Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 18
- education 17
- Ciencias Sociales 14
- educación 14
- technology 14
- TIC 12
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 11
- tecnología 11
- History of Latin American Education Journal 10
- innovación 10
- innovation 10
- Educación 8
- ICT 8
- Tecnología 8
- investigación 8
- aprendizaje 7
- enseñanza 7
- research 7
- teaching 7
- Technology 6
- learning 6
- university 6
- Education 5
- Horticultura 5
- Horticulture 5
- Research 5
- conocimiento 5
- educación virtual 5
- educação 5
- knowledge 5
Escuelas Normales Superiores “Experiencias pedagógicas en tiempos de pandemia”
Published 2022“…Curricular flexibility, the use of technology and electronic platforms and devices, became the dynamizing mechanisms of academic activity. …”
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Generation of 3D Tumor Models from DICOM Images for Virtual Planning of its Recession
Published 2020“…Medical images are essential for diagnosis, planning of surgery and evolution of pathology. The advances in technology have developed new techniques to obtain digital images with more details, in return this has also led to disadvantages, such as: the analysis of large volumes of information, long time to determine an affected region and difficulty in defining the malignant tissue for its later extirpation, among the most relevant. …”
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Proofs and generalizations of the pythagorean theorem
Published 2011“…This article explores a topic developed by a group of researchers of the Science and Technology Teaching School of Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil (IFPE), in assistance to the development of the Mathematics Practical and Teaching Laboratory of the distance learning Teaching Licensure, financed by the Universidad Abierta de Brasil. …”
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Effects of corm size and benzylaminopurine on plantain proliferation in two propagation environments
Published 2022“…Macropropagation of plantain in a thermal chamber is an economic technology, effective as a method of phytosanitary cleaning, and efficient to enhance the production of seedlings. …”
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Fintech and Start-ups: A Systematic Literature Review
Published 2023“…Fintech is the application of the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution in the financial field. …”
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Published 2013“…Well known globalization and societies on going technical process also the appeal of massive augmentation of all technologies considered as Information and Communication Technologies, had allowed the on line education as an open and long distance option –nontraditional or conventional– and methodological offensive answer that is being used more often by countries to challenge each other, by their respective public and private policies, challenges related to universal right to education, flexibility and acquisition ease, that demographic growth demands towards traditional and life education systems. …”
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Elaboración de un sistema de reparación no metálico a base de compuestos reforzados con malla de fibra de vidrio en tuberías enterradas de 20 pulgadas para el transporte de crudo...
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Especialización -
Evaluación de recubrimientos comerciales para aplicarlos en tubería
Published 2020Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Estado del arte del recubrimiento de conversión de cromo trivalente en la aleación de aluminio 2024-T3 en la industria aeronáutica y aeroespacial
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Especialización -
El coaching empresarial como una herramienta de construcción de ventajas competitivas para las empresas prestadoras de servicios logísticos Pymes
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Síntesis y caracterización de un MMC cobre-titanio-carburo de titanio sinterizado por descarga luminiscente anormal
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Diseño del sistema de seguridad y de control de iluminación para el Conjunto Cerrado el Portal del Bosque en la ciudad de Tunja
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Comparación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos con mediación de las TIC respecto al modelo de aprendizaje tradicional
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
La formación de ingenieros en perspectiva de CTS : un estudio de caso en los circuitos eléctricos
Published 2023Trabajo de grado - Doctorado -
Remoción de carbono orgánico total y microorganismos patógenos en aguas superficiales de la Cuenca Baja del Río Bogotá mediante el uso de un dispositivo auto-sostenible
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Ground Station Smart Network - ADSGS
Published 2023“…The proposed hardware component uses COTS and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology while the software component uses packages such as Orbitron, ProEst, the SINTA expert system, among others. …”
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Selection and evaluation of gene-edited knockout mutants of AtAAP2 and AtCRF4 homologs of rice for agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (ANUE)
Published 2023“…This study demonstrated the usefulness of GE technology in gene evaluation and highlighted the effects of AtAAP2 and AtCRF4 genes in the plant N cycle.…”
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Relationship: university-company or university-productive sector? A perspective from Latin America
Published 2023“…Objective: The objective of this article is to elucidate the meaning of the university-industry relationship in Latin America for the development of science, technology and innovation. This in order to advance towards adequate alternatives for the region and specifically for Colombia. …”
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A look at the radio show “ondas” in san andres island: pedagogical and social contributions
Published 2013“…The present paper reports the evaluation of the social and the pedagogical impact of the radio show “Ondas” in San Andres Island, which promotes a culture of science, technology, and innovation in children, teenagers, and youth. …”
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Published 2015“…During this time, our journal has undergone several transformations which signals its constant efforts to adapt to the increasing demands posed by information technology advances, national and international research agencies and an audience whose academic specialization is rapidly increasing.One recent innovation in our journal is the editorial committee’s decision to make of Enletawa a biannual publication starting with this issue. …”