Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 18
- education 17
- Ciencias Sociales 14
- educación 14
- technology 14
- TIC 12
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 11
- tecnología 11
- History of Latin American Education Journal 10
- innovación 10
- innovation 10
- Educación 8
- ICT 8
- Tecnología 8
- investigación 8
- aprendizaje 7
- enseñanza 7
- research 7
- teaching 7
- Technology 6
- learning 6
- university 6
- Education 5
- Horticultura 5
- Horticulture 5
- Research 5
- conocimiento 5
- educación virtual 5
- educação 5
- knowledge 5
Use of robotics education as a tool in the process of teaching
Published 2010“…Through educational robotics, concerning the use of didactic and pedagogic can support teaching and learning processes in the educational community with technological tools. This document describes the implementation of a differential mobile robot configuration built with the set pieces of kit Lego MindtormsTM NXT robotics, to support teaching and learning processes in three elementary schools from the State of Boyacá, in Colombia. …”
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Licenciatura en educación básica primaria 1983 – 1999: Recorrido histórico
Published 2019“…The Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia since 1982 was linked to the academic processes proposed at the national level in the mo- dality of distance education, in support of the population that for geogra- phical and economic reasons could not access the university education in person, favoring in this first opportunity, a group of teachers who achieved the goal of being graduates in primary basic education whose benefits were appreciated by their students in the most remote areas of the capital of the department, in this document their genesis, development and culmination are described of the program that started and strengthened in this university the modality of distance education, in favor of regional development with social responsibility in favor of students who are enrolled in the different programs offered by the Faculty of Distance Studies currently.…”
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Estrategia TIC, para La resolución de problemas hacia el fortalecimiento del pensamiento lógico matemático
Published 2024“…Rural education, an opportunity to explore different technologies that allow combining knowledge as a way of learning different from the paths of traditionalism; Mathematics, a versatile area that is based on logical thinking and problem solving, being part of the academic processes and the context of the students. …”
Tesis de maestría -
Financial Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Production
Published 2023“…The most relevant country on this topic is Indonesia, followed by Australia and South Africa; the publication with the greatest impact is the UK Journal of Cleaner Production, and the most relevant author is Jain, Priyanka, from Delhi Technological University. Finally, an agenda for future research is proposed, including financial returns related to corporate social responsibility, business innovation and environmental sustainability.…”
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50 years of history: School of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports
Published 2022“…This investigative work presents a relevant historical and commemorative journey of Physical Education at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, upon completing 50 years of academic work, the narratives of the authors and the life stories of the social actors of this academic program , describe the detailed events of the five decades of curricular history in this institution of Higher Education. …”
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Knowledge management and connectivity: mainstay in turbulent times
Published 2020“…., 2020), have highlighted the barriers to innovation in healthcare systems, justified in weak knowledge and technological processes, uncertainty and people's rejection of modification in routine patterns, revealing in general terms aversion to change (García-Alegría and Gómez-Huelgas, 2020), however demonstrating the imperative need for a rapid response capacity in the face of these emerging or sudden changes, in a highly turbulent environment (Burnes, 2005; Sandoval Duque, 2014). …”
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Bibliometrics and business. A challenge for researchers
Published 2021“…The evolution of information technologies and the emergence of the Internet are partly responsible for this increase. …”
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Outlook of the process of storage of oncology drugs from the logistic operator in Colombia
Published 2014“…Finally, it is presented a proposal of improvement applied tranversely to storage processes including labels such as just in Time and the application of information and communication technologies (ICT).…”
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Ripeness determination in feijoa fruits by using a computer vision system and colour. information
Published 2016“…The need to preserve the integrity of the fruit on this analysis requires implementation of technologies to pass judgment on its condition without destroying it. …”
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Working the Speaking Skill by Using a Web Page in English Classes
Published 2020“…Information and communication technologies, or ICTs, have gained importance in the globalized world. …”
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A device for the classification of solid waste and measurement of ecological footprints
Published 2021“…The calculation of this value is facilitated in large part by the classification of solid waste in order to identify the impact generated on the environment according to the category of each waste. When considering technological advances in the area of electronic engineering, the research question arises: How can the ecological footprint be measured by classifying solid waste when using a data processing system? …”
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Evaluation of human resources administration systems: Chiavenato model in productive organizations of Manabi, Ecuador
Published 2021“…As results, an analysis of ten processes carried out in the management of human talent and their implications regarding technological advances, equality between women and men, professional development and personal fulfillment is presented. …”
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Proposal for a medical record architecture using Alexa and Standard HL7
Published 2022“…Virtual Assistants are tools that facilitate user interaction through natural language; they are integrated with artificialintelligence. Currently, these technologies are used for the development of applications or skills, better known as Skill’s. …”
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Gaps in Financial Inclusion in fruit production in Boyacá, Colombia
Published 2023“…The findings show that the lack of financial guarantees, technological resources, informality, physical distance, poor financial literacy and diversity of financial products are the main gaps in FI. …”
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Published 2013“…Present paper analyses the growing process of using and incorporating information and communication technologies in education and how does this process impact in existing models of part time education processes. …”
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Changes on the initial conceptions and induction on the nature of mathematics and its didactics of an undergraduate students program in mathematics and statistics
Published 2014“…The theoretical framework of the project is described in general terms as well as the analytical categories established for the design and validation of an instrument that identified the conceptions of students of the Licenciatura of Mathematics and Statistics, at Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Duitama Branch. …”
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Design of an automatic sprinkler irrigation system for the Welsh onion growing, in La Puerta farm (Tota-Boyacá)
Published 2012“…Starting from the resources owned by the farming unit, calculations of water requests of the plant, taking into account the crop evapotranspiration, the irrigation planning with certain factors on the basis of effective storage of soils. Two different technologies for the design are presented: hard-wired and programmable logic. …”
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Contemporary careers management: critical challenges for human resource management
Published 2015“…Special emphasis has been made on the transformation that this practice has experienced since the late twentieth century, given the new working conditions created by the technological, economic, and cultural changes that have taken place. …”
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The university professor in the era of globalization
Published 2014“…However, I prefer to start with my observations as a university student in courses for seniors during the last three years, which has allowed me to verify the high training and quality of professional teachers, the development of research, social projection programs, the wide range In terms of physical and technological resources, the new methods of networking, as well as vestiges of teaching methodologies that were already surpassed, clearly show the ancestral resistance of some professors to change their vertically sovereign attitude towards students. …”
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Love attitudes in undergraduate students’ Romantic relationships
Published 2017“…The study was conducted on the sample of 310 students (155 females and 155 males) from different degrees at Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in Tunja. Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania and Agape were assessed through frequency analysis, comparative gender, variables of correlation and t-test. …”