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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Boyacá 21
- educación 12
- Fruits 11
- Frutas 10
- Tunja 8
- Maduración 7
- aprendizaje 6
- didáctica 6
- educación rural 6
- pedagogía 6
- Colombia 5
- competitiveness 5
- competitividad 5
- economic growth 5
- education 5
- lectura 5
- productividad 5
- Bulb onion 4
- Diversity 4
- SB317.5-319.864 4
- Social Sciences 4
- caracterización 4
- characterization 4
- coal 4
- crecimiento económico 4
- geografía urbana 4
- investigación 4
- matemáticas 4
- práctica pedagógica 4
- rural education 4
Using Information Communication Technologies to Foster the Communicative Competence in Undergraduate Students at the UPTC
Published 2018“…This research article describes the results of implementing activities through Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in order to foster the communicative competence in a group of students at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, a public University in Sogamoso, Boyacá. After an exploration in which it was determined that students prefer activities with ICTs to learn English, contents and activities were adapted so they could fit students’ interests. …”
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La estética de un antipatriota : análisis hermenéutico de tres novelas de Eduardo Caballero Calderón
Published 2022Trabajo de grado - Doctorado -
Diagrams and Polyphonies: Experiences of Thought
Published 2021“…This research-based book discusses the theoretical, practical, and methodological components of the pedagogical experience: Philosophy and Childhood in the Department of Boyacá –Colombia. It presents the forms of self-constitution of a group of teachers who accepted the invitation to embrace new ways of thinking, feeling, teaching, and learning, relating to childhood and philosophy. …”
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Synthesis of Zβ From Fly Ashes, Used In Controlled Release Of Nitrates
Published 2020“…In this work, zeolite beta (Zβ) was synthesized using fly ash (CV) from coal-fired Power Plant, Termopaipa, at Paipa, Boyacá (Colombia). The silicon and aluminum were extracted from fly ash, wich performed by means an acid pretreatment followed by hydrothermal process with NaOH,. …”
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Musichology and Structural Analysis of Music. Reflexions and Pontis of Encounter
Published 2021“…This paper proposed here corresponds to the results of the development of the first phase of the research project "Fonoteca de la Banda Sinfónica de Vientos de Boyacá". In which, the need to restore the sound archive of the assembly is raised based on advances made in the preservation of existing documentary material. …”
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Moral Dilemmas as a Didactic Strategy in the Process of Critical Reading and Inference
Published 2022“…This article reveals the results obtained in the application of strategies for textual interpretation, comprehension and critical reading and inference in fourth grade elementary school students of the Sora Educational Institution in the municipality of Sora (Boyacá, Colombia). The application of the proposal allowed activating in them, the levels of comprehension and argumentation, through the revision and interpretation of written texts, in this case the moral dilemmas, used as a didactic strategy. …”
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Socio-environmental diagnostic of the agricultural productionon the Rabanl paramo (Colombia) as a basisforits agroecological reset
Published 2015“…In Colombia the paramos are located in the Western, Central and the Eastern mountain ranges, as well as in the Santa Marta Sierra Nevada; they cover a large extension of the country, reaching ther maximum representativeness in the Boyacá departament, where they supply water for the cities and country side aquaducts. …”
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Preliminary evaluation of associated viruses in production systems of cape gooseberry, purple passion fruit, and rose
Published 2018“…Over the past three years, plant material was collected from 21 farms in Cundinamarca and Boyacá, Colombia, two regions that are in close proximity to El Dorado International Airport, the country’s largest air freight terminal. …”
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Calibration of rising plate meter in prairie kikuyo grass (Pennisetum Clandestinum Hochst.Ex Chiov) in the high colombian tropics
Published 2019“…The Colombian Andean region, in the department of Boyacá at 2,560 meters above sea level in the Colombian dairy belt, livestock farms are characterized by the predominant perennial forage species known as Kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.ex Chiov), a stoloniferous growth grass. …”
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Análisis y diseño herramienta de manufactura esbelta - 5S - Departamento de Producción Carrocerías Ergobus, Duitama.
Published 2018Trabajo de grado - Pregrado -