Showing 61 - 80 results of 177 for search '"philosophy"', query time: 0.03s Refine Results
  1. 61

    Educational research: issues and multidisciplinary nature. Theoretical and philosophical reflections by Valle, Ana María

    Published 2021
    Subjects: “…educational research, research methodology, multidisciplinarity, pedagogical knowledge, philosophy of education, training of researchers, research problems…”
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    The Reform Movement in a long-winded student journal by Biagini, Hugo Edgardo

    Published 2018
    Subjects: “…faculty of philosophy and letters; Buenos Aires University; university reform; Verbum; History of Latin American Education Journal…”
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    ¿Filosofía para cual ciudadanía? by Silveira, Raquel Viviani

    Published 2012
    “…What kind of philosophy do we want to teach? and what type of citizenship do we want to practice? …”
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    La enseñanza de la filosofía hoy by Ávila Vásquez, Manuel Oswaldo

    Published 2011
    “…Key words:  Education, Philosophy, to Think.…”
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    La filosofía kantiana de la historia: dialéctica entre naturaleza y libertad by Martínez Ferro, Hernán

    Published 2012
    “…Palabras clave: filosofía de la historia, Kant, libertad, paz.AbstractKant’s Philosophy of History: Dialectic between Nature and Freedom. …”
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    Published 2012
    “…Kant’s philosophy proposed a synthesis between rationalism and empiricism. …”
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    Del rey filosofo al pez torpedo: metáforas sobre la enseñanza de la filosofia by García Moriyon, Felix

    Published 2012
    “…Frente a estemodelo, se defiende otro basado en lamétaforadel pez torpedo, en la que se describe eldiálogo socrático como lamanera de hacer filosofía en el aula orientada a despertar y desarrollar en el alumnado la capacidadde pensar por símismo de forma crítica ycreativa.Así entendido, el aprendizaje de la filosofía debe estar presente en la educación formal desde el principio, a los tres años, hasta el final, cuando se termina la adolescencia.Palabras clave: enseñanza de la filosofía, diálogo socrático, rey filósofo.AbstractFrom the philosopher king to the torpedo fish: metaphors on the teaching of philosophy. The presence of philosophy as a discipline in secondary education seems to be endangered in some countries. …”
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    Cinema, subjectivation, and education. An “essay” by several voices by Leite, Cesar Donizetti Pereira, Espinel, Oscar

    Published 2021
    “…This text essays a few looks, words and connections between cinema, philosophy, childhood and education. For that, a dialogue between close perspectives and distinct scenarios is proposed: one from Brazil, by means of productions of images by boys and girls, and another from Colombia, which questions assumed forms in the relation between teaching and learning Philosophy. …”
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    Muntu: the Diaspora of African Philosophical Thought inChangó, el gran putas [Changó, the Biggest Badass] by Manuel Zapata Olivella by Sierra Díaz, Diana Carolina

    Published 2016
    “…In this novel, the African exodus is related to Muntu philosophy. This philosophy brings together African knowledges composed of diverse elements that reemerge in America, where they are transformed in a context of postcolonial cultural exchange. …”
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    Lecciones epistemológicas de la historia de la geometría by Blanca Inés Prada Márquez, Carlos Arturo Londoño Ramos

    Published 2012
    “…The creativity manifestedin non-Euclidean alternative geometries, has implications for philosophy because with these it shows that the development of theorems requires a multiplicity of statement forms, which cannot be simply reduced to analytical statements, but which are true constructions, therefore changing pedagogical viewpoints.Key words: epistemology of geometry, non-Euclidean geometries, philosophy of the formal sciences.…”
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    La influencia de Albert Einstein en Karl Popper y Gaston Bachelard by Prada Márquez, Blanca Inés

    Published 2022
    “…Abstract: Albert Einstein's thought and his contributions to the development of science, have been very important not only to science but also to twentieth century philosophy. In this paper the author examines the sources of Einstein's thought, that go from literature to philosophy, including authors such as Spinoza, Hume and Mach. …”
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    Levinas’ ethical perspective: its meaning for education by Rocha de la Torre, Alfredo

    Published 2021
    “…This paper seeks to outline the link between the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinasand education—παιδεία. …”
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    Racionalidad, fantasia y delirio en la ciencia: el diagnostico de Fichte by Arrese Igor, Hector Oscar

    Published 2012
    “…ResumenEn este trabajo intento reconstruir el diagnóstico que hace Fichte respecto de la ciencia de su tiempo que se fundaba puramente en la imaginación, la que denominacomo delirio (Schwärmerei), con el transfondo de su filosofía de la historia.Palabras clave: Fichte, diagnóstico, ciencia, historia, filosofía.AbstractIn this paper I tryto reconstruct Fichte´s diagnosis ofthe science of his time thatwas founded exclusivelyin the imagination,wich he callsmadness (Schwärmerei), fromthe background ofhis philosophyof history.KeyWords: Fichte, diagnosis, science, history, philosophy.…”
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