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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 25
- educación 20
- education 18
- Colombia 15
- Educación 13
- Ciencias Sociales 12
- Education 11
- educação 11
- éducation 9
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 8
- learning 8
- Fruits 7
- aprendizaje 7
- conocimiento 7
- experience 7
- experiencia 7
- Productividad 6
- aprendizagem 6
- investigación 6
- knowledge 6
- Agricultura 5
- Agriculture 5
- Colômbia 5
- Filosofía 5
- Frutas 5
- History of Latin American Education Journal 5
- SB320-353.5 5
- experiência 5
- expérience 5
- formación 5
Political control in Colombia
Published 2013“…But that control was not only given to the legislator, but was also established to be enforced by means of departmental assemblies and municipal councils on governors and mayors, on occasion of their functions.…”
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Firmino Costa: The Republic of an intellectual and educational purpose (1907 - 1937)
Published 2014“…The purpose of this article is to analyse the performance of Firmino Costa an educator from Minas Gerais State, by taking historical feedebacks which are on the basis of ways and means of his political and intelectual roles. We have, for this analisys, looked over the works of Alonso 2008, of Oliveira 1999 and Carvalho 2003, by considering they bring up relevant contributions for the understanding of the histories of vivid ideas present between precedent years and the first decades of the Republic Proclaimation. …”
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Mariposas ithomiini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): un ejemplo de subestimación de la diversidad en el neotrópico
Published 2021“…El reconocimiento de las distintas especies y/o poblaciones es crucial en pro de la conservación, sin embargo , si el panorama no es alentador para los grandes mamíferos africanos, mucho menos lo es para otros grupos animales más diversos, pero menos conocidos, como los insectos. …”
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The The silence of the letters: Slavery, education and freedom in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 19th century)
Published 2021“…Objective: The goal of this paper is deciphering the “silence of letters” and to understand the meanings of enslaved and freed people’s education and instruction in Imperial Rio de Janeiro. …”
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AppMatetics as a support for the learning of algebraic operations in University students
Published 2021“…In the post-test, the experimental group had a mean score of 3.87, while the control group had a mean of 2.97. …”
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Journal History of Latin American Education, leader in the historical–educational research eading educational research 1998-2013
Published 2013“…It has presented academic research impact by being a means of consultation referenced. It catalogs in international Índex is Ranked in Publindex - Colciencias in category ‘B’ and is published in physical and electronic means RUDECOLOMBIA website.…”
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Effect of cutting and packaging type on the conservation of fresh-cut ‘Golden’ pineapple fruit [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.]
Published 2018“…The samples were analyzed statistically by means of a factorial design using completely random subsubdivided plots. …”
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Forgotten effects model in the strategic analysis of media
Published 2020“…The consumer's appreciation of a means of communication is the result of the aggregation and composition of certain subjective estimates, which are also different in each individual, about some qualities or characteristics that a particular medium is believed to have. …”
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La acronimia como fuente de neologismo: uso y productividad en la prensa escrita
Published 2021“…La importancia de estudiar este proceso de creación de palabras, lo confirma Fernando Ávila, delegado para Colombia de la Fundéu BBVA, (19 de junio de 2012) cuando dice: “En este mundo tan acelerado es importante decir más cosas en menos tiempo y escribirlas con menos letras. Por eso hay siglas, acrónimos, abreviaturas y símbolos, y por eso cada quien, en su taquigrafía personal, reduce los grandes pensamientos a mínimas grafías”.…”
Documento de Conferencia -
The national plan of development 2018-2022: “Pact for Colombia, pact for equity”
Published 2019“…The President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, sanctioned the development plan “Pact for Colombia, pact for equity”, established by means of Law 1955 of May 25, 2019. This plan, which will be executed in the four-year period 2018–2022, becomes the road map of public policy and investments during his presidential term.…”
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Bootstrap and Jacknnife resampling in reliability: case exponential and Weibull
Published 2016“…The comparation is carried out by simulation, using the mean square error.…”
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Contaminantes microbiológicos en un mercado del sur de Montería: Un riesgo para la salud pública
Published 2017“…Las enterobacterias aisladas de las manos de los manipuladores fueron: Citrobacter spp. (31,25 %), Proteus vulgaris (18,75 %), Klebsiella (6,25 %) y Enterobacter spp. (6,25 %). …”
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Efecto de abonos orgánicos sobre el crecimiento y producción del plátano Hartón (Musa AAB)
Published 2012“…Para el primer ciclo los abonos orgánicos no influyeron sobre las variables de crecimiento y desarrollo, solo afectaron el peso del racimo, grosor y longitud de la primera mano del racimo y no afectaron el número de dedos y el grosor de la tercera mano, para el segundo ciclo influyeron significativamente en las variables de crecimiento, desarrollo y de producción, no logró influir en el peso del racimo y en el grosor de la tercera mano.…”
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The dynamics of the math class mediated by communication
Published 2019“…It is the act of putting something in common until assigning meaning collectively, a process that enables the understanding and establishment of communicative relationships between subjects, with the purpose of giving joint meaning to what is communicated. …”
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Evaluation of a rubber nitrile stopper as container-closure system of Gavac® vaccine
Published 2020“…A risk management analysis was carried out by means of a cause and effect diagram, the conformity of this cap with the quality specifications referred to in NP 1078 was determined, the physicochemical characteristics of both caps were compared according to the characteristics manufacturer's quality standard, the effect of placebo on the physical properties of the stopper was determined and the container-closure system using the nitrile rubber stopper was evaluated by means of a tightness test and a sterility test. …”
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Published 2012“…Los suaves hortelanos, decía, de este predio, que es predio de Jesús, han de conservar puros los ojos y las manos, guardar claros sus óleos, para dar clara luz.La Maestra era pobre. …”
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El apodo en Tunja: un estudio morfo- semántico
Published 2006“…Key Words: Language, Speakers, Nickname, Morphology, Morpheme, Linguistic sign, Semantic, Meaning.…”
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Conscripted Argentine Youth in Three Military Mobilization Spaces in the 1970s
Published 2019“… These three cases, developed conceptions about the effort that the Homeland demanded from youth serving their civil duty by means of compulsory military service. At the same time, in daily life, this conception of war experience was nuanced by the conscripts ́ own understandings of the meaning of duty.…”
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Hypocenters calculation for volcanic earthquakes associated with movement of fluid in the Galeras volcano, Colombia
Published 2009“…The basic principle is the calculation of the hypocentral parameters of the earthquake by means of the simultaneous minimization of the residual ones of the extents of the waveforms from several observations. …”
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¿Cómo pudieron equivocarse tanto los economistas?
Published 2009“…Es difícil creerlo ahora, pero no hace tanto tiempo los economistas se felicitaban mutuamente por el éxito de su especialidad. Estos éxitos -o al menos así lo creían ellos- eran tanto teóricos comoprácticos y conducían a la profesión a su edad dorada.…”