Showing 141 - 160 results of 458 for search '"capitalism"', query time: 0.02s Refine Results
  1. 141

    A propósito de la economía de hoy by Ruiz Caicedo, Manuel Francisco

    Published 2007
    “…A lo cual respondieron los neoclásicos del MIT que el capital podría asimilarse a un “número índice” que representara el valor presente del mismo, asumiendo la tasa de interés como dada,es decir, la misma en diferentes tiempos y reflejo de aquel valor, el salario estaría determinado por la productividad que se obtuviera del cálculo del mencionado índice, independizando las remuneraciones del capital y el trabajo en términos de la función de producción agregada.Mirless matizaba estos argumentos manifestando que los mismos no deberían ocasionar ningún tipo de “apasionamiento”. …”
  2. 142

    Family, gold and power: The plots of kinship. San Juan (1790-1815). by Fracapani Ríos, Eliana Beatriz

    Published 2016
    “…The purpose of this paper is to present the families dedicated to the mining activity and explain how family networks were woven, in order to interpret the power structure, the accumulation of capital, and the form in which production relations were articulated, at the end of the colonial period, in the territory of the current province of San Juan. …”
  3. 143

    Income inequality in Colombia: empirical evidence in the period 1990-2018 by Salazar Garcia, Juan Sebastian

    Published 2020
    “…The cross-data show that the apparentimprovement in the average educational level in Colombia, used as a proxy variable for the average level of human capital, is concomitant with the reduction of income inequality.…”
  4. 144

    Dinámica y competitividad en la industria Colombiana by Sanabria, Segundo Abrahan

    Published 2008
    “…This process continue also seventy’s although I watch the production of capital goods. In this epoch, the industries enter in a relative stagnation, only the high technology industries show important developments.…”
  5. 145

    La premodernidad. Sujetos, sujeciones y procesos de subjetivacion by Chaparro Amaya, Adolgo

    Published 2012
    “…Los aspectos que me interesan de esa relación son: (i) las dificultadespara comprender la pertenencia territorial "y la consecuente experimentación de las comunidadesamerindias con lo no-humano (sea animal, natural o espiritual)" desde ‘la identidad nacional', (ii) laritualización de los intercambios frente a la velocidad progresiva de circulación del capital, (iii) eldiscurso mítico como una fuente de saber irreductible a la mediatización tecnoinformática de la vidacotidiana.…”
  6. 146

    Apertura económica en colombia y el sector externo (1990 -2004) by Nájar Martínez, Aura Isabel

    Published 2006
    “…La transición de una economía proteccionista basada en el modelo de sustitución de importaciones, a un modelo neoliberal de apertura económica en la década de los noventa, trajo efectos a la economía colombiana, especialmente para la industrianacional, el sector agrícola y el desarrollo de las pequeñas y medianas empresas colombianas, provocando un crecimiento de las exportaciones no tradicionales y generando un aumento en la entrada de divisas para el país.Paralelo a ello, también se incrementaron las importaciones de bienes intermedios, de bienes de consumo no durable y bienes de capital, estos últimos principalmente dirigidos hacia el sector industrial y equipos de transporte, induciendo a una inestabilidaden la balanza comercial, que se reflejó en un creciente déficit en la cuenta corriente de la balanza de pagos, la cual fue compensada con la entrada de capital de largo plazo y su correspondiente endeudamiento público, que aunado a otros factores de orden nacional, hicieron que se dilatara de 1991 a 2004 en US$16.734,5millones el saldo de la deuda externa de mediano y largo plazo del Gobierno Nacional.…”
  7. 147

    América Latina ante el desarrollo territorial sostenible: retos e incertidumbres en un mundo globalizado by González Sousa., Roberto

    Published 2014
    “…La construcción de territorios transnacionales en América Latina dominados por el capital financiero internacional, desarrolla e impone un espacio de gobernanza a diferentes escalas geográficas. …”
  8. 148

    América latina: des-integración económica, territorios y conflictos by Hernandez, Olmedo Vargas, Rojas, Ahiliz

    Published 2008
    “…Abstract: As an inter-territorial borders are becoming less important in the dynamic economic, political and cultural relations, which stimulates the globalization of capital, with its various forms of globalization, Latin American countries fail to make progress in the integration processes intraregional economic or global level, because the system of external relations defined by the states of these countries are still subject to defining their territorial boundaries, from Mexico to Patagonia, in an atmosphere of tension and confrontation permanent, destabilizes all processes and projects for Community action, as opposed to the great challenges of global economic and technological development.…”
  9. 149

    Elections and Revolutionary Board. Villavicencio 1947-1948 by Gómez Barrera, Andrés

