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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 5
- educación intercultural 5
- educação intercultural 5
- intercultural education 5
- cultura 4
- indigenous people 4
- comunidades indígenas 3
- culture 3
- Artículo 2
- Ciencias Sociales 2
- Colombia 2
- Food 2
- Intercultural dialogue 2
- Memoria 2
- Memory 2
- Memória 2
- Pueblos indígenas 2
- Tunja 2
- armed conflict 2
- art 2
- arte 2
- conflicto armado 2
- decoloniality 2
- derechos humanos 2
- escola 2
- escuela 2
- human rights 2
- indigenous 2
- indigenous communities 2
- indigenous women 2
Performing arts, intercultural dialogues and socio-legal creation Songs of origin and sacred law
Published 2003“…He proposes interdisciplinary work. between the scenic arts and cultural anthropology as a dialogical and experiential exercise in relating with and understanding Colombian Indigenous groups. He also suggests that we listen to ancestral Native American knowledge as a way to continue processes of intercultural dialogue in the search for legal pluralism.…”
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Indian special jurisdiction in Colombia: alternative use of law or pluralism?
Published 2014“…This paper presents the special indigenous jurisdiction of Colombia that, by its principles, as it is explained in the development of this document, could be configured as an alternative use of the law, but for the author, it is a typical example of legal pluralism.…”
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The Archeological Museum of Pasca: a Hypothesis about its Origin
Published 2017“…Whatis singular about this parish priest´s interest, as this articleaims to demonstrate, is that this effort was not accompaniedby religious discourse, but by a domesticated revindicationof the indigenous local past. For this purpose, this articleuses a strategy that articulates historical knowledge on thelocal context in which MAP emerged and on the life of JaimeHincapié Santamaría, with testimonies of the inhabitants ofthe municipality, which allowed identification of the meaningsgiven to this museum. …”
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Formative experience in monocultural schools in Araucanía, Chile: memories of women in Cholchol and Maquehue
Published 2019“…This research is framed in the preliminary results of a regular Fondecyt project and its aim is to reveal and describe the social memory of five women who are indigenous grandmothers of the Mapuche communities in Maquehue and Cholchol areas. …”
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Rescue of ancestral and cultural practices in the preparation of casabe and mañoco in the Piapoco and Sikuani community
Published 2019“…The Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, the Faculty of Distance Studies, and the Basic Education Program fulfill in the Guainía region with the professional training of Indigenous teachers Piapoco and Sikuani, who are able to manage and foster educational, organizational and leadership processes in their communities, promoting a vision towards the valorization, recovery and strengthening of culture, territory, environment, and ancestral knowledge of practices in their life plan, that defend and promote respect for Interculturality, which lead to an autonomy for the recognition of the collective rights and duties of the community.…”
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Pulperos, pardos and indepeendence in Venezuela. 1812-1814
Published 2011“…This essay aims to analyze how the whites, indigenous, duns and mulattos took part in the processes of independence of Caracas, in this respect, allusion is done to a conlict of races. …”
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Published 2019“…This issue highlights the fact that writing is a crucial form of human expression.Thus, this number presents research reports about various themes that range from interculturalityto students' voices to language teaching in indigenous communities. It also explores writing fromthe self-based on authors' lived experiences. …”
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Towards an artistic decolonial didactics. A proposal in the intercultural classroom from the Misak community
Published 2020“…The main objective was to generate a strengthening of the traditional artistic practices of the Misak indigenous population through a didactic proposal that starts from the ideals of the so-named Decolonial Pedagogies from an intercultural didactic model. …”
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Pombo: Imaginario de nación en la fábula
Published 2013“…After this, there was the need of a religion would include and educate the excluded (indigenous tribes, illiterate people, and peasants). also, a name was needed to enclose the territory by means of spatial and demographical limits, engulfing those areas that were yet to beconquered. …”
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Street Food as part of the Resistance-Fxistence: from 18th to 20th Century
