Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 18
- education 17
- Ciencias Sociales 14
- educación 14
- technology 14
- TIC 12
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 11
- tecnología 11
- History of Latin American Education Journal 10
- innovación 10
- innovation 10
- Educación 8
- ICT 8
- Tecnología 8
- investigación 8
- aprendizaje 7
- enseñanza 7
- research 7
- teaching 7
- Technology 6
- learning 6
- university 6
- Education 5
- Horticultura 5
- Horticulture 5
- Research 5
- conocimiento 5
- educación virtual 5
- educação 5
- knowledge 5
Elementos estructurantes prioritarios de adaptación al cambio climático en Chiscas
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Theoretical and experimental comparison between tuned load and class-F power amplifiers
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Modelo de negocio sostenible para el agregado de valor a frutos silvestres de agraz aplicando recubrimientos comestibles
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Nanotest de espacio reducido en acción real de juego para futbolistas
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Obtención de materiales catódicos basados en los sistemas LiCoO2 y LiMn2O4 con aplicación en baterías secundarias
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Evaluación tribológica y corrosiva de recubrimientos de COCRWC obtenidos mediante proyección térmica por llama, tratados térmicamente
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Evaluación de fotocatalizadores nanoestructurados basados en TiO2 y su efectividad en el tratamiento de bacterias patógenas y contaminantes orgánicos
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Evaluación de parámetros productivos y nutricionales de larvas de Tenebrio Molitor alimentadas con diferentes sustratos
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
An approach to curriculum integration of ict
Published 2010“…The main focus of the theoretical review of this article is the curricular integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). We examine the conceptualization, levels and models of integration of ICT, as well as provide some suggestions for its implementation in an educational institution. …”
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Moodle incidence on the pedagogical practices under b-learning educative modality
Published 2012“…Moodle platform has served as a technology to support mediation and transformation of teaching practices under B-learning Mode, thus affecting the transformation of pedagogic discourse, the construction of the role of a new tutor and the training of a Licenciado in Basic Education in the Distance Learning Faculty Studies of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. …”
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Mejorar el inglés como lengua extranjera en estudiantes de pregrado: perspectivas y estrategias para ser bilingüe
Published 2021“…Thus, the conclusions are directed to a self-instruction based on the perseverance, in the implementation of actions and interaction with own elements, incorporated or linked from areas of technology, art, science, or society.…”
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Published 2024“…The national program for science, technology and innovation in agricultural sciences proposes the implementation of efficient and sustainable innovation systems alternatives to traditional fish farming practices. …”
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Characterization of hen eggs for the designing of an automatic classification system
Published 2012“…The parameters that define the quality of production in the fowl sector are related to the physical characteristics of the eggs, so the classification process for a producer of eggs is critical, for which reason can cause losses because of egg fractures, weighing errors, excessive times for the process and low accessibility in local technology. In the present work, the physical characteristics of hen eggs are analyzed to define the fracture toughness under static and dynamic conditions as well as the energy parameters for the subsequent design of an automatic classification system for the company called HUEVOS located in Duitama Boyacá. …”
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Design of a computerized educational material for teaching of oscillations and waves, from students learning style
Published 2018“…It is carried out with 27 students of eleventh grade of the Institucion Técnica Educativa Valentin Garcia de Labranzagrande, Boyacá. The technological tool was designed having in mind the socio-demographic characteristics of the population, access to technology and the ability to use it. …”
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Aprendizaje de las ecuaciones diferenciales desde un enfoque cualitativo
Published 2020“…The results obtained show that students feel motivated and interested, it was observed that the methodology applied based on problem solving, using conjectures from the construction of the model to reach the final solution and the use of technology to study qualitative methods and numerical favors the understanding of the course contents. …”
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Mechanical properties and simulation of finite element firmness in Carica papaya L. Tainung F1 cultivated on the high Sinu (Cordoba-Colombia)
Published 2021“…The firmness modeling and simulation was done with Autodesk inventor professional 15.0 (ANSYS® Technology). The deformability modulus decreased with the increase in the degree of ripeness, from 1.81 MPa to 0.52 MPa for degree of ripeness 1 to degree of ripeness 5. …”
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Shallow seismic data acquisiction and processing on the bucaramanga fault in piedecuesta (Santander)
Published 2010“…This project uses concepts and technology from oil industry and applying them to socially significant geological problems.…”
Online -
Thermodynamic study of the leaching of recycled lead with sodium citrate
Published 2018“…Currently, pyrometallurgical methods represent more than 90% of the technology for lead recovery; However, these processes are criticized due to the emission of sulfur dioxide due to the decomposition of lead sulphate at elevated temperatures, in addition to the emission of particles. …”