    Published 2011
    “…Despite its geographical isolation with the center of the country, the city of Villavicencio was directly affected by the Gaitanismo movement and the Political movement that took place in Colombia during the years 1946 to 1948. Since then, in the capital of Intendencia of Meta, under a unique cultural context in the Orinoco region, particular forms of violence and the exertion of regional policy were presented, which were characterized by: state weakness, political control of a local elite, struggle for local power and exclusion of popular sectors. …”
  10. 150

    The development discourse and education in the contemporary time. Is training in sciences relevant? by Serrato Rodríguez, Deysi

    Published 2018
    “…The aim is to highlight how the development discourse settles in the education field as a strategy to make feasible training processes in sciences and its relations with permanent learning, human capital, and research. From an archaeological and genealogical perspective, three methodological concepts are discussed: knowledge, power, and subjectivation. …”
  11. 151

    The Slow Industrial Take-Off of Bucaramanga, Colombia (1857-1929) by Acevedo Tarazona, Álvaro, Espinosa Suárez, Carlos Humberto

    Published 2020
    “…The origin and amount of capital, the professions and occupations of economic actors, the level of risk used, the sense of association, business conduct, ownership and use of land and the various investment sectors are some of the factors  examined to understand why the Santander region failed to consolidate an industrial and commercial process similar to that experienced in the states of Antioquia and Valle del Cauca. …”
  12. 152

    Effects of foreign investment in Colombian mining and four countries in the region by Gamba, Gloria Patricia, López, Héctor Javier Fuentes, Contreras, Leonardo Emiro

    Published 2013
    “…In recent years the mining sector has attracted the largest flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), allowing the entry of new projects that at the new price level are technically and economically feasible, associated to the diversification in risk portfolios and to the high level of capital required to operate. This investment has focused on Latin American countries with attractive geological potential, so it is worth examining how these investments are conducive to economic development of countries, representing challenges in defining the State policy that maximizes its benefits.…”
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  14. 154

    Wine & status: sociocultural dynamics of wine consumption from the perspective of Global History by Ferri, Gil Karlos, Sueli Nodari, Eunice

    Published 2024
    “…Wine consumption is intrinsically related to historical-geographical and sociocultural factors, revealing processes intertwined with asymmetrical power relations, class hierarchy, economic and cultural capital, predilections and exclusions. The appreciation of certain lifestyles – such as, in this case, the conspicuous consumption of wine – is a subjective social phenomenon increasingly constructed through advertising and in-person and virtual networks, subject to continuous change. …”
  15. 155

    Complaints and accusations of bad governmental practices against Francisco de Sande, Governor and Captain General of the Philippine Islands: 1575-1580. by Rojas Gómez, Juan Camilo

    Published 2019
    “…Finally, an investigation is opened into the relational capital of Francisco de Sande in order to understand the dynamics of the corruption at this early stage.…”
  16. 156

    The Mexican state of Chiapas: What has changed in twenty years? by Ávila Romero, Agustín, Sulvarán López, José Luis, Ávila Romero, León Enrique

    Published 2014
    “…It is concluded that the public finances of Chiapas are extremely weak and that despite the increased capital infusion that it has received, the State is indebted and in similar conditions of marginalization and poverty of those of the two decades ago. …”
  17. 157

    Interpretación administrativa de la novela “La Caverna” de José Saramago by Guerrero, Jaime Ignacio Bermúdez

    Published 2014
    “…Para tal efecto se desarrollan dos grandes temáticas tituladas: La incompatibilidad entre capital industrial y trabajo artesanal, y, El Centro Comercial vs. …”
  18. 158

    Importancia estratégica de los territorios rurales en el contexto de las nuevas regiones industriales: caso ciudad modelo AUDI by Salazar Monsalve, Luis Fernando

    Published 2021
    “…Spa: La industria es una actividad económica que ha generado alteraciones estructurales importantes en el medio rural. La disminución del capital humano activo dedicado a la agricultura es compensado por la oferta laboral en el sector secundario, modificando y sustituyendo al agricultor tradicional paulatinamente por un obrero industrial y deteriorando la relación hombre medio rural.…”
    Documento de Conferencia
  19. 159

    Narrative Curriculum and Technologies in Teacher Training: Theoretical and Conceptual Reflections by Rodrigues, Alessandra, Almeida, Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini de

    Published 2020
    “…It is also oriented by guiding questions of deeper reflections aimed at recognizing and organizing the characteristics of two elements which are essential for the integration of the narrative curriculum and Digital Information and Communication Technologies [DICT]: the narrative learning and the narrative capital, which are influenced by the use of DICT as instruments for mediating the constructive process of curricular and learning narratives.…”
  20. 160