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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Boyacá 21
- educación 12
- Fruits 11
- Frutas 10
- Tunja 8
- Maduración 7
- aprendizaje 6
- didáctica 6
- educación rural 6
- pedagogía 6
- Colombia 5
- competitiveness 5
- competitividad 5
- economic growth 5
- education 5
- lectura 5
- productividad 5
- Bulb onion 4
- Diversity 4
- SB317.5-319.864 4
- Social Sciences 4
- caracterización 4
- characterization 4
- coal 4
- crecimiento económico 4
- geografía urbana 4
- investigación 4
- matemáticas 4
- práctica pedagógica 4
- rural education 4
Examining the Teacher Practice in Musical Education
Published 2020“…Aim of this research was to make explicit the PCK of a guitar specialist teacher during a plucked string class in 2018, at private school in Tunja (Boyacá). For this, the hexagonal model proposed by Park and Oliver was used based on a case study where the planning and recording of a class is analyzed, as well as an interview with the teacher. …”
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Good corporate governance practices in family businesses in the coach building sector of Duitama, Colombia
Published 2021“…The objective of the research was to identify good corporate governance practices in family companies in the auto body industry, located in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. The study had a qualitative approach, with descriptive research and non-experimental field design, using the semi-structured interview as the information gathering technique. …”
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Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions on Governmental Suggested English Curriculum in Rural Areas
Published 2021“…This study focuses on pre-service teachers’ perceptions regarding the implementation and scope of the Suggested English Curriculum (SEC) in rural areas of Boyacá, Colombia. A qualitative case study was conducted through narrative interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and a focus group. …”
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Published 2021“…Revista Inquietud Empresarial / Escuela de Administración de Empresas /Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Tunja - Boyacá́ - Colombia Vol. I (2) (1988) - Vol. XXI (2) (2021). …”
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Representaciones semióticas en números racionales
Published 2022“…This research analyzed the semiotic representations that students handle in the conceptualization of rational numbers; it was carried out with seventh grade students of a private school in the city of Tunja (Boyacá), who presented difficulty in the conceptual apprehension of the mathematical object, since sometimes they did not use at least one of the three cognitive actions related to semiosis denominated by Duval (2004) as identification, treatment and conversion; that is, they did not find the adequate semiosis to reach the noesis (Duval, 2006). …”
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Aplicación de ácido alfa- naftalen acético en colinos de arracacha
Published 2013“…Por lo tanto, se evaluó el efecto de la aplicación de cuatro concentraciones de ácido alfa-naftalen acético (ANA) (0, 2, 4 y 6 mg L-1) en colinos de arracacha, en los materiales Palirrusia, Paliverde y Yema de huevo en el municipio de Boyacá, departamento de Boyacá. Se usó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar bifactorial en donde el primer factor fue el material de arracacha y el segundo factor la dosis de ANA, se aplicaron 12 tratamientos con cuatro repeticiones para un resultado de 48 unidades experimentales, empleando cinco colinos por unidad experimental, 240 colinos en total. …”
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Gender and Teaching: Focus on the professional development of teachers in rural areas of Brazil and Colombia
Published 2015“…The communities of every place that the research, let us say Tunja, in the department of Boyacá and Santa Rita de Ouro Preto, in the district of the historic town of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil.…”
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The orthography from grandfather anecdotal stories
Published 2019“…Through the experience of the authors, it is possible to infer that the anecdotes of the grandfather, specifically the one titled: “Diánchiro de Carboneras”, provides some strategies in the orthographic teaching of the oxytone words finished in a vowel, and gives rise to writing of the present reflexive article, which aims to show the incidence of the story mentioned in the learning of the ticked in a fifth grade student in Carboneras rural branch, of the educational institution Juana Caporal in Coper (Boyacá, Colombia). Through the support of theoretical referents and the application of activities from the anecdote, which was contributed by the aforementioned student, the relationship of the anecdote with the teaching of the orthography of oxytone words is shown, implementing activities that can be appreciated with precision in the methodological handle of the present article. …”
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Reading comprehension processes in fourth and fifth grade children
Published 2019“…The present qualitative study was carried out during the years 2015 and 2016 at the “Granada Occidente” and “San Antonio Bajo” branches of the “San Rafael” Agricultural Educational Institution in Rondón (Boyacá, Colombia); Its purpose is to determine the processes of reading comprehension that are strengthened by the implementation of strategies designed based on conceptual pedagogy and the “theory of the six readings” by Miguel de Zubiría Samper, the target population consists of eight children of the fourth and fifth grades of primary school between 10 and 11 years old, the collection of information is done through the application of interview, observation and the preparation of checklists; Five workshops are applied with five categories in mind: phonetic reading, primary decoding, secondary decoding, tertiary decoding and categorial reading. …”
