Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Boyacá 21
- educación 12
- Fruits 11
- Frutas 10
- Tunja 8
- Maduración 7
- aprendizaje 6
- didáctica 6
- educación rural 6
- pedagogía 6
- Colombia 5
- competitiveness 5
- competitividad 5
- economic growth 5
- education 5
- lectura 5
- productividad 5
- Bulb onion 4
- Diversity 4
- SB317.5-319.864 4
- Social Sciences 4
- caracterización 4
- characterization 4
- coal 4
- crecimiento económico 4
- geografía urbana 4
- investigación 4
- matemáticas 4
- práctica pedagógica 4
- rural education 4
Rappers and biographers: biographical narratives and education for peace with juvenile offenders
Published 2020“…The objective of the article is to analyze experiential narratives within the framework of a didactic proposal for Peace Education named "My autobiography", carried out with a population of the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility System (SRPA) of the Amigoniano Youth Center of Tunja, Boyacá (Colombia). Originality: The research is focused on the principle of human learning historicity, allowing the socio-cultural context analysis and the associated factors that give meaning from biographical art to the life practices of young offenders. …”
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Homogeneous and heterogeneous fractions, understanding through a digital educational resource.
Published 2022“…With fifth grade students of the Corinto branch of the Institución Educativa Técnica Agropecuaria de Pajarito-Boyacá, we wanted to implement a pedagogical strategy for the teaching and learning of homogeneous and heterogeneous fractions, supported by the design of interactive digital resources published in a Web scenario, based on a qualitative approach and a participatory action research that allowed the use of sufficient instruments to collect the necessary data and thus be able to analyze to what extent the digital educational resources satisfactorily supported or not, the understanding of homogeneous and heterogeneous fractions.…”
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Plan de negocios para la creacion de Empresa de Servicios Especializados en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en el municipio de Chiquinquirá
Published 2019Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Medición de la calidad del servicio al cliente en el Instituto de Tránsito de la ciudad de Sogamoso “INTRASOG”
Published 2018Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -
Lectura crítica de la prensa escrita para la interacción y comunicación en contextos educativos en estudiantes de grado noveno
Published 2022“…Spa: La autora del presente proyecto quiere hacer un acercamiento inicial de lectura crítica en los estudiantes de noveno grado de la Institución Educativa Técnica de Desarrollo Rural de Pauna en el departamento de Boyacá, mediante talleres en el aula, consistentes en debates sobre artículos de periódico en temas de interés seleccionados por sus estudiantes, para que se logren experiencias comunicativas como una incentivar un inicio de los procesos de lectura crítica.…”
Trabajo de grado - Maestría -
50 years of history: School of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports
Published 2022“…The stories in this book not only refer to Physical Education in the Department of Boyacá, but also take up the national history from the time of the professionalization of this discipline in the national concert. …”
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Comunidad de indagación como ambiente de aprendizaje: una propuesta y una apuesta.
