Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 77
- Ciencias Sociales 42
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 28
- university 26
- universidad 22
- educación 19
- History of Latin American Education Journal 17
- Educación 15
- education 15
- higher education 15
- Education 12
- Colombia 10
- educación superior 10
- universidade 10
- educação 9
- learning 9
- Journal of Latin American Education History 8
- Universidad 8
- aprendizaje 8
- derechos humanos 8
- human rights 8
- pandemia 7
- teacher training 7
- université 7
- Argentina 6
- Derechos humanos 6
- University 6
- aprendizagem 6
- educação superior 6
- pandemic 6
Establecimiento de características técnicas para el diseño e implementación de instrumentación geofísica de inspección y monitoreo a baja frecuencia
Published 2017Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
La volatilidad del tipo de cambio paralelo en Venezuela 2005-2015
Published 2017Artículo de revista -
In-service language teachers' perceptions on the national bilingualism program implementation: A case study
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
Cambio poblacional y dinámica socioeconómica de los municipios de Boyacá
Published 2018Artículo de revista -
El sustrato del muysccubun en el español hablado por los campesinos de los municipios de Guatavita y Saboyá
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
Calibración del plato forrajero en praderas de kikuyo (Pennisetum Clandestinum Hochst.ex Chiov) en el trópico alto colombiano
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Alucinaciones de mis memorias imposibles : biografía ficcionada de Biófilo Panclasta
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
The Chinese Dollar Linked to the Hong Kong´s during the Global Crisis
Published 2019Artículo de revista -
Pertinencia del Programa de Administración Industrial de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia : una mirada desde los retos de la cuarta revolución industrial
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Identificación de especie de monilinia spp. asociada a la podredumbre parda en frutos de durazno (prunus persicae) del departamento en el Boyacá
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
FUN-ASCÚN en la historia del sistema universitario colombiano, 1958-1968
Published 2023Trabajo de grado - Doctorado -
Fortalecimiento de las competencias comunicativas, un reto de la licenciatura en educación básica primaria
Published 2020“…This article presents a reflection on the challenges and needs of the students of the Primary Bassic Education Degree, in terms of performance as competent speakers, a task adressed in the first intance through the subject of Communicative Competences and then in the other subjects in the área of Spanish Language, taking into account that language is the human capacity that allows to construct, express, disseminate and universalize thought. In addition, being communication a compe- tence made up of skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing, it is urgent to take actions that help students to improve and strengthen them, especially when all these are necessary for an adequate performance in the course of his university career. …”
Online -
Postgraduate Programs: Vision and perception in the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC)
Published 2014“…The research is assumed from a historical and hermeneutic perspective, through this there is a diachronic process in the creation of postgraduate programs in the faculty of Sciences of Education-UPTC (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia). This University as one of pioneers in the teachers development in the country. …”
Online -
Patent development in the peach production and transformation field: a technological monitoring study
Published 2017“….), Amarillo jarillo variety, in the Province of Pamplona, Colombia"; a Project approved and financed by the National Open and at Distance University (U NAD).The study was carried out during the process of search and selection of information regarding inventions developed within the peach production and/or transformation framework. …”
Online -
Evaluation of Weight Gain in Piglets during Lactation in Technical and Traditional Farrowing Rooms
Published 2019“…This research was carried out in the facilities of the Bengal Experimental Farm of the University of Quindío, located in the municipality of Filandia at 2,050 meters of altitude, where the weight gains of 53 piglets of landrace sows were evaluated, which were housed in traditional and technified farrowing rooms with previously disinfected heating plates. …”
Online -
Propuesta para la implementación de responsabilidad social universitaria e innovación social en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas U.P.T.C. Tunja
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Comportamiento poscosecha de frutos de mandarina (Citrus reticulata Blanco) var. Arrayana: efecto de diferentes tratamientos térmicos
Published 2019Artículo de revista