Showing 941 - 960 results of 1,330 for search 'Mekano~', query time: 1.20s Refine Results
  1. 941

    Spectrophotometric Determination Profile Of Bisphenol A In The Photodegradation Process With Singlet Molecular Oxygen by Doria Herrera, Gloria Maria, Peñuela-Meza, Gustavo, Valencia, Gloria Cristina, Gomez, Ingry Natalia, Soltan, Jafar

    Published 2020
    “…Through the use of spectrophotometry as monitoring technique, it was possible to establish the optimal number of factors and the wavelength range, and to determine that ​​was possible to ensure the quantification of BPA by means of PLS, by demonstrating complex formation between BPA and EOS. …”
  2. 942

    The sense of systemization practice in higher education by Silva Ortiz, Sara Raquel

    Published 2012
    “…This reflection process gives a new concerted and contextualized meaning to the gained experience, by transforming the practices and the realities knowledge arises from. …”
  3. 943

    Teacher Evaluation in Mexican Rural Schools: A Political-Educational Analysis by Hernández Herrera, María Teresa

    Published 2020
    “…The results showed a lack of meaning of the evaluation, qualifying it as decontextualized. …”
  4. 944

    El ecoturismo. Un modo nuevo de ver el Turismo by Africano Castillo, Ana María

    Published 2009
    “…Infortunadamente, en años recientes todos aquellos cambios sociales,económicos, y ambientales entre ellos la grave contaminación que afecta nuestro entorno ha ido haciendo menos atractiva esta actividad. Por lo tanto, resulta indispensable respetar los elementos que forman parte del paisaje.…”
  5. 945

    A Breath of Poetry in the Classroom by Márquez García, Rubiela

    Published 2021
    “…The results showed that most of the children have contact with poetic texts; the liturgies become moments of aesthetic enjoyment, the children met living poets, listened to their voices, talked with them, read aloud some of their creations and immersed themselves in the world of poetry; With the talk they faced diverse poetic texts and by immersing themselves in them they filled with meaning the holes, cracks, or luminous voids, thus, they experienced states of reverie, through imagination and longing, amazement and emotion.…”
  6. 946

    Quality management system to the agrobusiness of uchuva in the municipality of Ventaquemada by Gloria Acened Puentes Montañez, Nancy Cristina Sanabria Neira

    Published 2011
    “…Colombia is a country still remains the primary economy (agriculture), and presents some shortcomings of an organizational nature, which means adopting strategies and basic development tools that come with the dynamics of the global market of food products, for the world agribusiness facing a radical change, requiring the application of technology and knowledge that allow to add value to their products due to the rapid growth of global trade in goods and services, innovation, customer pressure for quality goods The evolution of communication and competition. …”
  7. 947

    A predictive model for the identification of the volume fraction in two-phase flow by Ruiz-Diaz, C M, Hernández-Cely, M. M, González-Estrada, O. A

    Published 2021
    “…The best-performing predictive model shows a mean percentage absolute error of 3.07 % and a coefficient of determination R2 of 0.985 using 15 neurons in the two hidden layers of the neural network. …”
  8. 948

    Enzymatic quantification method with DNS for ß-mannanase in soybeans and in a nutritional additive by Ruiz Chatez, Danyerly Johana, Afanasjeva, Natalia

    Published 2022
    “…The method used is based on the determination of reducing sugars with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid complemented with ultraviolet spectroscopy, where by means of a mannose calibration curve it is possible to determine the amount of sugars released by an equivalent unit of enzyme (U) in the raw material, in a commercial nutritional additive and when added in the soybeans. …”
  9. 949

    Analyzing ads Under Calla in an EFL Classroom. A Case Study with Middle School Students in Colombia by Cruz Bernal, Daniel Alirio

    Published 2023
    “…The increased access to television, computers, or mobile devices means that children not only have more access to digital information, but they also need to be able to assess or filter it by themselves. …”
  10. 950

    A Version of a Story by Aguirre, Jahir, Ramos Holguín, Bertha

    Published 2013
    “…The only bad thing that happened, apparently I mean, was the fact that I did not share the taxi ride after leaving. …”
  11. 951


    Published 2013
    “…This is in order to make an approach to understand the current state and provide a conceptual input that advices decision making, policies and programs regarding ICTs towards its trends in universities. ICTs mean modernization, quality, productivity, better services and support to educational processes. …”
  12. 952

