Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- crecimiento económico 23
- economic growth 21
- Colombia 17
- Social Sciences 13
- economic development 13
- education 13
- Educación 12
- educación 12
- desarrollo económico 11
- derechos humanos 9
- economía 9
- neoliberalismo 9
- sustainability 9
- Agricultura 8
- Crecimiento económico 8
- Education 8
- desarrollo sostenible 8
- globalization 8
- human rights 8
- innovación 8
- Agriculture 7
- Ciencias Sociales 7
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 7
- innovation 7
- poverty 7
- sustainable development 7
- Economic growth 6
- Horticultura 6
- Horticulture 6
- Latin America 6
The Department of Boyacá on the basis of the political project of the regeneration 1886-1903. Thoughts from the political, administrative and religious views.
Published 2010“…Through these elements, it will be explained how the change from a Sovereign State of Boyacá to a Political and Administrative Department happened, which lead to a series of reforms of an economical, political and social status, that next to the transition of a secular education to a confessional education, determined the destiny of the Department from a Political Project of the Regeneration.…”
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The Internationalization of the Higher Education and its Infrigement as a Fundamental Right. Analysis within Public Policies 1992–2014. The UPTC case
Published 2016“…For that purpose international organizations guidelines of the economic order are determined in the formulation of educational public policies in Colombia; it is established the effects on the right to education and it is prepared a draft of public policy that guarantees the right to education in Colombia. …”
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The development discourse and education in the contemporary time. Is training in sciences relevant?
Published 2018“…Lastly, it is found that training through which is contemporary is related to flexibility and skills acquisition in favor of the construction of knowledge representing an economic benefit in which science plays a predominant role.…”
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China’s Dollar-linked Hong Kong during the Global Crisis
Published 2019“…In the longer run, amidst the prolonged economic and monetary weaknesses in the US plus the emergence of renminbi as a global currency, Hong Kong might as well unify its exchange rate with the Chinese money.…”
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Decision trees for predicting factors associated with academic performance of high school students in Saber 11 tests
Published 2019“…Following the CRISP-DM methodology, the socio-economic, academic and institutional information of these students was selected from the ICFES databases. …”
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Botanical biopesticides: research and development trends, a focus on the Annonaceae family
Published 2019“…This document analyzed research and development trends related to chemical, biological and economical biopesticides based on plant extracts, with emphasis on the Annonaceae family. …”
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La estrategia de atención primaria en salud desde la experiencia de enfermería en el departamento de boyacá
Published 2019“…Given that Colombia has been a country, where experiences of the founding elements of PHC have had social, political and economic repercussions for decades and that is why early sought to integrate this strategy into the health system in the country. …”
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El neoliberalismo como destrucción creativa
Published 2008“…Utilizando el aserto de Schumpeter “destrucción creativa”, el autor presenta en este artículo una panorámica del neoliberalismo desde el punto de vista económico que disemina y analiza uno a uno los elementos centrales de la política neoliberal, provenientes de la crisis de acumulación, en su versión keynesiana y de los Estados benefactores – la “destrucción”- y puestos en acción – la “creación”- en alcanzamiento de una re-construcción planetaria del poder de clase, en donde nuevos actores como Rusia, China y otros países “exitosos”, sirven de fase para orquestar el éxito, a través de los mass-media, lo que en otros países y contextos ha sido una política de empobrecimiento, miseria y concertación del ingreso.AbstractUsing the assertion of Schumpeter “creative destruction”, the author presents/displays in this article a panoramic one of the neoliberalism from the economic point of view that one by one scatters and analyzes the central of the neoliberal policy, originating elements of the accumulation crisis, in its Keynsian version and of the States beneficient - the “destruction” - and put in action - the “creation” - in alcanzamiento of a planetary reconstruction of the class power, where new actors like Russia, China and other countries “successful”, they serve as phase to orchestrate the success, through them mass-average, which in other countries and contexts has been a policy of impoverishment, misery and agreement of theentrance.…”
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Hacia un modelo de desarrollo autocentrado
Published 2008“…Ante la evidencia de los fracasos de los modelos de desarrollo en América Latina, en el mejor de los casos, ante la precariedad de sus logros que no han alcanzado a revertir los agudos problemas de la pobreza, la distribución inequitativa de los ingresos y el deterioro de las instituciones como agente fundamental del desarrollo económico y social, el artículo presenta una propuesta alternativa de carácter holístico en donde el Estado, el crecimiento del producto, el sistema financiero, entre otros, promuevan una política concertada que integre en un haz los factores asimétricos señalados, teniendo como referencia el empleo, la distribución del ingreso y el consumo.Abstract:Before the evidence of the failures of the models of development in Latin America, in the best one of the cases, before the uncertainty of its profits that have not reached to revert the acute problems of the poverty, the inequitativa distribution of the income and the deterioration of the institutions like fundamental agent of the economic and social development, the article presents/displays an alternative proposal of holistic character where the State, the growth of the product, the financial system, among others, promotes an arranged policy that integrates in a beam the indicated asymmetric factors, having like reference the use, the distribution of the entrance and the consumption tragically.…”
