Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 77
- Ciencias Sociales 44
- education 42
- educación 41
- Educación 27
- educação 26
- teaching 24
- Education 23
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 23
- aprendizaje 23
- enseñanza 23
- learning 23
- investigación 22
- research 22
- Colombia 20
- éducation 19
- university 18
- pedagogy 17
- History of Latin American Education Journal 16
- innovación 16
- pedagogía 16
- teacher training 16
- innovation 15
- Journal of Latin American Education History 14
- universidad 14
- Investigación 13
- Research 13
- aprendizagem 13
- ensino 13
- formación 13
Aprendizaje de los números complejos desde la teoría de las situaciones didácticas y el Software Geogebra
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Informe de práctica con proyección empresarial en Biohorse SAS (Chía-Cundinamarca)
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Diagnóstico estilos de aprendizaje a partir del modelo de Kolb : una estrategia para la personalización de recursos digitales
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Serodiagnóstico y factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de Rinotraqueitis Infecciosa Bovina (IBR)
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
Remoción de carbono orgánico total y microorganismos patógenos en aguas superficiales de la Cuenca Baja del Río Bogotá mediante el uso de un dispositivo auto-sostenible
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Establecimiento de características técnicas para el diseño e implementación de instrumentación geofísica de inspección y monitoreo a baja frecuencia
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Identificación de impactos del cambio climático en cuerpos superficiales de agua dulce de la Región Caribe colombiana
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Perceptions of Students and Teachers in an English Course: Reconstructing a Syllabus
Published 2021“…This initial research report aimed to explore the impact on students’ and teachers’ learning and teaching expectations of an English Course containing English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Saber Pro samples, and the use of graded audiobooks by interpreting students and teachers’ perceptions. …”
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Published 2012“…This paper presents an interpretation about the concepts of cultural identity and education based on texts by Paulo Freire; educational relations emerging from the school between «educator» and «student», a link that in many cases is marked by ignorance and the denial of youth cultures, are highlighted.This document is part of the reference framework built through the research project called, «Meaning and significance of multiculturalism», which is based on the view that education should respond to new ways of knowing, feeling and building individual and social identities.…”
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Contribution to study of the concept, white collar or white collar crime
Published 2022“…This article establishes as a general objective make a contribution to the study of the concept: "white collar crime", highlighting the incorporation of a new terminology, which generates theoretical contributions to the theory of unconventional crime. It is a basic research, which has a qualitative methodology, based on the study of cases, on white collar criminals, with a holistic and transdisciplinary vision, which adapts to the current world environment, supported by some disciplines of knowledge that are articulated to criminology, as a branch of law to enrich their knowledge.…”
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Balance and characteristics of job market and employment generation in Colombia 2002-2010
Published 2013“…Due to its significance in the recent evolution of labor market, special focus is given to informal, independent, and selfemployment work. The research is focused on the analysis of information of labor market of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, for its acronym in Spanish), and based on the results, it is said that informality and independence are the main characteristics of the recent development of employment in Colombia.…”
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Published 2013“…This article is a reflection based on information from research undertaken from a socio-historical perspective with analytical, interpretive and critical methodology; it is about the multifaceted personality of the Cuban intellectual Dulce María Borrero. …”
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La Palabra y la Cultura en la Organización
Published 2014“…It is a review of secondary sources of research that realize the quality of relationships between members of the organization, both domestic and foreign companies. …”
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Local and Foreign Cultures, A great integration to Bring Critical Pedagogy Praxis Into the Classroom
Published 2014“…After, I present a revision of some research studies to see the different fields of critical pedagogy application. …”
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Characterization of the innovation management in manufacturing sector enterprises of Boyacá
Published 2011“…In this article we present the results of the research on the impact of science, technology and innovation policies, in building capacity in management of innovation in the manufacturing sector of the department of Boyacá. …”
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Automation of the process of generation of the students insurance, applying RFID and GPRS technologies
Published 2013“…The application validates for its use in automation of the process of generation of the student insurance, and hardware and software, developed by the Research Group in Robotics and Industrial Automation GIRAof UPTC, are used as a platform.…”
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Power Relations through Oral Interaction in an Adult EFL Classroom
Published 2011“…Palabras clave: Relaciones de poder, Interacción oral, Patrones de interacción,Relaciones de poder coercitivas, Relaciones de poder colaborativas, Salón de inglés como lengua extranjera.Abstract This article reports the results of a research project carried out to explore the power relations that were stated in an adultEFL classroom through oral interaction. …”
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Strengthening of the Lower House of Representatives: Case Compared to Argentina
Published 2016“…In this research arises, based on the constitutional democratic principle, the need to increase the number of members of the Colombian Lower House of Representatives, and with this purpose it is compared to the Lower House of Argentina. …”
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Preliminares Enletawa 10.2
Published 2018“…The Journal provides a means of dissemination of academic research, pedagogical innovation, and theoretical discussion articles. …”
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Modelaje de la distribución espacial del flujo de neutrones emitido desde el núcleo de un reactor nuclear TRIGA
Published 2016Trabajo de grado - Pregrado