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- Social Sciences 22
- liberalismo 7
- Liberalism 6
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 6
- Ciencias Sociales 5
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- liberalism 5
- Colombia 4
- Journal of Latin American Education History 4
- political parties 4
- Citizenship 3
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- Press 3
- economía política 3
- libéralisme 3
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- neoliberalismo 3
- partis politiques 3
- prensa 3
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- presse 3
- school 3
- violence 3
- Agriculture 2
- Ciudadanía 2
- Colombie 2
- Educación 2
- Educação 2
- Freedom 2
The Political Economy of Trade Barriers in Peru
Published 2022“…In addition, the unilateral trade liberalization was facilitated by the weak role of the formal labor force and liberal-oriented consumer interest groups.…”
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Published 2011“…The first part illustrates on the doctrinaire principles of the liberal-illustrate philosophy, as for citizenship and the State’s school obligatory. …”
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The Teaching of Reading as Prophylaxis: the Organic Act of Public Instruction: between charity and instruction
Published 2016“…The liberal radicalism that governed national destinies between 1863 and 1886 marked the beginning of a new era for lay, free education in Colombia. …”
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Competencies in Higher Education: a Biopolitical Strategy and a Mode of Refining of the Performative Character of Knowledge
Published 2011“…The problematic context under which this policy is employed is that of a liberal government strategy updated through a neo-liberal government, which using Foucaultian terminology will be referred to in this article as government of individualization. …”
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Las humanidades como disciplina académica
Published 2021“…A classical defense of reform in liberal education” y “Not for Profit. Why Democracy needs the Humanities” de Martha C. …”
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Colombian publicists before the 1848 French Revolution, during the second half of the 19th century
Published 2021“…The second section reconstructs the conservative arguments about the link between the Nueva Granada Liberals and the French socialists. In the third section, Liberal interpretations of French socialist thinking are explored. …”
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Antecedentes históricos de los estudios de Derecho en Boyacá
Published 2011“…La enseñanza del Derecho en el Colegio de Boyacá y en la Universidad oficial de Boyacá durante el siglo xix y comienzos del xx estuvo orientada hacia el pensamiento liberal de la época, a través de la lectura de autores como Bentham, Constant y Leopage, entre otros, pero también contó con la inmensa influencia de la Iglesia católica en ese momento, influencia que llevó a las instituciones educativas superiores a estudiar temas del derecho canónico, instituciones romanas e historia eclesiástica. …”
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Published 2011“…The most important theoretical references are linked with the presence of the Enlightenment in New Granada, especially the catholic one, and the starting-off of a liberal discourse. We will emphasise Restrepo's participation in the task that consisted in introducing subjects influenced by the Enlightenment into schools as well as in his initiatives that attempted to give rise to the liberation of the slaves.…”
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Socialism in its place. The «social organization» of the nation and the intersocial origins of the first Mexican socialism towards 1850
Published 2021“…The objective of this article is to problematize the hypotheses that have structured the study of the world of labor in Mexico in the mid-19th century and its relationship with the political language of the nation, in particular, the liberal. The complicated hypothesis of the «impossible reception» of socialism in the Mexican world of labor in the 19th-century will be the starting point for the development of an interconnection between the historiography of the world of Mexican labor and the conceptual history of the last decades. …”
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Los primeros pasos liberales hacia la unificación escolar en Bolivia. En torno a la ley de 6 de febrero de 1900 y clausura subsecuente del Colegio Seminario de Cochabamba.
Published 2012“…En Bolivia, la revolución "federal" de 1898 subió al poder al partido liberal y éste mediante la ley del 6 de febrero de 1900, implemento la unificación de los estudios escolares en toda la nación. …”
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The Useful Presence of the Past: on the Years of the «Revolución Libertadora» in a City of the Interior of Argentina (1955-1958)
Published 2018“…The study is oriented from a speciically local perspective, investigating the discourses, practices and representations of the past that can be found in the city of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina during the political process that sought to “deperonize” the public space and restore the liberal matrix of the country´s political and historical culture. …”
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«Novel without World» and other Techniques for the Fading of the Self in Macedonio Fernández
Published 2017“…In this context, Macedonio starts to plan his novel, a novel that doesn ́t begin, and that theorizes about its own construction; a novel about the illogical, that will liberate the subject. This paper will explore how this novel develops the liberation of the self in the light of «Belarte» and «Humorism», and how Macedonio ́s legacy to literature is a novel of failure…”
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Peace agreements and historical end of the armed conflict
Published 2015“…During 1946-1957 occurred the confrontation between Liberal and Conservative parties that ended with a pact of peace, a plebiscite and the regime of the National Front. …”
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Journalism, politics and falsehood in the news during the 1930 electoral campaign in Colombia
Published 2022“…The purpose of this article is to show the use of fear and misinformation in electoral campaigns, by the press andthe political groups associated with it; in particular, in the presidential election of 1930, which started a year early andresulted in the victory of candidate Enrique Olaya Herrera, who was supported by the Liberal Party. This campaign was special in many aspects: 1) one month before the election, the participation of a new candidate was confirmed; 2) the desperation and the failed attempts to unite the two factions existing within the conservative party; 3) the candidates’ visits to the main cities; 4) the use of new means of transport, public squares full of people and the press publishing pieces about the campaign at telegraph speed. …”
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Private banking, banking legislation and banking centralization between 1870 and 1923 in Colombia
Published 2018“…The objective of this article is to show the legal process of private banking, which originated in Colombia during the period of Liberal Radicalism (1863-1886). With the rise of the Regeneration in 1886, its advance over the country the Presidential Centralism, of Catholic and authoritarian court, would directly affect the interests of bankers, merchants and producers who used the benefits of free banking. …”
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Economics and politics of the bolivian model 2006-2014: preliminary assessment
Published 2016“…Bolivia suffered a profound political and socioeconomic change withinthe period 2006– 2014, shifted from a liberal development model to amixed economy. The State has a complete control of economic resourcesand main incomes of industry. …”
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Published 2013“…This paper shows one of the main actors in the school scene of the Colombian Caribbean: the teacher, who played a major role in the educational project proposed by extreme liberals during federal regime. Indeed, for extreme liberals the best way to advance towards the consolidation of the republican regime had necessarily to make its way through the public instruction strengthening, to this end it was essential to grow teachers in specialized schools such as normal schools, which were also established in Cartagena, Santa Marta and Barranquilla during the second half of the 19th century. …”
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Women Education in Colombia at the end of the nineteenth century: Santander and the Educational Project of the Regeneration
Published 2015“…This article studies the discourse related to the strengthening of moralism in the students as a way to reach civilization, and how, this worked on as a political demonstration against the liberal radicalism. It was conducted a review of the speeches published in the Escuela Primaria journal, as well as, the reports of the Governors of province and official responsible for the surveillance of public instruction. …”
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Capitulo 10:La Mujer en la Educación Superior en Bogotá: Recuento Histórico
Published 2022“…Este artículo aborda el proceso de ingreso de las mujeres a la educación superior en Bogotá, comprendido entre losaños de 1930 y 1946 por considerarse el período de apertura y reconocimiento de los derechos civiles, en el período de lallamada República Liberal.…”
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THE DAILY LIFE OF A RURAL COLOMBIAN TEACHER Life history of the boyacense rural educator 1948-1974
Published 2013“…The research analyzes the period of political violence in the middle of the twentieth century in Colombia, through the story of a teacher’s life and daily life from a rural school, with a liberal political affiliation, displaced and persecuted. …”