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La crisis financiera: génesis y repercusiones
Published 2010“…Also emphasized in the economic policy that allowed the crisis would not become a depression. …”
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Ciencia (económica), naturaleza y género
Published 2009“…ABSTRACT:The text presented below suggest some alternatives for economic science, built as a paradigm for mechanism for legitimizing the social and ecological status quo through the radical break between «I» of the scientist and the world around him, give a shift towards the recognition, not non-market activities, but a part of the human being, at present, the dominant discourse does not. …”
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Estimación del traspaso de la tasa de cambio nominal a los precios de la economía colombiana para el periodo 1994-2008
Published 2009“…ABSTRACT:The present study aims to review the economic literature on the relationship of the exchange rate and prices, Through what has been called the pass- Through of the exchange rate to prices, for it have wanted to refer the Colombian economy during the period 1994-2008 and estimate two models, a SUR model and a VAR model to allow further analysis by estimating the transfer for the period.…”
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Educación y desarrollo industrial en Colombia La UIS y la industrialización
Published 2013“…Therefore, in the UIS, Industrial University of Santander’s creation, it is necessary to consider a country which adopts an Economical Model, and strives to become industrialized, through animports substitution’s process, in which the State starts its role as entrepreneur, and begins to demand from the educational sector, a qualified technical personal, to reinforce the industrial process which has been unleashed all over the country. …”
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La conducta económica: modelo ortodoxo vs modelo institucionalista/post-keynesiano
Published 2008“…Además, se analiza también la influencia del aprendizaje y de las relaciones de poder en la conducta de los individuos.ABSTRACTThe aim of this work is to describe the assumptions and basic characteristics that define the behavior of the individual in the current economic dominance, exposing the main problems that presents this model and confront with the vision of human beings contained in the approach institutionalist and postkeynesiano. …”
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Effect of population density on the yield of export-type white yams (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.)
Published 2016“…The following yield components were evaluated each time: number, shape, weight, size and production of export-type and non-export-type tubers. In addition, an economic analysis of the treatments was carried out to assess the impact of adoption. …”
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The community resilience of tourism agents in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.: Un análisis desde el territorio
Published 2023“…In the context of the pandemic and the undeniable economic crisis that has left global tourism activity, a latent phenomenon is present in local communities in the face of adversities caused, whether by natural disasters, social conflicts or in this particular case by public health reasons in tourist destinations, and it is the concept of community resilience, which has made it possible to analyze the different resources, means and strategies that collectives, families or cultural groups use to face and overcome sociopolitical or ecological threats. …”
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Accounting training research at universities of Tunja
Published 2019“…The predominant tendencies are auditing and finance, reflecting the articulation with the global economic policies that over time have led the way within the construction of curriculum, guaranteeing updated and quality training processes. …”
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The Cotton-Textile Circuit in Formosa, Argentina 2003-2015
Published 2020“…Specifically, the state intervention in Formosa is studied, a province of the lagging periphery, differentiated by its low economic dynamism and historically marginalized in the national socio-spatial configuration. …”
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Servicios de bienestar universitario en el cread Bogotá: Servicio de acompañamiento psicologico
Published 2020“…The instrument used was a survey distributed in 30 questions, designed to characterize the population. 156 students belonging to the Schools of Humanistic Sciences and Education, Technological Sciences and Administrative and Economic Sciences participated. The proposed psychological service “Talk to me ... your online psychologist”, offers a personalized and virtual attention, deve- loping attention, promotion and prevention activities, as well as actions aimed at strengthening academic performance, autonomous learning and reducing attrition. …”
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Analysis of patents related to microencapsulation with yam (Dioscorea Rotundata) coatings by spray drying
Published 2021“…Spray drying could also be used in inventions that contribute to the technological, operational and economic improvement of the process. …”