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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Adela Speratti 1
- Argentina 1
- Combustibles 1
- Crisis financiera 1
- Educación 1
- Education 1
- Educação 1
- Fuels 1
- créditos subprime 1
- desregulación 1
- desregulation 1
- free market 1
- globalización 1
- globalization 1
- intervención del Estado. (Financial crisis 1
- libre mercado 1
- oligopolio 1
- oligopoly 1
- privatización 1
- privatization 1
- regulación 1
- regulation 1
- state intermediation) 1
- subprime credits 1
Adela Speratti: the dream and the realization of the teaching profession in Paraguay
Published 2022“…In Europe, the optimistic ideas of positivism and scientism were triumphing on the back of the industrial revolution and technological advances, and the empire of the free market was flooding from Western Europe to all corners of the world, particularly the so-called former South American colonies that had not yet declared their independence half a century earlier.…”