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Suggested Topics within your search.
- historiografía 9
- historiography 8
- Social Sciences 6
- historiographie 6
- memory 5
- Estado 4
- Historiography 4
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 4
- historia 4
- mémoire 4
- Ciencias Sociales 3
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- history 3
- América Latina 2
- Educación 2
- Elections 2
- Enseignement de l’histoire 2
- Ensino de História 2
- Historiografía 2
- History teaching 2
- Latin America 2
- State 2
- connaissance 2
- conocimiento 2
- elecciones 2
- genre 2
- género 2
- histoire 2
- identity 2
- knowledge 2
Historiographic balance of the Health History Group in Boyacá-UPTC around the Bicentennial
Published 2021Subjects:Online -
La historia en gerundio Mito e historia en el pensamiento español y latinoamericano
Published 2011“…For that purpose were chosen the writings ofAntonio León, a Spanish cleric, and Juan Fernández de Sotomayor, Colombian priest and bishop, in order to compare them and extract the main analysis and historiography categories, in favor or against the independence. …”
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The writing of the history: Jean Pierre Fave an approach to the theory of story
Published 2019“…In the last forty years the historiography production in Colombia presents an important variety of methodological approaches that has allowed, at the same time, variety in the academic and editorial production, such as: collections, manuals, books, essays, doctoral theses, articles and research on specifics events. …”
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The history of emotions: what the affect of the past tells us
Published 2020“…This article presents a critical reflection on the historiography dedicated to the study of emotions, showing its origin, achievements and possibilities. …”
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Elections and Revolutionary Board. Villavicencio 1947-1948
Published 2011“…This paper shows then the above aspects in order to provide the construction of a not depleted historiography of the Colombian violence.…”
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Education and political and social control of the state: School visitors in Tacna and Arica (1880-1900)
Published 2015“…This article aims to contribute to the visibility of unknown actors of regional history in northern Chile , by analyzing documentary sources literal and logical approach , they are presented the functions accomplished by the visitors of schools as agents of educational planned action from the State and as a mechanism of political and social control, during the period of military integration in the area of Arica (1880) and its annexation to the Chilean sovereignty (1929), all this marked by a process of national historiography known as " Chilenización".…”
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Javier Ocampo López: Amigo, Administrador y Maestro
Published 2011“…The text is divided in three parts: The friend, the administrator and the teacher: The research and his method.Key words: Investigation, Biography, Javier Ocampo, Students Formation, Historiography, History of the Ideas.…”
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Gender, labour, and Migration: Categories for the Study of the Republican Exile of 1939 in France
Published 2024“…Finally, we will critically review the historiography concerning women in the Republican exile of 1939 and the gaps that persist regarding the labour dimension of their experiences, offering some interpretations and suggesting future lines of research.…”
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The Odyssey of History in Times of Memory: From the Song of the Sirens to the Robe of Penelope
Published 2014“…It scrutinizes the relationships between historiography, historical memory and contemporary politicalviolence speciically within the Colombian context, as well as the necessity and moral duty of society to engage in the exercise of memory with the maximum rigor and precision. …”
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Notarial Practice Treatises in the Libraries of XVIII c. Neogranadino Scribes
Published 2016“…Among the personal libraries of numerary and cabildo scribes during the XVIII c. in the New Kingdom of Granada, we find the presence of forms, treatises or practical manuals inscribed in the tradition of european juridicial “ars notariae” literature, which exercised a fundamental function in the social and economic development of American cities, this task that has been scarcely studied by Colombian historiography. This study analyzes the Post Mortem Inventaries of the scribes Jacobo Facio Lince, Mariano Bueno, Juan Andrés Sandoval and Joaquín Sánchez de la Flor, who exercized their practice in the cities of Medellín, Cartago and Popayán. …”
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Research on the teaching of history in the state meetings on history of the ANPUH-BA: initial impressions
Published 2018“…The texts do not relect the debate about the teaching of history and show the dichotomy between the Teaching of History vs Research and Historiography, or Undergraduate degree vs Secondary school.…”
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Reflexiones sobre el concepto cultura política y la investigación histórica de la democracia en América Latina
Published 2017Artículo de revista -
The construction of the intellectual field of the history of education and its contribution to Pedagogical Peace: An interdisciplinary perspective
Published 2019“…Methodologically, it is an interdisciplinary investigation, which takes up the guidelines of historiography, ethnography, and bibliometric research, in order to determine which are the authors and works, where they publish, which are the national and international networks, among others. …”
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The Past: History or Memory
Published 2014“…Secondly, this article analyzes the way in which these two concepts have been addressed in the irst six issues of Historia Y MEMORIA journal, which proposes historiography, as a ield of analysis that allows researchers in the social sciences to discuss the contributions of memory to historiographical construction, and how memory contributes to the creation of both individual and collective remembrance. …”
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The Construction of narratives about the past. Advocacy for history
Published 2020“…The present article analyzes some recent cases of confronted, re-written or conflict-themed narratives, and connections are made with the discourses of historiography from its controversial theories and methodologies. …”
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Jesuit teaching in colonial Chile: Its schools, universities, and an approach to its methods and contents
Published 2014“…As this topic has been so poorly addressed by the national contemporary historiography, our work is intended to make a contribution to the history of education in Chile and Latin America, in the sense that the Jesuit educational experience in Chile, was similar to that experienced in other nations of the continent.…”
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Elections and electoral practices in Tucumán-Argentina 1870-1880
Published 2015“…Another aspect of the work involves exploring the functioning of the clubs and committees and their relation with working class sectors, which were generally veriied from a “top to bottom” perspective, through intermediaries(overseers, judges and campaign managers) in a relationship that political historiography has identiied as passive, and whose principal goal was improving the eficacy of previously constructed networks of patronage. …”
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Socialism in its place. The «social organization» of the nation and the intersocial origins of the first Mexican socialism towards 1850
Published 2021“…The complicated hypothesis of the «impossible reception» of socialism in the Mexican world of labor in the 19th-century will be the starting point for the development of an interconnection between the historiography of the world of Mexican labor and the conceptual history of the last decades. …”
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Historical paintings from the 19th century and identity discourse: notes on iconography and the teaching of History in Paraná
Published 2018“…Cultural history guides the analysis that, methodologically, relates school history, memory and visual culture in order to approach a complex issue debated by Brazilian historiography about the uses of the past, memory and the way the history of Brazil was written and told, for a long time, from the perspective of the colonizer in the 19th and 20th centuries. …”
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The Governor of Michoacán and the University Conflict of 1949. The Vision of Nemesio García Naranjo
Published 2017“…This ideological positioning contravenes the wrong place in which historiography has put this character: as part of the reactionary and antirevolutionary right. …”