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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Sciences 25
- educación 20
- education 18
- Colombia 15
- Educación 13
- Ciencias Sociales 12
- Education 11
- educação 11
- éducation 9
- Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 8
- learning 8
- Fruits 7
- aprendizaje 7
- conocimiento 7
- experience 7
- experiencia 7
- Productividad 6
- aprendizagem 6
- investigación 6
- knowledge 6
- Agricultura 5
- Agriculture 5
- Colômbia 5
- Filosofía 5
- Frutas 5
- History of Latin American Education Journal 5
- SB320-353.5 5
- experiência 5
- expérience 5
- formación 5
Research and contemporary history taught in the Northern Patagonia
Published 2018“…However, that does not mean a lack in the classrooms. Although being aware of the recent processes in teaching demands that teachers review and rethink things around these challenges, it would suppose that its importance is understood from the commitment to facilitate and favor the formation of active, critical and responsiblecitizens with present and future problems; issues approached in the framework of diverse and heterogeneous contexts.…”
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Decolonizing Language Teachers’ Teaching Practices through a Postmethod Pedagogy
Published 2017“…Secondly, the manuscript addresses the teaching approach in which the proposed activities are embedded as a means to stress the necessity to start decolonizing pedagogical practices. …”
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Textbooks Decontextualization within Bilingual Education in Colombia
Published 2017“…In Colombia, English textbooks are included as a means to support language learning under bilingualism policies. …”
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Biomass and nutritional quality of four varieties of alfalfa to be introduced in Pamplona, Colombia
Published 2018“…The ANOVA tests showed no significant differences among the alfalfa varieties for the environmental conditions of the municipality of Pamplona, which means that all varieties can be introduced in this agroecosystem.…”
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The real and the imagery in the building of the first stage of the republic of Colombia
Published 2011“…The present article a relection about how the history has been a improvement means of the elites in the Colombian society, in spite of the various processes of historic knowledge, this scenery is still alive. …”
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Content analysis of area concept in higher education
Published 2018“…The aim is to establish a comparison between two squared areas by means of the ratio between them. The results show that a meaningful task was designed for students since it is a problem solving of the concept of area in the topographical context. …”
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Emotions in physical education from the constructivist perspective: analysis of the curriculums of Spain and Chile
Published 2019“…The main theories of constructivist learning recognize the emotional dimension as an essential component of the educational act, since it is one of the mediating elements in the interpretation and meaning of reality. This perspective has impacted all the disciplines of the curriculum and specifically that of Physical Education, which is a very special subject, since it requires learners to be involved in all its dimensions, where in addition the social exposure is usually a very common situation. …”
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Reflection of the Critical Theory, Revolutionary Pedagogy and Liberating Education
Published 2017“…The research makes an analysis of critical theory from Horkheimer, the revolutionary pedagogy proposed by Peter McLaren and liberating education in the perspective of Paulo Freire, contributes to breaking down the meaning of education in the twentieth century and its projection in the XXI century. …”
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Life-cycle analysis of the publications in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) production, by S-curve
Published 2019“…The objective of the study was to study the life-cycle of publications related to quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) production, by means of in S-curves. The bibliographical revision was made in the Scopus database. …”
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The challenge: educate to coexist
Published 2019“…This research aimed to developpedagogical strategies that promote school coexistence in the third, fourth and fifth grade students of the branch “Campoamor” of the “ÁlvaroGonzález Santana” Educational Institution (IEPAGS), in Sogamoso - Boyacá. school life, communicative citizenship skills (CCC), and classroom climate: three axes that gave meaning to the research were defined. Likewise, pedagogical strategies proposed from Guide 49 “Pedagogical guidelines for school coexistence” of the Ministry of National Education - MEN, aimed at the development of communicative citizenship skills: argumentation, assertiveness and active listening.…”
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Dialogic listening: how music may help us become better philosophers
Published 2019“…I then argue that the activity of listening to an interlocutor during Socratic dialogues on the one hand, and listening to music on the other, may in both cases be understood as a precondition for the process of engagement and, consequently, the co-creation of meaning as a central objective to the philosophical practice. …”
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Private banking, banking legislation and banking centralization between 1870 and 1923 in Colombia
Published 2018“…Private Banks, for example, the Kemmerer Mission in 1922, which raised the need to centralize the country's banking system, thus giving rise to the Bank of the Republic, with functions of the Central Bank and regulating private banks by means of the Banking Superintendence.…”
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Enhancing EFL speaking in rural settings : challenges and opportunities for material developers [E-Book]
Published 2021“…This book presents some of those reasons by means of illustrating the fluctuating challenges and opooortunities while developing contextualized materials to enhance the speaking skill in rural settings. …”
Libro -
Enhancing EFL speaking in rural settings : challenges and opportunities for material developers
Published 2021“…This book presents some of those reasons by means of illustrating the fluctuating challenges and opooortunities while developing contextualized materials to enhance the speaking skill in rural settings. …”
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Factores que determinan el desarrollo de competencias científicas en los estudiantes de básica primaria del municipio de Bucaramanga
Published 2021“…Spa: Los resultados en las pruebas censales donde participan nuestros estudiantes van de la mano de una serie de aspectos propios del contexto, por ello,es imperativo reconocer aquellos elementos que intervienen directa e indirectamente en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Religación de la práctica en el proceso formativo para los programas de formación inicial de profesionales de la educación
Published 2021“…Spa: La práctica no puede ser definida ni regulada de antemano, mucho menos desde ámbitos ajenos a la escuela, porque la práctica exige la producción de un saber situacional de parte de los docentes como diría Hargreaves (1996), de estilos de actuación docente como dice Fenstermacher (1989), de teorías personales lo dice Feldman, (1995) e inclusive configuraciones didácticas como lo expone Litwin, (1997), todos ellos citado por Diker & Terigi, (1997). …”
Documento de Conferencia -
CoPres: Software de costos y presupuestos de obra
Published 2021“…Almacén, para controlar los insumos empleados en el proyecto y Contratos, para controlar planillas de pago de mano de obra o de cualquier otro subcontrato, equivale a realizar los cortes periódicos del proyecto. …”
Documento de Conferencia -
Implementación de cobro por el uso del vehículo y motocicleta como incentivo para la movilidad sostenible en Bogotá D.C.
Published 2024“…Through virtual surveys it was possible to know the socioeconomic profile of the users of these means of transport, as well as their provision to pay. …”
Tesis de maestría -
Biomass and growth rates behavior of two varieties of Iulo (Solanum qurtoense Lam.) in Pachavita—Boyaca
Published 2016“…The Criollo variety showed a slow increase in the FI, which was progressive until reaching its peak at 128 DAA, accumulating 0.107 g/day, which meant a slower increase in size over time, demonstrating greater initial landfill power in Chonto grueso variety, regarding the Criollo variety in terms of dry matter. …”
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El comercio electrónico como herramienta de comercialización para los empresarios.
Published 2014“…Electronic Commerce (E -Commerce ) , initially conceived as a supplementary mean of other forms of commerce , is now being projected as a technology to make a change, that by theircost- benefit is available to all companies. …”