Published 2023“…The r-existence in street food is due to the fact that this food is based on the identity of Bahian culture, resulting from the indigenous, African, and Portuguese contributions. This food preserves knowledge and practices passed down from generation to generation, which consolidates its r-existence, as it does not disappear over time but, rather, becomes stronger.…”
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Arts meet antrhopology: possible reflections and dialogues
Published 2012“…Exemplifying the importance of continuing with this problematic matter, —always thinking that both disciplines could methodologically and theoretically support and enrich each other— this article aims at presenting some possible relationships between arts and anthropology, focusing, on one hand, on the contributions accomplished by the contemporary visual anthropology through the work done by the Indigenous Photo Archive in Mexico, and on the other hand, to think, from the artistic filed, about Teresa Pereda’ work, whose visual poeticpresents appropriations that are usual features in the anthropological task: the look on others and their culture. …”
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Five Paths for the Promotion, Animation and Mediation of Reading in Colombia
Published 2021“…Finally, the fifth chapter reflectsabout some dynamics of reading promotion of projects developed among indigenous communities.…”
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The municipal cemetery of Soacha, Cundinamarca: an example of a heritage site that is the scene of tensions
Published 2021“…The municipal cemetery of Soacha, besides being the scene of tensions, allows exploring the new manifestations around death and the long indigenous tradition of this territory, occupied since ancient times without interruption for more than 10,000 years. …”
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Published 2011“…Because of this, we describe the most important educational expressions of indigenous communities, the aftermath of the Hispanic presence and the itinerary of the nineteenth century, linked to the organization in the country and the performance of subnational governments. …”
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Land litigations: The case of the Resguardo of Chivatá in the second half of the 18th century
Published 2021“…In the Viceroyalty of New Granada, during the second half of the 18th century, the Resguardo of Chivatá was involved in a series of land litigations, related to confusion about the borders, leading to the invasion of communal lands by neighbours and the invasion of the indigenous people of lands bordering the resguardo. …”
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Evangelización y occidentalización en la frontera sur del Reino de Chile. Los Franciscanos del Colegio de Misiones de Chillán, s. XVIII
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
Market, Consumption and Livestock Practices in the Cundiboyacense High Plateau. The Paipa and Tunja Cases
Published 2021“…This book analyzes case studies focused on the livestock and beef trade, the relation of these processes in the transformation of the landscape in the lives of the indigenous peoples and subsistence farmers, and the changes in the activities of the cities, the people’s daily lives and the food culture in the department of Boyacá, particularly in Tunja and Paipa. …”
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Special needs education and its implication in cultural diversity contexts: analysis from La Araucanía
Published 2020“…It is concluded that, in order to move towards a possible conceptualization of Special Needs Education in indigenous territories such as La Araucanía, a new way of thinking is needed on issues related to special educational needs from a critical perspective in order to break western structure and canons.…”
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An Approach to the decolonization of peace studies: The intercultural experience and top to bottom of the people Nasa Wes´x Tolima – Colombia
Published 2020“…The method applied was the text analysis research based on indigenous discourses, concluding that the experience of peace of people Nasa Wes’ x joint with the decolonizing and intercultural perspective of peace, when judging the traditional schemes of pacification promoted from the hegemonic State’s interests and dynamics, on the contrary, it appeals to the autonomy and liberation of the mother earth being the reflection of the thought-feeling from the territories in the framework of the peace construction as the motivation of their own struggles for another possible reality in the community sphere.…”
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Desafíos para articular la educación propia con la educación oficial, en la Comunidad Educativa la Esmeralda del Resguardo Indígena Caño Mochuelo, Casanare
Published 2023“…This Master's research gives an account of the challenges that the La Esmeralda Educational Community, of the Caño Mochuelo Casanare Indigenous Reservation, has had to face in order to preserve its culture and history. …”
Tesis de maestría