Published 2020“…This article presents the results of Philosophy for / with Children (Fp / cN) as a study of educational innovation in the development of scientific thinking in rural educational institutions in the department of Boyacá, project. The proposal begins with a theoretical construction of the learning environment and a configuration of it from the perspective of the program Philosophy for Children (FpN) of the author Mathew Lipman, and the diverse adaptations to the Philosophy with Children (FcN), likewise, with the aim of designing and developing a learning environment created in the key of an inquiry community, the study took into account different documented experiences that allowed the application and evaluation as a case study of a proposal developed in the area of Ethics and Human Values with sixth grade students from an educational institution in the city of Tunja. …”
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Rural Microfinance in Colombia and Financialization Process: A Case Study
Published 2021“…In addition to the national study, Survey on the use of microfinance products and services in rural areas 2018 was carried out and analyzed for deepening in the local and regional perception of microfinance services in seven municipalities belonging to the categories 4, 5 and 6 of Boyacá and Santander states. Throughout this analysis, it is evidenced that rural microfinance is not per se a solution for poverty, but it is consolidated as an instrument through which the productive initiatives of the Colombian countryside could be viable and sustainable, which is why they serve as a complementary tool of rural development policies.…”
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Economical and financial evaluation of the onion bulb agroindustry at the high Chicamocha's watering district
Published 2012“…In this context, we propose to develop the economical and financial evaluation of the onion bulb crop in the district region of Alto Chicamocha, one of the largest onion bulb producers in Boyacá. This research work is focused on the identification of the profitability and analysis of variables in the productions under a business view, using a descriptive methodology, based on primary data collection through questionnaires and interviews to producers and directors in 2011. …”
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Contributions of Printed Material in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language During the Period of Distance Education in the Municipality of Saboyá
Published 2022“…This project focuses on a qualitative research method called intrinsic case study, which aims to explore and analyze the contributions of printed material in the teaching of English as a foreign language in four public and elementary schools in rural and urban areas of Saboyá, Boyacá. The project arose due to the changes that occurred in distance learning from June to November 2020. …”
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Published 2024“…Thus, this work had the purpose of implementing a prototype supported by IoT and energized by photovoltaic energy for the monitoring of dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and salinity in the commissioning of a medium-scale aquaponic system in the municipality of Lengupa-Boyacá. The hardware architecture was carried out using an Arduino card, an electronic board based on the Atmega2560 microprocessor and a power source was supported by a photovoltaic solar panel. …”
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Validation of a questionary for measuring corbicular pollen consumer preferences via structural equations models
Published 2023“…Boyacá is one of the main bee pollen (or corbicular pollen) producers in Colombia. …”
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Characterization of hen eggs for the designing of an automatic classification system
Published 2012“…In the present work, the physical characteristics of hen eggs are analyzed to define the fracture toughness under static and dynamic conditions as well as the energy parameters for the subsequent design of an automatic classification system for the company called HUEVOS located in Duitama Boyacá. The relationship between weight, egg size, position and the compressive strength of hen eggs was found. …”
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Characterization of flying ashes of a thermoelectric plant for its possible use as an additive in the manufacture of cement
Published 2017“…The ‘flying ashes’ samples were produced in the thermal station Termopaipa IV, in the State of Boyacá, Colombia. The techniques used for the characterization were: X-Ray Fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, Optical Microscopy (Polished Thin Section) and Electronic Microscopy. …”
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Design of a computerized educational material for teaching of oscillations and waves, from students learning style
Published 2018“…It is carried out with 27 students of eleventh grade of the Institucion Técnica Educativa Valentin Garcia de Labranzagrande, Boyacá. The technological tool was designed having in mind the socio-demographic characteristics of the population, access to technology and the ability to use it. …”
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Reflections on critical reading as a need beyond the school environment
Published 2019“…The present article exposes the reflections and questions in front of a series of didactic strategies, designed with the intention of offering new experiences for the strengthening of the critical reading in students of ninth grade of an educational institution of Boyacá. Then the subject is approached with a registry of research works at the national level, which provide categorical elements on critical reading in school spaces. …”
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Saline springs in the Andean Region: Findings from the Microbiology
Published 2009“…The aim of this study was to identify the composition of the microbial iversity on three terrestrial saline springs in colombian Andes (Departments of Risaralda and Boyacá). For the accomplishment of this work two located saline springs in Central Mountain range (Salado de Consotá and Salado La Cristalina) and one located in the Eastern Mountain range were selected (Salpa). …”
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Estrategias didácticas para fortalecer fluidez y comprensión lectora en la educación rural
Published 2019“…Industrial and Minera Paz De Rio in the department of Boyacá, this institution is of rural character. It was framed within a qualitative approach, since reading is a topic of relevance and significance for the acquisition of knowledge where fluency is analyzed as an ability for reading comprehension and this is characterized from a quantitative instrument standardized test from a perspective qualitative to recognize the impact on the strengthening of reading comprehension. …”
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The dramatic game. a strategy to improve oral expression
Published 2019“…This article reviews the results of a research carried out at “San Rafael” Educational Institution in the municipality of Rondón (Boyacá) in the Granada Oriente and Páramo branches; through reflective work, based on a diagnosis made through the application of interviews and direct observation, evidencing a lackof command of verbal and gestural language used in communicative processes. …”