Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 77
- Ciencias Sociales 42
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 28
- university 26
- universidad 22
- educación 19
- History of Latin American Education Journal 17
- Educación 15
- education 15
- higher education 15
- Education 12
- Colombia 10
- educación superior 10
- universidade 10
- educação 9
- learning 9
- Journal of Latin American Education History 8
- Universidad 8
- aprendizaje 8
- derechos humanos 8
- human rights 8
- pandemia 7
- teacher training 7
- université 7
- Argentina 6
- Derechos humanos 6
- University 6
- aprendizagem 6
- educação superior 6
- pandemic 6
The Constitution of the Spanish or Castilian Language
Published 2017“…Nowadays, Spanish keeps evolving, despite universality and the expansion of our linguistically unifying communication media. …”
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Preliminary evaluation of associated viruses in production systems of cape gooseberry, purple passion fruit, and rose
Published 2018“…The development of suitable plant virus diagnostic and managements tools is the focus of a cooperation project between German and Colombian universities, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Investigation (AGROSAVIA) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).…”
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Emancipación intelectual 2.0
Published 2021“…La presente ponencia expone la validez del pensamiento de Joseph Jacotot y su filosofía de la Enseñanza Universal fundamentada en el contexto de la era digital contemporánea. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Financial Education: Origin, analysis and evolution of scientific contributions using bibliometric techniques in the Web of Science
Published 2021“…The objective is to analyze the information found, and visualize the evolution of the concept, the number of publications, the structure of citations, the most influential journals, the authors, universities and countries with more activity in this subject. …”
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School manuals for teaching geography at the Sovereign State of Santander: 1868-1879
Published 2015“…Equally, geography was found to be taught under the following categories: Universal and Colombian and Regional. Finally, even though the State taught the importance of the print text, other voices emerged in defense of oral teaching methods, which made it possible to identify that the consolidation of printing as a diffusion system for culture was not an easy lineal task.…”
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La Enseñanza de los "Sistemas del Mundo" en las universidades de los jesuitas de Quito y Santafé Siglo XVIII
Published 2012“…This paper analyze two colonial manuscript product of the teaching of the cathedra of phylosophy that where explained during the period of 1757-1758 in the Universities of San Gregorio in Quito and Javeriana in Santafé. …”
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Published 2012“…Además, se pretende hacer una breve introducción al estudio de estas extraordinarias partículas.Palabras clave: Física de neutrinos, Relatividad, ExperimentoOPERAAbstractNeutrino physics is one of the most fascinating and importantbranches of study of particle physics that build our universe.Since their existence was proposed, neutrinos have alwayssurprised by their unusual characteristics. …”
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El decrecimiento : un aporte a la dimensión socio cultural del desarrollo
Published 2022Documento de Conferencia -
Pensamiento tecnológico a partir de la enseñanza por proyectos en la institución educativa gimnasio gran colombiano de la ciudad de Tunja.
Published 2022Documento de Conferencia -
Caracterización termomecánica de la guadua Angustifolia Kunth
Published 2021“…Estas pruebas se realizaron cambiando la velocidad del cabezal móvil de la máquina universal para así poder tener mejores resultados de las capturas termográficas debido a que al aumentar la velocidad del cabezal móvil la fricción entre las fibras que se están probando va a presentar un aumento en la temperatura y se va a poder determinar en qué sección o punto va a fallar la probeta. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Comparación del salto vertical; mujeres voleibolistas y estudiantes de Licenciatura en Educación Física
Published 2022Documento de Conferencia -
Test to early dark energy models using the Hubble expansion rate
Published 2022“…Notably, this method does not rely on any cosmologicalmodels; therefore, it provides a clean (unbiased) prediction of the Universe’s expansion rate today. Finally,we find that our results are consistent with the forecast for the Hubble parameter from the early Universeestimates, rather than the local measurements, with two statistical schemes based on completely differentassumptions (parametric vs. non-parametric metrics) and a catalog of 574 values for Ho recovered from theliterature …”
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Certification of healthy plant material in Colombia: A critical analysis of opportunities and challenges to control virus diseases
Published 2016“…This program would be also assisted by agricultural universities, research centers and phytosanitary laboratories that would provide monitoring and control systems for the plant material. …”
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Un estado del arte sobre investigación en enseñanza de la literatura en relación con el cine
Published 2013“…The first, was a documental research stage: different data bases of national and international universities were searched for pertinent evidence. In the second stage, categories of analysis were established for the found research projects. …”
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Metodología para evaluar la accesibilidad de personas con movilidad reducida. Caso estudio : Centro Histórico, Tunja
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Propuesta de actualización de Tablas de Retención Documental (TRD) para la entidad promotora de salud – ASMET Salud EPS S.A.S de la ciudad de Popayán - Cauca
Published 2021Trabajo de grado - Especialización -
Experiencias, valoraciones y significados de la escuela en jóvenes adolescentes de educación básica y media en una institución pública de Boyacá, voces y relatos de vida
Published 2023Trabajo de grado - Doctorado -
Textures of eco-accounting : a woman’s approach
Published 2022“…Los cuatro capítulos de la obra permiten resaltar la importancia del papel de la mujer en la historia de Colombia, en su rol dentro de la historia universal. El trabajo analiza la posición de la mujer en temas como el registro contable, el mercado laboral y su inserción en el sistema productivo, con el fin de alcanzar una visión acerca de su desempeño en la contabilidad, en el marco de la economía y la política mundial. …”
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Fenómeno de transporte de una Kinesina como motor browniano con movimiento tipo Hand-Over-Hand. (A Kinesin Transport Phenomena as a Brownian Motor with Hand-Over-Han...
Published 2015“…In this way one system being studied that is out of thermal equilibrium and at the same time, is immersed in a universe with dissipation and generation of white thermal noise, which generates a directed movement and as the transportation phenomenon does, so that the system symmetry or asymmetry conditions are modeled. …”
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Simbiosis de realidad virtual y educación
Published 2006“…Para la construcción de los mundos virtuales se menciona el Lenguaje Modelado de Realidad Virtual (VRML), por las ventajas que presenta en contraste con otras herramientas, además se exponen las experiencias de la autora en el desarrollo y orientación de proyectos con VRML.Palabras clave: Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, E-learning, Realidad virtual, Inmersión, VRML (Lenguaje Modelado de Realidad Virtual), Mundos virtuales, Aprendizaje colaborativo.AbstractNow days the universities are forced to use pedagogical and technological innovations, that allow the incorporation of virtual environments, to assure the quality in the education, regardless the modality (blended learning, e-learning) of the professional courses.Nevertheless there has been detected faults in the implementation of the platforms that support the e-learning, since the contents are oriented towards the theoretical foundations, leaving the practices in the background. …”