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Suggested Topics within your search.
- matemáticas 11
- mathematics 10
- Learning 7
- Mathematics 7
- matemática 7
- Didáctica 6
- Matemática 6
- aprendizaje 6
- enseñanza de las matemáticas 6
- Aprendizaje 5
- Matemáticas 5
- mathematics education 5
- modelo matemático 5
- Aprendizagem 4
- Didactics 4
- Práctica pedagógica 4
- academic performance 4
- learning 4
- mathematical model 4
- problem solving 4
- resolución de problemas 4
- Communication 3
- Educación matemática 3
- Pedagogical practice 3
- Prática pedagógica 3
- Secuencia didáctica 3
- apprentissage 3
- aprendizagem 3
- didactics 3
- enseñanza 3
Herramientas para el modelado epidemiológico de enfermedades en animales. Caso de estudio : brucelosis bovina
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
La comprensión de la parábola a través de las representaciones semióticas
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Quando professores de Matemática da escola e da universidade se encontram: re-significação e reciprocidade de saberes
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Doctorado -
Applications of Industry 4.0 in the standardization of jams’ production process
Published 2021“…This research work is accomplished in a company dedicated to the production and commercialization of agricultural products, it describes the methodology study used that helped to find the ranges of values for the levels of sugar (°Bx) and acidity (pH) that satisfy mathematics and statistically the finished product release parameters defined by the own company.…”
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Relación entre creencias en matemáticas y estrategias metacognitivas de estudiantes de la UPTC sobre su rendimiento académico
Published 2018“…Se utilizó una ficha sociodemográfica, el Test de Aptitudes Diferenciales (DAT-5) (subescala razonamiento numérico), la escala Mathematics Beliefs Scales (MBS) y el cuestionario LIST. …”
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Actuaciones pedagógicas e investigativas en la adquisición del inglés en los estudiantes de formación docente
Published 2019“…The present article describes the academic and research processes for teaching and learning English in the Basic Education degree with emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish Language of the Faculty of Distance Studies of the UPTC. …”
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Los proyectos pedagógicos integradores de áreas, como estrategia para la interdisciplinariedad
Published 2019“…The article addresses the role of the Pedagogic Projects Integrating Areas PPIA of Degree in Basic Education, with emphasis on Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish Language of the Faculty of Distance Studies, in this sense, it presents an approximation about the concept of interdisciplinarity from different authors; at the same time, it describes the PPIAs that are currently working on the program, its importance and their training teachers. …”
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Práctica pedagógica : el caso de un profesor de matemáticas Iniciante
Published 2024“…The research mentioned here aims to determine the characteristics of the pedagogical practice of a beginning mathematics teacher and its (re)signification (Jiménez, 2002); in such a way that aspects of initial and permanent training, professional development and the skills of the mathematics teacher with little experience are evaluated. …”
Tesis de maestría -
Published 2011“…La expresión “Educación Matemática” se usó inicialmente como sinónimo de “Didáctica de la Matemática”, y actualmente en cada país se usa uno u otro término según su influencia cultural, así, en los de influencia anglosajona se usa “Mathematics Education”, para designar la misma área que en países de Europa, como Francia y Alemania, se llama “Didáctica de la Matemática”. …”
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Movimiento universitario, programas curriculares y universidad en Colombia durante 1921
Published 2012“…The atention was notorious that occupied the definition of contents, specialy in carrees of basic sciences such as in the con tenis of teaching of subjecfs in differents carrees of medicine, ingeniering, mathematics, agmnomist, arts, etc. That interes t was never separated from the direct relation thatexsít between curricular contents and the formation and capacity of the teachers who control the direction of the teaching, the locative conditions and tecniques to develop the academic work and this reinvindications was always contextualized with the conception that was acceptade abouí Active School. …”
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A new meaning of the teaching practice: reflections on the teacher’s daily basis
Published 2019“…This article seeks to reflect on the teaching practice of the professors (authors) of mathematics and natural sciences of the Juan José Rondón Educational Institution in Soatá (Colombia) to face questions, to critically, permanently and constantly self-assess their work, with the objective of giving a new meaning to these teaching practices, to materialize hybrid strategies to promote other interactions in the classroom. …”
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La formación investigativa de los maestros en formación a partir de la estrategia de semilleros de investigación
Published 2019“…This article of reflection focuses on the subject of research training through the modality of investigation seedbed, in the program of Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish Language, of the Faculty of Distance Studies of the UPTC. …”
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Fortalecimiento del aprendizaje del concepto de función en estudiantes de grado noveno, incluido un estudiante con diagnóstico TDAH
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Las politicas educativas y de gestión y su incidencia en el docente en formación
Published 2020“…The research pedagogical projects, contribute significantly in a significant way formative processes of the graduate, likewise, these allow to consolidate the academic training and their professional profile; It is necessary that in each research pedagogical project we address basic concepts that allow an appropriation of information and contribute to the generation of new knowledge profiled from a theorization, conceptualization and contrast Information As it is planted in the Learning Guide of the Research Pedagogical Project II “educational and management policies” of the school of basic education with emphasis in mathematics, humanities and Spanish language of the Pedagogical University and Technology of Colombia. …”
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La responsabilidad social del docente para la construcción de la paz
Published 2019“…The experiences of the tutor and the student were retaken during the training process and development of the subjects of the General area: Guidelines and Educational Didactics in Ethics, Values and Religion, Humanistic Partner I and II and Ethics and Policy of the Degree in Basic Education with emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish Language, from the Regional Center for Distance Studies of Bogotá. …”
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Didactics as a scientific and pedagogical discipline
Published 2019“…The present document shows some conceptual references around didactics as a science of education and some key aspects about the process of accompaniment of students of the Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish Language, in the area of natural sciences, taking into account the curricular guidelines of the area, the disposition of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia and its relationship with teaching didactic models.…”
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Impacto y significado del proyecto pedagógico integrador de áreas III: artes plásticas
Published 2019“…This text expects to highlight the importance of the mainstreaming of artistic edu- cation (plastic arts) in the pedagogical process within the training graduates in the distance mode of the program in basic education with an emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities, and Spanish Language. In the same way, special reference is made to the impact of this line of knowledge within the curricular network specifically in the subject: Pedagogical Project Integrator of PPIA III areas (the plastic arts as an integrating axis of areas), whose implementation has been carried out since 2010 in the plan called 1000. …”
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