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Carbon Stored in the Arboreal Stratum of Livestock and Natural Systems of the Municipality of Albania, Caquetá, Colombia
Published 2019“…The forest showed significant differences with values of 249.035 Mg ha-1 in biomass and carbon 124.517 Mg ha-1 with respect to other land uses; the variable diameter to the breast height (DBH) revealed significant differences (p<0.05), where natural regeneration obtained the lowest DBH while native forest the highest with 4.93 and 18.52 cm, respectively. The number of individuals (tree ha-1) was not significantly different between native forest (525) and natural regeneration (930), but these two showed significant differences as regard to agroecosystems of pastures, with values of 17, 47 and 207 individuals ha-1 for PM, PT and SSP respectively. …”
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La importancia de formar jóvenes emprendedores
Published 2003“…La anterior reflexión esta sustentada en los cambios que se vienen dando en el modelo de desarrollo económico, el cual ha generado, entre la población, problemas de altísima desigualdad en los niveles de riqueza y falta de oportunidades de desarrollo individual y colectivo.La realidad anterior, nos lleva a afirmar que la universidad debe orientar los esfuerzos formativos a la construcción de fortalezas y destrezas que posibiliten a los egresados mayor competitividad y mayores niveles de exigencia y calidad para generar nuevas formas de desarrollo.…”
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VIH y derechos fundamentales: el derecho a la protección de datos personales y el registro obligatorio de los portadores del VIH en España
Published 2016“…Es relevante señalar que elderecho a la protección de datos personales, por incidir tan directamenteen el núcleo de la personalidad, de la libertad y de la dignidad individual,se configura como un derecho cuya violación podría llevar aparejada enmuchas ocasiones la violación de otros derechos fundamentales.…”
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Warehousing and transportation logistics of mango in Colombia: A system dynamics model
Published 2017“…We used the proposed model to test the following hypothesis: “The asymmetry in the packaging, derived from the actors’ individual management, creates inefficiencies that may be avoid if the packaging of the fruit is done thinking on the chain”. …”
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Importance of the super formula in the teaching of fractal geometry.
Published 2022“…Its methodological development is based on a qualitative paradigm (Sandoval Casilimas, 2002) which focuses its development on the understanding and analysis of the different behaviors that individuals study from the following phases Methodological: Observation phase, Creation phase, Application phase and Sustaining phase…”
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Is social inclusion of workforce in Colombia in counter of what sustainability means?
Published 2015“…The situation suggests that the Colombian business community needs a systematic review of sustainability policies, particularly in relation to the type of employment it is providing, given that work is a highly influential aspect of individuals life…”
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Governance of writing: the scission between modernity and hypermodernity “cite and parentheses”
Published 2017“…Sciences preeminence, scientific society’s role, the birth of a researcher individual and the emergence of scientific journals encourage the use of footnotes. …”
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Fobia al Estado en Tocqueville y Hayek. Elementos para una arqueología del neo-liberalismo
Published 2018“…En el presente artículo retomamos la noción de “fobia al Estado” utilizada por Foucault para analizar la manera en la que se logró problematizar la acción estatal como una amenaza al desarrollo económico y a la libertad individual en el ámbito de la sociedad civil. A través del estudio de la obra de Tocqueville, mostramos cómo algunos elementos de esta forma de problematización ya se encontraban articulados en los discursos del siglo xix; sin embargo, en el siglo xx los autores neoliberales radicalizarán la crítica al Estado, el cual opondrán al mercado como la única instancia capaz de procurar las exigencias de la democracia moderna. …”
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Teatro musical en el ámbito de la educación rural
Published 2018“…La intervención estuvo orientada hacia la manera en que el teatro y la música sirven como ejes importantes del desarrollo de habilidades relacionadas, entre otras, con la expresión lingüística y kinestésica, tales como el fortalecimiento de la creatividad individual y grupal en niños en edad escolar. Por último, se exponen los resultados y las conclusiones, tomando como referentes los objetivos, tanto el general, como los específicos, con el fin de evidenciar cada uno de los aspectos trazados y obtenidos a partir de la intervención.…”
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Person-centered medicine: a call to the origin
