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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Peru 4
- Perú 4
- Social Sciences 4
- Educación 3
- Artículo 2
- educación intercultural 2
- educação intercultural 2
- intercultural education 2
- 1918 1
- Aceite 1
- Aimar 1
- Aimara 1
- Alejandro Tantanian 1
- Amazon River 1
- América Latina 1
- Argentina 1
- Artistic Stage 1
- Aula particular 1
- Bernardo de Monteagudo 1
- Blanca Valera 1
- Brotación y floración 1
- COVID-19 1
- Cacao 1
- Cadmio 1
- Cadmium 1
- Carlos Motta 1
- Chile 1
- Citizenship 1
- Colombia 1
- Colombia—historia política y social 1
The Function of the Waltz in Valses y otras falsas confesiones (1972) by Blanca Varela
Published 2023“…The Creole waltz is a musical genre practiced in Peru since the end of the 19th century. It has an important function in Valses y otras falsas confesiones (1972) by the Peruvian poet Blanca Varela, a member of the “Generation of ‘50”. …”
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Love, the Cosmos and the Raging Sea: The Surrealist Ecopoetics of César Moro
Published 2024“…In César Moro’s poetry, we can identify a consistent endeavor towards cosmic communion and the revival of the mythical vision that typified the rituals and relationships with nature of the ancient Amerindian cultures of Peru. This article elucidates these tendencies in the oeuvre of the Peruvian surrealist poet, specifically through the analysis of selected prose poems. …”
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Attitudes towards Spoken and Written Spanish Language of the United States
Published 2019“…A total of 110 Spanish speakers from Spain, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, México and Chile participated. …”
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Dissenting Gods. Forms of Queer Religiosity in writing, visual art and performance in Latin America
Published 2022“…With this purpose, we work in the frame of literacy criticism and visual arts with the following materials: the Colombian artist Carlos Motta's art exhibition in Buenos Aires and the incorporation of Marcella Althus-Reid's indecent theology, Alejandro Tantanian's artwork, the essay writing of the Brazilian Tatiana Nascimento and the Transvestite Museum of Peru by Giuseppe Campuzano (in his role as researcher and performer). …”
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Prevalencia de fasciola hepatica en bovinos sacrificados en la Planta de Beneficio Animal de Sogamoso
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Balloon effects in coca crops in the Andean region (1990-2009)
Published 2016“…The aim of this article is to contrast empirically the presence of ballooneffects affecting coca crops in the geographic territory corresponding tothe main producer countries (Colombia, Perú and Bolivia) of the Andeanregion during the period 1990-2009. …”
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Powers of nostalgia: Ollanta and the neo-Inca movement
Published 2010“…This essay analyzes the indigenous rebellions and its evolution in Perú during the XVIII century as well as the functions and impact that nostalgia and utopia had against the mastery of Spanish, keeping in mind that both, nostalgia and utopia, were used like instruments against this movement. …”
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Origin of the Lancasterian school in Colombia: historiography and purpose of implementation in the Cúcuta Constitution of 1821.
Published 2024“…Conclusions: When considering the intentions of the legislators to enact an educating State and the difficulties in the implementation of the Lancasterian method in Colombia in 1821, regarding other implementation experiences in Mexico and Peru, it was evident the failure due to the weakness of the nascent Colombian State itself and the constant wars and political instability.…”
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Justification for a regulatory proposal for sound broadcasting and transmobile services in Colombian borders
Published 2015“…This paper aims to justify the need to regulate these services through a study in three border areas: Ipiales-Tulcán (Ecuador); Puerto CarreñoPuerto Ayacucho (Venezuela) and Leticia-Tabatinga (Brazil)-Santa Rosa (Peru), to identify possible scenarios of interference from neighboring countries to Colombia. …”
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Fiscal policy and capital flows: evidence for some countries in Latin America
Published 2016“…This paper evaluates the fiscal policy stance in front to shocks on capital flows recorded during the last two decades in six emerging economies of Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.Based on the characterization of the different episodes of sudden inflows and outflows of capital and on the results of a panel data model with instrumental variables, we found that governments did not responded with exceptional fiscal measures. …”
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Práctica profesional desarrollo y arquitectura en ACCENTURE LTDA.
Published 2023Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Education and new technologies. Current reflections about its social and conceptual contexts
Published 2021“…Academic and research communities from Colombia, Argentina, Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Perú, Spain, Republic of China (Taiwan), Indonesia and Vietnamtook part in the preparation and presentation of this issue of RHELA.…”
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The Latin American University and its Role in the Transition toward an Effective Socio-Educational Model
Published 2023“…Method: A review of both informative and legal documents was carried out with emphasis on Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Peru. Therefore, this research work is also a historiographical analysis aimed at understanding the implications of the change around theorizations and applications in education at universities. …”
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Práctica con proyección empresarial en el CAV-R (Centro de Atención, Valoración y Rehabilitación de fauna silvestre) de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Chivor
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Práctica con proyección empresarial en Guátika Bioparque Zoo de Boyacá. Guátika S.A.S. (Tibasosa)
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
El páramo: aula abierta para el aprendizaje de las ciencias naturales
Published 2013“…En Suramérica, entidades y agrupaciones de personas han buscado mejorar las condiciones ambientales y sociales de los ecosistemas de páramos a partir del Proyecto “Páramo Andino”, mediante la construcción de alianzas a lo largo del corredor ecológico que abarca los países de Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú y Colombia. En Colombia, esta iniciativa es liderada por el Instituto de Investigaciones de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, priorizando los planes de manejo de los páramos de Chiles (Nariño), de Belmira (Antioquia), El Duende (Valle del Cauca y Chocó) y de Rabanal (Boyacá y Cundinamarca). …”
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Detección de coproantígenos de fasciola hepatica en ovinos del Cocuy, Boyacá
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -