Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 77
- Ciencias Sociales 42
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 28
- university 26
- universidad 22
- educación 19
- History of Latin American Education Journal 17
- Educación 15
- education 15
- higher education 15
- Education 12
- Colombia 10
- educación superior 10
- universidade 10
- educação 9
- learning 9
- Journal of Latin American Education History 8
- Universidad 8
- aprendizaje 8
- derechos humanos 8
- human rights 8
- pandemia 7
- teacher training 7
- université 7
- Argentina 6
- Derechos humanos 6
- University 6
- aprendizagem 6
- educação superior 6
- pandemic 6
Estudio de caso para realizar el Commissioning en un proyecto de facilidades de inyección de agua, en la industria petrolera colombiana
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Práctica con proyección empresarial en la Clínica para Pequeños Animales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Published 2024Trabajo de grado pregrados -
“I could not cope with english, so i chose french” hearing students’ voices when they are learning a foreign language
Published 2015“…It presents a broader vision of what it means to study EFL and FFL in a public university. This papergives voice to the students themselves in order to go beyond the language itself. …”
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The use of songs as a tool to work on listening and culture in EFL classes
Published 2011“…This article presents an action research study applied in a second level EFL course at a university in Tunja. The study examines the listening performance of students throughout the development of six workshops based on the songs: Englishman in New York, Imagine, Mercedes Benz, Cats in the cradle, Zombie, and Where is the love? …”
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The Collaborative Portfolio: Exploring Reading Skills Through Peer Tutoring
Published 2015“…As tutors in a peertutoring university project, we exploredtutees´ English reading skills as they used a collaborative portfolio with us, their tutors,during their free time. …”
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Can philosophy be incorporated in Caxias? and the voices of children from the periphery
Published 2019“…The public school bets on thinking, which is carried out with children from a public school located on a periphery in Brazil. This is a university extension project implemented by State University of Rio de Janeiro [UERJ in its Portuguese acronym]. …”
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Impacto de los materiales del programa de inglés en una universidad pública de Colombia
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
Tendencia de uso de la variación léxico-semántica en la comunidad de habla de Garagoa, Provincia de Neira en el departamento de Boyacá
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
A la sombra del baobab de profundas raíces : el Muntu Americano en Changó, el gran putas
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Absorción de N, P, K, Ca y Mg en cultivo de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) bajo sistema hidropónico
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Contaminación ambiental, bioacumulación y biomagnificación por metales pesados en un sector del Rio Alto-Chicamocha
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Modelo de predicción de ruido producido por el tráfico vehicular urbano mediante redes neuronales artificiales
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Editorial Vol. 16 No. 22
Published 2009“…The Faculty of Engineering of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia considers it especially important to highlight the work of people who, with their management and attitude, have left a pleasant mark and contributed to the growth of Engineering and the training of new Engineers in our environment.…”
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Exploring students' beliefs about learning English in two public institutions
Published 2011“…This article aims at raising awareness about student´s beliefs about English learning in two public institutions at the high school and university levels. The main objectives are, first, to establish the similarities and differences among these groups of students exploring their ideas and thoughts about what learning a foreign language, like English means in their lives, and second, to find some relations between the students’ experiences and their beliefs about English learning. …”
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Bilingualism in Colombia Higher Education
Published 2017“…Specifically, the author shows a brief overview of what bilingualism means; what the National Bilingual Program started in 2004 and its evolution into Colombia, very well for 2015 entail in terms of their impact on both teaching and learning; and the importance for the Ministry to modify certain aspects regarding bilingualism in education in our country.The paper also includes some studies and theories which support the author’s statements as well as the introduction of some current events at a private university in Sogamoso, Colombia, which are directly related to the matter of bilingualism. …”
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Using Information Communication Technologies to Foster the Communicative Competence in Undergraduate Students at the UPTC
Published 2018“…This research article describes the results of implementing activities through Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in order to foster the communicative competence in a group of students at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, a public University in Sogamoso, Boyacá. After an exploration in which it was determined that students prefer activities with ICTs to learn English, contents and activities were adapted so they could fit students’ interests. …”
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High school and higher education in Colombia seen from the Saber tests perspective
Published 2019“…Public universities have higher Saber Pro scores than private universities.…”
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