Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 18
- education 17
- Ciencias Sociales 14
- educación 14
- technology 14
- TIC 12
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 11
- tecnología 11
- History of Latin American Education Journal 10
- innovación 10
- innovation 10
- Educación 8
- ICT 8
- Tecnología 8
- investigación 8
- aprendizaje 7
- enseñanza 7
- research 7
- teaching 7
- Technology 6
- learning 6
- university 6
- Education 5
- Horticultura 5
- Horticulture 5
- Research 5
- conocimiento 5
- educación virtual 5
- educação 5
- knowledge 5
Ict Skills for Professional Development teaching in Basic Education
Published 2016Subjects: “…information and communications technology (ICT).…”
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Teacher training on the nature of science through action-research
Published 2014Subjects: “…Nature of science and technology…”
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Intellectual property and innovation process (sustainable development goal 17)
Published 2021“…The most important evident intention and the objective of these documents is the technology transfer, which carries a risk of not recognizing other technological options, such as echo-technology, and of course, also the limited role representing science and innovation in the achievement of these Sustainable Development Goals.…”
Documento de Conferencia -
Analysis of vegetative seed production alternatives of Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft in Tolima, Colombia
Published 2021“…The objective of the research was to comparatively analyze two arracacha seed production technologies: Local technology and Agrosavia technology. …”
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Present and future of the tecnnology GPS (Global Positioning System) in the Geodynamic Applications in Colombia
Published 2017“…Since 1988, Ingeominas has been using the GPS technology as a component of the geodynamic phenomena's study. …”
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Orientation System Using Augmented Reality for Universities
Published 2023“…Augmented reality has been used in a variety of applications, including navigation, gaming, education, among others. This technology allows users to superimpose computer generated images on top of the real world environment. …”
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Diseño y construcción de un hidrociclón a nivel laboratorio
Published 2020Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Agregado de valor a frutos silvestres de agraz a través de la aplicación de recubrimientos comestibles a base de almidones de papas andinas
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
“Avances en el control y mitigación de la Corrosión Influenciada Microbiológicamente (MIC) en aceros al carbono de la industria Oil&Gas empleando recubrimientos compuestos orgánico...
Published 2024Trabajo de grado especialización -
Estudio de resistencia al desgaste y corrosión de recubrimientos de CrSiN sometidos a la acción de un fluido dinámico
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Doctorado -
Published 2017“…Ingeniería, Investigación y Desarrollo I2+D Journal is a publication of the Universidad Pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia, Sogamoso Seat, aimed at inform research developments in the field of engineering and technology. In this issue, the journal offers articles in the area of engineering and technology with interdisciplinary application, in which highlights the focus on technological applications to environmental problems.…”
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Effect of cutting parameters on surface roughness in turning of annealed AISI-1020 steel
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
El tratado de libre comercio Colombia la Unión Europea
Published 2009“…To change this situation, Colombia Should improve the competitveness of lts exports, human resources and technology. Strong support should be given to construction of infrastructure, technical training, local technology absortion, Foreign direct investment and promotion of new exports.…”
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Evaluation of QoS in RF/Li-Fi hybrid networks on 5th generation environments
Published 2017“…The objective is to determine the improvement possibilities provided by this technology and realistically value its development potential, specifically for services in real time. …”
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Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications
Published 2014“…The author makes a review of the SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology, including hardware schemes and application fields. …”
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Ultrasound Applied in the Reduction of Viscosity of Heavy Crude Oil
Published 2020“…The objective of this article is to show the advance of said technology and describe the experiments carried out by various authors. …”
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Enfoque CTSA desde una perspectiva freireana: contribuciones a una educación para el desenvolvimiento sustentable
Published 2013“…Palabras clave: Enfoque CTSA, Enseñanza de las ciencias, Paulo Freire.AbstractA reflection about the contributions rose from the STSE (Science-TechnologySociety and Environment) Approach, as a critical trend about science’s nature and the scientific and technological development’s effects, which they may have on society and the environment. …”
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Basic architecture of design of digital twins for construction
Published 2022“…The aim of this study is to offer an approach for the incremental design of a digital twins based on BIM technology, to achieve a total operational management of the construction facility. …”
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El comercio electrónico como herramienta de comercialización para los empresarios.
Published 2014“…Electronic Commerce (E -Commerce ) , initially conceived as a supplementary mean of other forms of commerce , is now being projected as a technology to make a change, that by theircost- benefit is available to all companies. …”