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Didactic unit to promote orality and writing from local history
Published 2019“…This research project aims to develop a didactic unit for fourth and fifth grade students, in order to improve communication skills, emphasizing orality and writing through the recognition of the local history of the “Gaunza Abajo” school branch in Guateque (Boyacá). The proposal is framed under the socio-criticalparadigm, Qualitative Research approach and Action Research design, proposed in four stages, starting with a diagnosis to determine the level of development that students have, then design and development of the teaching unit based on quality referents emanating from the Ministry of National Education (MEN, 2010), after the application, execution and analysis; finally, socialization through a radio station. …”
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The challenge: educate to coexist
Published 2019“…This research aimed to developpedagogical strategies that promote school coexistence in the third, fourth and fifth grade students of the branch “Campoamor” of the “ÁlvaroGonzález Santana” Educational Institution (IEPAGS), in Sogamoso - Boyacá. school life, communicative citizenship skills (CCC), and classroom climate: three axes that gave meaning to the research were defined. …”
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Didáctica de la lengua castellana y el modelo park y oliver en la práctica docente
Published 2019“…This article analyze the conceptualization of the pedagogical knowledge of the content, established by Park and Oliver based on the hexagonal model, from of the practice of a primary school teacher of a private sector of Tunja (Boyacá) city, with the objective to understand the way how the teacher manages to originate, mobilize and generate the appropriation of knowledge in her students; for this was used qua- litative research, it is based on an interpretive paradigm through content analysis and case study; As information gathering techniques, non-participant observation and instruments such as; the semi-structured interview and the documentary re- view. …”
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El Hospital de la Purísima Concepción de Tunja 1553-1835.
Published 2019“…Este trabajo es parte del proyecto de investigación El hospital San Juan de Dios de Tunja. 1636-1835, proyecto del grupo de Investigación Historia de la Salud en Boyacá – UPTC, desarrollado durante mi año Sabático en el 2017, como docente de la Escuela de Medicina de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), tiempo en el cual pude consultar los archivos de Indias en Sevilla, el Archivo General de Simancas y el Archivo Museo San Juan de Dios en la Casa de los Pisa, en Granada, España. …”
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El turismo comunitario como herramienta para la restauración ambiental. Experiencias del proceso creativo
Published 2021“…Spa: El lago de Tota, ubicado en el departamento de Boyacá (Colombia), hace parte de los 12 corredores turísticos que ha establecido el Ministerio de Comercio Industria y Turismo de Colombia MINCIT, con el objetivo de disminuir la estacionalidad de algunos destinos turísticos y generar nuevas ofertas que permita al visitante tener una vista más integral en territorios que ya están siendo visitados (Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, República de Colombia, 2017). …”
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Las empresas hoteleras y el proceso de toma de decisiones
Published 2021“…Spa: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo definir el proceso de toma de decisiones, en adelante TD, por parte de los gerentes del sector hotelero del Departamento de Boyacá, actividad que se realiza de forma cotidiana, con el fin de establecer elementos comunes entre los procesos desarrollados en beneficio de la comunidad empresarial y académica en general. …”
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Comercialización de galletas de quinua desde una perspectiva internacional
Published 2021“…Spa: Boyacá se ha caracterizado por ser uno de los departamentos colombianos con mayor variedad agrícola, gracias a su diversidad climática y suelos que posee. …”
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Retos de las PYMES Boyacenses frente a la implementación de las TIC’s.
Published 2021“…PALABRAS CLAVE: Pymes, globalización, TIC, Cultura, Boyacá.…”
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La rob´tica educativa como alternativa lúdica en niveles de educación básica, media y superior
Published 2021“…Aunque en la actualidad ya existe una amplia variedad de técnicas y recursos que son utilizados como apoyo tecnológico para favorecer el aprendizaje y el desarrollo social de las personas, en Boyacá, aún no se no se cuenta con aplicaciones robóticas para propósitos, que respondan a las necesidades de aprendizaje de la comunidad educativa en un contexto especifico. …”
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Strategies for the prevention and mitigation of the desertification process. Study in the middle basin of the Chicamocha river, Colombia
Published 2021“…The insufficiency of instruments oriented to the prevention and mitigation of the desertification process is one of the factors that affect the exacerbation of this environmental problem present in the northeast of Boyacá Department, in the middle basin of Chicamocha River. …”
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English in rural schools: to teach it or not, that is the dilemma
Published 2020“…In addition, several interviews and surveys were conducted with teachers in Boyacá and Santander. Most of the educators who were consulted are aware of their limitations when it comes to teaching a foreign language. …”