos de humedecimiento/secado y calentamiento/enfriamiento en la resistencia geomecánica de las rocas lodosas, formación lutitas de Macanal
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Executive functioning in childhood: a view from cognitive neuropsychology
Published 2021“…It is precisely from these findings, that the present work seeks to illustrate empiricallyin the Colombian context of the ethological intervention in neonates in the first chapter. …”
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Business permanence factors in the construction sector in Colombia
Published 2023“…However, due to dependence on public sector, changes in world markets, their volatility and uncertainty, Colombian economy is susceptible to changes in the market, due to economic openness policies. …”
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Background of Agricultural Investment Insurance in Colombia: Conceptual and methodological foundations
Published 2023“…The main strength of this book is that it contributes, hitherto unpublished, for the service of the academic community (researchers, students, educational and training institutions), as well as Colombian agriculture (producers, associations, unions, institutions public and private).…”
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Analysis of the Feasibility of Generating Solid Biofuel from Ulex Europaeus Plants
Published 2019“…The Ulex europaeus (also known as Common Gorse) represents a threat to the native ecosystems of different Colombian regions. Recently, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development introduced protocols for its prevention and management. …”
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Polymeric Ablative Composite Materials and their Application in the Manufacture of Aerospace Propulsion Components
Published 2020“…These applications are considered important to develop the Colombian aerospace field in the construction of sounding rockets for scientific, technological, and military purposes.…”
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Analysis of growth and physicochemical changes in apple cv. Anna in a high-altitude tropical climate
Published 2021“…The objective of this research was to carry out an analysis of growth and physicochemical changes in cv. Anna apple in the Colombian high-altitude tropics using on the accumulation of growing degree days (GDD). …”
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Caracterización bromatológica y fisicoquímica de la uchuva [Physalis peruviana L.] y su posible aplicación como alimento nutracéutico. (Bromatological and P...
Published 2015“…The proximate analysis of Physalis (Physalis peruviana L) from Toca-Boyacá presented a moisture, ash, protein and fat values content at 82,43%, 0,75%, 0,48% and 1.43%, respectively, which are near the FAO and the ICBF (Colombian Familiar Wealth Fare Institute) referents. …”
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Published 2015“…It is a pleasure to welcome Colombian professors: Camen Helena Guerrero (Universidad Fracisco José de Caldas) to the Editoral Committee and Lisseth Rojas (Universidad Surcolombiana), Jairo Enrique Castañeda (Universidad de la Salle), Alexandra Botero, (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional), Yakelin Salinas (Fundacion Universitaria Los Libertadores), Leidy Marcela Chacón, Fredy Alonso Dueñas Macías, Martha Pardo Segura, (UPTC) to the Editorial Review Board. …”
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Proyecto de educación para la sexualidad y construcción de ciudadanía : avances y retos de su implementación
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Aspects of history compared movements of union university faculty of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and reflections on your role in against reform university neoliberal
Published 2022“…Objective: The essay approaches in a comparative way some aspects that are present in the history of the union movements organized by Argentine, Brazilian, Colombian and Mexican university professors. Originality/contribution: There are no academic studies that seek to establish a critical and comparative historical examination of the political role of teachers' unions in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico in the face of the mishaps imposed by the counter neoliberal university reform. …”
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Polarimetric analysis of land use and cover using SAR polarimetry target analysis and the Corine Land Cover methodology
Published 2023“…This article presents the results of the polarimetry analysis, through a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image with four polarizations using the SAR polarimetry target analysis tool, carried out on the land covers obtained with the Corine Land Cover methodology and verifying them with images from passive sensors in an area of the Bogotá savannah, as a result of the research work of the Spatial Data Research Centre (NIDE) and its Research Group on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems GEIPER, of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. Due to the Colombian climatic conditions, which do not allow obtaining data frequently from passive sensors for the generation and updating of basic and thematic cartography, this research group has seen the need to analyse and evaluate the use of data sources from active sensors, such as radars, to guarantee the achievement of information necessary for territorial monitoring, such as land use and land cover maps. …”
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The academic network of pedagogies, peace and resilient populations: its productivity and social relevance
Published 2022“…But also to sensitize the population on a particularly neuralgic issue that concerns the Colombian nation and supranational framework. Method: ethnographic and pluriverse, for this we reflect on the concrete experiences lived at work; and the social impact in the Cundiboyacense context is presented, as well as the actors and the ways of interacting with the community and its projection in the future. …”
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Dialogue of knowledge: indigenous justice in Cauca and ordinary justice, a possible cultural exchange
Published 2019“…It was a significant experience that generated new useful concepts to understand the "own justice system" of the indigenous peoples and the negotiated contributions that the Colombian ordinary justice can offer to this ancestral practice.…”
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Comportamiento de precios de mercados y análisis de volatilidad, para durazno (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch.) producido en Boyacá, Colombia
Published 2017Artículo de revista -
Diversidad genética de moringa oleifera Lam. en el Nororiente Colombiano utilizando marcadores RAMs
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Perfil de liderazgo de los entrenadores colombianos de fútbol de salón
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Las estrellas son negras de Arnoldo Palacios : la conformación del sujeto subalternizado, el surgimiento y emancipación del «héroe negro» decolonial
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría