Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 77
- Ciencias Sociales 42
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 28
- university 26
- universidad 22
- educación 19
- History of Latin American Education Journal 17
- Educación 15
- education 15
- higher education 15
- Education 12
- Colombia 10
- educación superior 10
- universidade 10
- educação 9
- learning 9
- Journal of Latin American Education History 8
- Universidad 8
- aprendizaje 8
- derechos humanos 8
- human rights 8
- pandemia 7
- teacher training 7
- université 7
- Argentina 6
- Derechos humanos 6
- University 6
- aprendizagem 6
- educação superior 6
- pandemic 6
Mejorar el pensamiento crítico de unos estudiantes de cuarto semestre a través de series televisivas
Published 2021“…This research was carried out with some fourth-semester students from a foreign languages program of a Colombian university. The purpose of this research was to implement TV series to promote critical thinking, which would be based on the contrast of cultural aspects between the Colombian and Anglophone culture. …”
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El habla y la pedagogía: particularidades en la interacción de una clase idiomas
Published 2021“…For data to be gathered, a language lesson conducted in a public university with adult students was video recorded, divided in chunks and transcribed. …”
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PROFESSOR GERMÁN ARCINIEGAS Educator, essayist, culture researcher and ideologist of the student movements in Colombia
Published 2012“…It stands out his activity as a student, diplomat, political, Secretary of Education, university professor, journalist and academic of Languages and History. …”
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Published 2011“…The research is documentary, which is supported in the search for primary sources in the archives of the Ministry of National Education, the National Library of Colombia, the Fund and Fund Teaching in Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, the Memoirs of Ministry of Education in 1903-1930, the Official Gazette, located in the Archives of the Department of Boyacá. …”
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Published 2012“…This article is a result from a research project about “Sentimental education: school aesthetics during the 1900-1950 in Argentina” founded by Agencia Nacional para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (ANPCyT) and it was developed in three argentinian universities (Buenos Aires, La Plata and Rosario). The main purpose is to analyze pedagogical thought of Saúl Taborda, who was an active intellectual from university reformism movement -widely aknowledged in Latin America- and who developed renewal challenges in schools. …”
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Educational quality in Boyacá. Unfuturo under construction. 2024 -2034
Published 2024“…Within the government policy of Governor Carlos Amaya 2024-2027, it is established that "The development of a society has knowledge and education as its fundamental axis; (basic, high school, technical and university)", and with the 2030 agenda of the UN, taking "territorial sustainable development" as its axis, it is proposed within these guidelines to guarantee, for the 15 provinces of Boyacá, quality education in different territorial contexts, promoting integration and communication between the different educational levels. …”
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Trajectory planning and execution in the workspace for a Delta robot
Published 2016“…In order to configure and generate the desired path, is designed a software with Graphical User Interface (GUI), in which, the proposed algorithm is implemented to calculate and display the robot movement through midpoints in the workspace.To validate the generated path is used a Delta robot designed and built in the Colombian Robotics Laboratory at Nueva Granada Military University. This robot is controlled by an electronic circuit that enables the proper implementation of the proposed technique. …”
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Habilidades de pensamiento creativo en maestros en formación
Published 2017“…This article showcases the outcomes of a research project, which explores teaching and learning strategies strengthen the creative thinking skills in fifth semesters of the Bachelor Program in Basic Primary Education of the Mariana University. This qualitative study was developed through a process of diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation of strategies that helped to foster skills such as sensitivity to problems, fluency, flexibility, originality and layout.…”
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El agrónomo educador
Published 2011“…Finally it states a new proposal toward the agricultural specialist labor, which consists in turning himself from a technician into an educator, therefore emerges the idea of an agricultural teacher being educated, in front of a peasant educated-educator, in the popular education’s framework, mediated by nature.Key words: Agricultural expert, educator, peasant, university extension, popular education.…”
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Rescue of ancestral and cultural practices in the preparation of casabe and mañoco in the Piapoco and Sikuani community
Published 2019“…The Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, the Faculty of Distance Studies, and the Basic Education Program fulfill in the Guainía region with the professional training of Indigenous teachers Piapoco and Sikuani, who are able to manage and foster educational, organizational and leadership processes in their communities, promoting a vision towards the valorization, recovery and strengthening of culture, territory, environment, and ancestral knowledge of practices in their life plan, that defend and promote respect for Interculturality, which lead to an autonomy for the recognition of the collective rights and duties of the community.…”
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From the Traditional to the Diverse: Creative Research as a Path to Investigate Literature, Notes Based on Experience
Published 2019“…The Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC) offers the Masters in Literature as one of its postgraduate programs, and this program has a research line in Creative Research . …”
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Comunicación y pensamiento visual en la clase de matemáticas
Published 2021“…El cursillo comprende un primer momento de contextualización y reflexión teóricopráctica, y en segundo lugar, una simulación del ambiente de aula para vivenciar propuestas de trabajo como el de Rutas hacia el álgebra y Raíces del álgebra elaboradas por John Mason, Alan Graham, David Pimm y Norman Gowar (1999), investigadores del Centro de Educación Matemática de la Facultad de Matemáticas de la Open University de Inglaterra. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ver, decir, registrar, interpretar, argumentar, proponer, particularizar, conjeturar, generalizar.…”
Documento de Conferencia -
Physiotherapy students’ and teachers’ perception of assessment
Published 2019“…The aim was to unveil physiotherapy teachers’ and students’ conceptions of assessment at the University of Pamplona and their impact on clinical practice. …”
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Mass Media y consumo musical en estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria en Brasil
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
Evaluación a escala de laboratorio del gradiente de acidez de drenaje acido de mina, mediante el uso de columnas de caliza como sistema pasivo de neutralización
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Experiential learning workshops on a group of student-teachers’ intercultural awareness, as the first component of ICC
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Identificación espacio temporal de clorofila-α mediante imágenes de satélite en sistemas acuáticos
Published 2020Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Characterization of interdisciplinary activities in a Colombian faculty of arts
Published 2020“…The sample was formed by 22 teachers of a Colombian university. The results show a potential interaction between team members of the faculty, suitable for exploration in project development, for which it is necessary to focus on a vision and create spaces for collective project construction from a systemic perspective…”
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Las politicas educativas y de gestión y su incidencia en el docente en formación
Published 2020“…The research pedagogical projects, contribute significantly in a significant way formative processes of the graduate, likewise, these allow to consolidate the academic training and their professional profile; It is necessary that in each research pedagogical project we address basic concepts that allow an appropriation of information and contribute to the generation of new knowledge profiled from a theorization, conceptualization and contrast Information As it is planted in the Learning Guide of the Research Pedagogical Project II “educational and management policies” of the school of basic education with emphasis in mathematics, humanities and Spanish language of the Pedagogical University and Technology of Colombia. In this document, some reflections are projected about the impact and meaning of the Research Pedagogical Project II (educational and management policies) for graduates in basic education are projected; and their impact on the formative process of the learners. …”