    Un viaje por la movilidad cotidiana. El espacio entre el transporte y el individuo by Salerno, Bruno

    Published 2014
    “…Este problema va de la mano de la tensión entre agregadoindividuo. Finalmente, la argumentación va a ser construida en clave de la relación entre la movilidad como una práctica social y las relaciones sociales y la producción del espacio en general. …”
  13. 953

    Electronic Engineering students’ interactions through forums in the virtual component of a blended learning course by Alpala, Carol Anne Ochoa

    Published 2014
    “…Results reveal that the Electronic Engineering students established a social bond that led themto become a virtual learning community in which they shared ideas, agreed on meaning and constructed knowledge through the use of English for Specific Purposes. …”
  14. 954

    Don Agustín Nieto Caballero andante de la educación by Marcel (Pompilio Iriarte Cadena), Ángel

    Published 2014
    “…Entre los pocos maestros inolvidables del autor figura don Agustin Nieto Caballero, un ilustre educador bogotano que, a partir de las teorias psicologicas, pedagogicas y filosoficas de Jhon Dewey, Ovide Decroly, Maria Montesori y Henri Bergson, instituyo en Colombia la Escuela Nueva, y fundo con otros colombianos no menos notables, en 1914, el Gimnasio Moderno que tanta influencia ha tenido en el desarrollo edeucativo del pais y de America Latina. …”
  15. 955

    Doce magnos oradores: Breves consideraciones biográficas e intento de acercamiento a uno de sus discursos by Corredor Tapias, Joselyn

    Published 2013
    “…Respecto de dos oradores, infortunadamente, no se presenta el texto del discurso debido a que no se halló –al menos hasta el momento– muestra escrita. Finalmente, a manera de conclusión, se dan a conocer unos planteamientos generales sobre estas doce figuras emblemáticas en el campo de la oratoria.…”
  16. 956

    La Estrella del Tolima Newspaper, 1882-1884. The Last Breath of Radical Liberalism in Neiva by Ruíz Martínez, Jean Paul, Salamanca Arévalo, Cristian

    Published 2016
    “…Afterwards, we explore the position and strategy proposed by the radicals, by means of La Estrella, in order to survive as a political power in the national scene and maintain control of the government in the Sovereign State of Tolima. …”
  17. 957

    African descent women teachers in the Caribbean region of colombia: A case study by Martinez Carazo, Piedad Cristina, Lago De Vergara, Diana Elvira, Buelvas Martínez, Armando

    Published 2016
    “…In addition, it was carried out a review of legal and empirical background in the field of ethno-education by means of the case study methodology. The results demonstrate that the existence of a State policy on ethno-education, despite the lack of resources for its implementation, has constituted an orientation guide for the teacher, object of this study, whose teaching practices have played a key role in dynamising the teaching process as well as consolidating the identity shared by students, parents and her very own Afro-descendant community. …”
  18. 958

    Flexible Borders. Gender, Journalism and Political Sociability in Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1946-1953) by de Arce, Alejandra, Salomón, Alejandra

    Published 2017
    “…The present study reflects on the relations that existed between the different branches of the Peronist movement, by means of a micro-historical approach based on the analysis of life stories, photographs, personal archives, press and party documents.…”
  19. 959

    Absolutismo en los primeros escritos políticos de Locke by Valenzuela Perez, Wilson Alcides

    Published 2012
    “…Resumen:Locke en sus primeros escritos políticos, conocidos hoy como Two Tracts on Government, argumentabaa favor del poder absoluto del legislativo sobre todas las acciones indiferentes de la sociedad civilen asuntos sagrados no menos que profanos. El absolutismo secular se presentaba como la soluciónmás adecuada para el logro de la convivencia social en una época en que las constantes guerras dereligión amenazaban la paz pública. …”
  20. 960

    Ignacio Torres Giraldo and Political Languages in Colombia, 1893-1968 by Largo Vargas, Joan Manuel

    Published 2019
    “…The study of this writer and politicians’ personal archive and the reconstruction of the linguistic context in his works, in dialogue with elements of Cultural History and a new Political-Intellectual History, enable new interpretations on the meaning of this particular individual and his relation with the social and political context. …”