Published 2022“…Traditionally, medicine has been reconciled with the science and art of caring for women, as there are many classic authors who address issues such as ethics and morals in medical professionals; Specifically, as part of the novel culture, the full and honorable dedication of medical practice to its patient arises, without shame, doctors who live in deep reflection and sincerity about their actuary and origin of being; It is well known that there are positions regarding the ownership of medicine, the first from the vision of the biomedical model (positivist) and the second from the biopsychosocial vision of centralized care in the person, which has foundations and characteristics that are of different depth ; Finally, it is concluded that if the bases of the biopsychosocial model and in particular the center of attention centered on the person constitutes a way of understanding the reality of the human being, it does not contradict the biomedical model itself that complements it, and finally the paradigm of the Cos school: “the science of serving people”; In this sense, this paper intends to focus on health personnel and in particular on medical personnel in terms of the importance of acting in favor of patients in the clinical and political ambiguity that must be taken only in the individual approach, both in the community and in the public.…”
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Firmino Costa: The Republic of an intellectual and educational purpose (1907 - 1937)
Published 2014“…These authors, on the contrary, understand that individuals are involved in determined cultural ambiences built up from sociability nets and by the running ideas repertory and, as to this very circusntance, they have different political and intelectual ways of acting by in a large scale, conditioning these factors to the possibilities of acting. …”
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Overview of Social Representations
Published 2021“…Finally, the importance of investigating and understanding Social Representations as a way to study and know the phenomena generated in educational contexts and as a contribution to the recognition of the elements that build and influence ways of thinking and communities and individuals.…”
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The euro and the consumer as political phenomena in the current development of Europe
Published 2014“…One question remains unanswered until today: if legal guarantees shall be subject to the economic systemor, other wise, the economy shall be permeated by the prevalence of the rights and liberties of the individual? In order to do a first approach to any answers, we should ponder the understanding of the new economic pattern of a transnational market, for example the Euro, with the new concept of legal subject in the same market, that is, the consumer. …”
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Variables characterization by using computing intelligence to identify the cattle s health disorders
Published 2015“…Detecting disorders in lab tests applied in animals is a complex process that implies linking different variables and clinical factors of the individuals. lt is why during the development of the present research, some computing intelligence techniqueswere evaluated, which contributed to the behavior patterns identification of the most important disorders detected in CBC tests applied in cattle, Although several computing intelligence algorithms are used in medical troubleshooting, no record of researches in veterinary medical processes was found. …”
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Academic knowledge of arts in the Colombian public school (1800-1850)
Published 2020“…Under this view, its genesis, purpose, and functioning are tracked, which were used as a discipline technology to complement the schooling and public instruction processes and the establishment of singular and standardized school individuals in accordance with the disciplinary rationality established in that moment. …”
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Published 2013“…In the normal population, the CGG repetitions vary from a range of 6 to 54, in carriers between 43 to 200 repetitions (Premutation) while in affected individuals the expansion of the sequence CGG has more than 200 repetitions (Full Mutation) and associated with methylation and gene inactivation. …”
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Spanish Migration towards America from the Perspective of the Emigrant´s Handbook [Cartilla del Emigrante] (1910)
Published 2017“…For this reason, fulfillment of the precepts of the Emigrant´s Handbook, would allow the construction of a profile of the Spanish migrant as an active element in the daily flow of life, and therefore as an individual and collective expression of Hispanism in America. …”
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Memory practices in the defense of life and territory in Buenaventura, Colombia (1960-2018)
Published 2020“…The main conclusion of this article is that the practices of memory in Buenaventura, more than having a cathartic function regarding individual or collective pain, contribute to the historical configuration of spatialities of resistance and the strengthening of the organizational fabrics in the defense of life and the territory.…”
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The civil society as a territory of resistance and defense, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the former Yugoslavia». A personal testimonial
Published 2020“…This writing intends to show how the members of the civil society and other relevant institutions, formal and informal, individual and collective, oppose to the relativization of what happened and the abuse on the part of nationalism of historical events and the politicizing of the victims and the problems with justice. …”