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ICT as a socio-relational medium: a descriptive analysis in the school context with high school adolescents
Published 2020“…It is concluded that social interactions mediated by ICTs take two forms: the usual connective interaction with the same subjects in the face-to-face environment, and the extended connectivity, which occurs with individuals different from the usual ones.…”
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How to understand the rural in rural education? A documentary approach
Published 2021“…The survey shows as categories issues such as the lack of relevance and investment in the rural sector and therefore in education -problems identified in the work of Fals Borda-; the differentiation that territories have in terms of culture and ways of life, which have not been sufficiently explored; and the existence of individual research projects concerned with providing alternatives, which, however, in their development are insufficient.…”
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Motorcycle taxi transport service and accidents rate: a stochastic analysis in Popayan, Colombia
Published 2021“…The lack of official information on this illegal economic activity led to an incidental sampling made up of 306 individuals, surveyed in the second half of 2019. Initially, a socioeconomic profile of the drivers is made and then a stochastic Poisson model inflated by zeros, due to the cover-up of the number of actual accidents by respondents. …”
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Fanzines: Anarchist and Anarcho-Punk Perspectives in the Argentine Democratic Recovery, 1986-1993
Published 2024“…Finally, we trace the connections established between these publications, through the overlap of spaces, individuals, and events referenced within the corpus.…”
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Published 2011“…These interpretations allowed us to say that schools of evangelical Lutheran confession have experienced a crisis of identity, policy, direction and meaning in the 80s, bringing about an estrangement between schools and communities of maintenance, or in many cases, individual practices and centralization of power. …”
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The Santander History Center and the management of local memory from 1934 to 1944: Centennial celebrations of Eloy Valenzuela, Solón Wilches and Vicente Azuero
Published 2014“…The study concludes that references to these individuals were associated with a set of civic virtues that included: honor, Castilian heritage, modesty, wisdom, adherence to democratic principles, and a progressive,industrial spirit.…”
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Recovering the anthropological thing... a need of education
Published 2014“…Then, it is concluded that it underlies the human construction that individuals live in their socio-historical dimension -since they have multiple meanings of their own reality-, which, in turn, looks for the construction of human condition as an opposition to the relationship between the theoretical and practical world.…”
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Resilience: a transversal occupational skill for current organizations
Published 2013“…Finally we propose an organizational resilience model that presents its functionality and categorization of profiles in occupational and individual skills that allow encouraging cultural and organizational behavior by means of optimization strategies to current organizations. …”
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Between agreements and disagreements. Use of the Pragmatic Sanction to avoid the abuse of unequal marriages in the province of Buenos Aires
Published 2016“…Those variations are meaningful, as they help us to explore the fascinating reality typiied by prejudice, family interests and individual feelings in the late colonial period.…”
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Appropriations Of Places Of Fear And Memory: Perceptions Of Women From Comuna 1, Medellín, Colombia
Published 2018“…The methodological included tours of the places, elaboration of social cartographies and group and individual interviews. The results show how fear and insecurity that women feel in some places of their neighborhoods, have been creating boundaries that prevent its uses. …”
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Women of letters and arts in the south of Colombia. 1930-1950
Published 2019“… Propopograpic analysis was used to study this collective, leading to the identification of group characteristics, as well as individual peculiarities. It was found that family environments connected with intellectual or artistic life favored the development of this collective, as well as sociability networks, which promoted new experiences with writing and artistic work for these women. …”
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La estrategia de atención primaria en salud desde la experiencia de enfermería en el departamento de boyacá
Published 2019“…It starts from the concept of APS understood as Essential Health Care acces- sible to all individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them, with their full participation and at an affordable cost to the community and the country and get to the conclusion that primary health care is the most important public health strategy.…”
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The educational world and its environment in the face of the pandemic of the xxi century: challenges, responsibilities and inclusion
Published 2021“…In addition, they need to organize group sessions and networks for group work or smart phones for individual use. The teaching innovation that is developed throughout this monograph unites the whole society, not only families, students and teachers along with ethnoeducation and radio programs. …”
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La enseñanza de las ciencias naturales y la educación ambiental en la escuela: realidades y desafíos
Published 2012“…Dicha realidad denota la necesidad de fortalecer espacios educativos que, de la mano de las diversas tendencias pedagógicas y didácticas, promuevan la formación de ciudadanos que se interesen por debatir las cuestiones socio-científicas de manera individual y colectiva. La consolidación de tales espacios demanda la formación de docentes que se comprometan con el desarrollo de ejercicios de autorreflexión en torno al quehacer y la práctica pedagógica, de forma tal que se asuma la necesidad de contribuir al estudio y análisis de la situación de los aprendizajes de los niños, niñas y jóvenes, reconociendo las fortalezas y oportunidades del proceso, lo que sin duda contribuirá a pensar en nuevas y diferentes formas de plantear la enseñanza de las Ciencias.…”
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Mecanismo Intra-Inter-Trans en el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial y geométrico
Published 2013“…The present study illustrates this process in the geometric concepts in individual’sdevelopment. Additionally it shows each stage process’ characteristics and finally, it illustrates how the mechanism with its three simultaneous phases, at the same level of thinking, can be presented. …”
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Published 2021“…La información se obtuvo mediante entrevista semiestructurada individual realizada a los participantes seleccionados previa notificación y firma del consentimiento informado. …”
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Alienated connections between economy, marketing and globalization
Published 2015“…The orientation of enterprises towards the market or consumer (Garcés, 2010), as a work focus of a non-neoclassical/neoliberal marketing theory, and one that is not centered on operational activities that seek, on the short term, to maximize the sales and profits of individual producers, is a task that is overdue in this discipline. …”
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Análisis fisicoquímico del proceso de co-compostaje de biomasa de leguminosa y ruminaza
Published 2017“…La relación másica de carbono – nitrógeno (C/N) más baja de co-compostaje se encuentra en la mezcla leguminosa - ruminaza al 50 – 50% con 28.51, mientras que el compost individual vegetal de solo leguminosa fue de 9.14. Los parámetros de porcentaje en masa de N, Mg y Zn, así como la CIC (capacidad de intercambio catiónico) y conductividad presentaron los valores más altos en el compost vegetal, convirtiéndolo en un potencial acondicionador orgánico que puede aportar dichos nutrientes al suelo en el cultivo que lo requiera.…”
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Una función más del arte y la educación artística hoy
Published 2011“…In short, to help from acontemporary language to validate and re- signify what we are, not as individuals but as communities.Key words: Artistic Education, Boyacá, Cultural Practices.…”
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Indicadores para herramientas lean manufacturing
Published 2021“…En primer lugar se desarrolló el estado del arte para verificar las herramientas existentes en el mundo entero que puedan ser factibles para ser utilizadas para estos fines, después se complementó el marco conceptual para así investigar y hallar las características que deben tener estos indicadores para poder medir la implementación y mejoras al implementar herramientas Lean, después se procederá a su desarrollo teniendo en cuenta las variables de implementación y de cada herramienta por individual para finalmente validar dichos indicadores mediante un estudio de caso en una empresa de la región donde ya hallan implementado algunas de estas herramientas o deseen implementarlas.…”
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