Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 18
- education 17
- Ciencias Sociales 14
- educación 14
- technology 14
- TIC 12
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 11
- tecnología 11
- History of Latin American Education Journal 10
- innovación 10
- innovation 10
- Educación 8
- ICT 8
- Tecnología 8
- investigación 8
- aprendizaje 7
- enseñanza 7
- research 7
- teaching 7
- Technology 6
- learning 6
- university 6
- Education 5
- Horticultura 5
- Horticulture 5
- Research 5
- conocimiento 5
- educación virtual 5
- educação 5
- knowledge 5
Published 2013“…This work aims towards a fundamental review on evolution, prospective and basis of “Digital Gathering” in the Colombian university context, due to the technology and education integration challenge in order to improve quality of its mission, competitive standards, recognition and higher education.Every year higher education institutions invest large amounts of money in order to innovate their technological appliances and its teachers’ quality, this sometimes may not be a solid evidence of pedagogical improves nor pedagogical transformation in its academy community because of its use, besides, digital technology advance might sometimes represent a variation in subject’s culture while having to forget what was once learned in order to re-learn again. …”
Online -
Didáctica de la tecnología e informática para la educación básica a través de proyectos
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Ensilability and chemical composition of silages made with different mixtures of noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Energy Outlook
Published 2016“…In this paper, we are briefly presenting and discussing fundamental theoretical aspects of energy, and solutions to energy problems that research and development in science and technology may to give in terms of possibilities and realities. …”
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Monitoreo inalámbrico de gases en minería con servicio web en tiempo real fase II
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Diseño y desarrollo de una plataforma de integración digital entre un drone y un dispositivo de reconocimiento gestual
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Published 2016“…Recently COLCIENCIAS, the governmental agency for the promotion of science and technology in Colombia, has shared its new policy for what they claim would be an improvement to the quality of national scientific journals and a new model to classify scientific national publications. …”
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Classification of entrepreneurial and management capabilities in micro, small and medium-sised enterprises
Published 2021“…This research tries to make a contribution to the process of characterization and classification of the entrepreneurial and management capabilities which are useful to ensure the operation and permanence in the market of those MSMEs related to traditional technology in developing countries and located in places once regarded as emerging.…”
Documento de Conferencia -
Aprendizaje de nomenclatura orgánica con un ambiente híbrido en el Liceo Nacional José Joaquín Casas
Published 2020Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Photogrammetry for Augmented Reality, A Low-Cost Method Applied to 3D Modeling in Secondary Schools
Published 2021“…Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology known for supporting the educational process at different levels, and that is complemented and enhanced nowadays with the increased use of mobile devices. …”
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Pedagogical experiences of Elementary and middle school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic confinement
Published 2023“…The discussion highlights the importance of an integral teacher’s training for an effective integration of technology in teaching, also the need for a technological access and teacher’s well-being equality. …”
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Evaluation of irreversibility in an ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system using three different mathematical models to calculate the thermodynamic properties
Published 2018“…To this end, three existing methods were used: (M1), a model proposed by Ibrahim and Klein (1993) and used in the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) commercial software; (M2), a model proposed by Tillner-Roth and Friend (1998) and embodied in REFPROP v.8.0 developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); and (M3), a method proposed by Xu and Goswami (1999) that was programmed for this analysis. …”
Online -
Diseño e implementación de códigos QR en los equipos de la Empresa Automation Colombia "Ingeniería y Equipos Industriales de Colombia"
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Cenizas cascarilla de arroz frente a otros métodos de mejoramiento geotécnico de suelos arcillosos.
Published 2023Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Desarrollo de una aplicación para el cálculo de las propiedades de la mezcla amoniaco-agua
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Caracterización físico-química y microbiológica del lactosuero del queso paipa
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
Diseño de un prototipo de impresora 3D que aplica la técnica de prototipado rápido modelado por deposición fundida
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Comportamiento a la compresión y flexión de un pavimento en concreto poroso con adición de fibras sintéticas
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Gestión de un modelo de integridad basado en API RP 580 para el crecimiento de los defectos que se desarrollan en las líneas de flujo que transportan hidrocarburos líquidos
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría