Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- geology 4
- geología 4
- carbón 2
- coal 2
- reservoir rock 2
- source rock 2
- 2D seismic 1
- Agroecosistema 1
- Algoritmos de Detección de Objetivos 1
- Apprentissage 1
- Aprendizagem 1
- Arcillas; caracterización óptica; morfología; propiedades eléctricas 1
- Bucaramanga fault 1
- Cesar 1
- Connaissance 1
- Demisphère 1
- Desertion 1
- Deserção escolar 1
- Désertion scolaire 1
- Emotion 1
- Emoção 1
- FDI 1
- Firma espectral 1
- Geología 1
- IED 1
- Imágenes Hiperespectrales 1
- Knowledge 1
- La Paila formation 1
- Latin America 1
- Latinoamérica 1
Identificación de impactos del cambio climático en cuerpos superficiales de agua dulce de la Región Caribe colombiana
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Elaboración del modelo hidrogeológico conceptual de la Mina de Sal de Zipaquirá, correspondiente al Título Minero HIQO-03.
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Reducción de hierro (total) y sulfatos analizando procesos fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos en un biorreactor anaerobio
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Análisis de la evolución hidrogeoquímica y diagnóstico de procesos de biomineralización controlada en agua subterránea : caso Pozo UPTC, Sogamoso
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Establecimiento de características técnicas para el diseño e implementación de instrumentación geofísica de inspección y monitoreo a baja frecuencia
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Identificación de mecanismos físicos y químicos presentes en la remoción de contaminantes de un DAM usando escoria de alto horno (EGAH)
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Zonificación ambiental para la planificación de la operación minera en el Departamento de Boyacá
Published 2020Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Formulación de recuperación de espacio público y ambiental en el Río Jordán en Tunja, mediante infraestructuras verdes
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Ocupación de hábitat y distribución regional del paujil pico azul Crax Alberti (aves: cracidae) en la Serranía de las Quinchas, Colombia
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Fitogeografía de la flora paramuna del Macizo de Bijagual, Boyacá, Colombia
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Intervenciones antropogeomorfológicas en el territorio municipal de Chía, Cundinamarca/Colombia : problemáticas ambientales relacionadas para el siglo XXI
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Complex geophysical research, geostatistical analysis and 3D modeling, with electrical and nuclear methods in Macanal and Chinavita, Boyacá, Colombia
Published 2014“…The implementation of geophysical methods is very important in the realization of projects that permit avaluating us the geological formations geologically-geophysically and specifically units present lithologies in them. …”
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Diatomita manifestations's dispositions and description, Tunja-Chivatá's sector
Published 2007“…It comprises: The specific area of interest convered by a field direct work; an analysis of aerial photography and dentification of the different emerging geologic units, plus a pilot deposit of Diatomeas. …”
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Shallow seismic data acquisiction and processing on the bucaramanga fault in piedecuesta (Santander)
Published 2010“…This project uses concepts and technology from oil industry and applying them to socially significant geological problems.…”
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Published 2023“…The area of the present study is located in the Llanos Orientales basin, in which the main objective was a geochemical evaluation of crude oil in the geological and production provinces: Piedemonte, Arauca, Casanare and Meta-Vichada based on related information about bulk parameters, gas chromatography and biomarkers. …”
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The san peregrino landslide, in the autopista del cafe
Published 2010“…The “Autopista del Café” in the stretch comprehended between the cities of Manizales and Pereira showssome unstable geological sites who has demanded great money expenses for stabilization. …”
Online -
Optical, electrical, structural, and morphological properties of KAl4Si2O12/Mg3Si2O9/Fe2O3 clay mineral from Machado mountain region, Tarairá, Colombia
Published 2022“…The extracted clay was subjected to treatments to separate it from the others geological compounds before the characterization process. …”
Online -
Detailed stratigraphic study of La Paila formation in the La Uribe-Sevilla section, hydrocarbon potential reservoir in the Cauca-Patía basin
Published 2009“…During the sedimentation volcanic activity will take place, something from which evidence is found in the tuff levels. In previous geologic studies the La Paila formation the has been correlated with different litologic units of the Valle del Cauca due to the scarse stratigraphic data, which has generated confusions in the up-to-date geologic maps. …”